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We don't disagree but a woman In power , who continued to get undermined went off & just got rejected like LF by Sansa

Not everyone It's still posters In here waving their flag for Cersi & rightfully so , Great Villain Cats gon be mad as fuck when they getting mediocre TV soon

Tywin was the best actor on this show. Then Cersei.
All they had to do was say jin and dany should marry. But nobody saying shit
Jon wouldnt marry her after having his lineage revealed.

Maybe before but now.....nah

Plus Dany didnt want a king that would challenge her rule. She always would have known the ppl favored AeJon
NK was easier for you niggas to follow/digest because at the end of the day it was a basic zombie apocalypse story line give you niggas deep charcters and complex decision and y'all fake pointing out plot holes gtfoh
I have some gripes about this season but some people on here and twitter are killing me with the nitpicking. Some things could have been done different and no show is above critique so I get it. But what made this show what it was, the politics, the dialogue, the slow build up, the big reveals, etc. This season was never gonna be that. Its time out for all that. They had to get straight to the shits. This season HAD to be different because its wrapping everything up. If you think Dany's turn was outta nowhere then you obvs hadnt been watching. I had a problem with how Cersei went out but ultimately they showed that she was nothing in the grand scheme of things.So that's how she died. . Those dragons where always the elephant in the room. We never saw the full potential until now .. I think it was brilliant what they did in making Dany the final threat instead of the NK or Cersei. Just because your silly ass fan theories aren't coming to fruition and shit isnt ending how YOU wanted it to doesnt make it trash or horrible writing. I think it was Gabi or somebody else that said the fans are ruining the show not the writers and I agree with that now. This season hasnt been trash at all, just different.. But it had to be
And a few of y'all not being objective. I'm not saying the show sucks now cause I've enjoyed and looked forward to each episode.

I'm just saying, as many others are, that it's not as good as it should have been given how well prior seasons were done.

And no I can't outline better direction for the show cause I'm not paid millions of dollars to do this. But I can tell when something's gone from outstanding to good.

They not real show watchers bruh if they cant tell the show went from OG space kush to just some regular exotic they trippin
Niggas mad simple " if Jon gave her the dick everything of been good"

Some of y'all say this as a joke the rest of y'all dickheads are dead serious

She wanted love not dick and when has this show ever been about basic solutions to complex issues
Perfect example of somebody who just watches the show and nothing else they have been foreshadowing it for years

Nigga please watched the show and read the books from the jump. There is not one instance if dany doing any crazy murder shit until last night. There was no foreshadowing of madness other than people saying Targs go mad. She never killed an innocent. She been traumatized since the first season but didnt snap until Kings Landing? Youre a newb
You a real show watcher but yet you think Danny's turn was only done in two episodes yeah you watched it but you didn't understand it

Bruh point to her forshadowing? She burned the Tarlys and she burned some masters in meereen. None of those people were that innocent. Whole series she never harmed innocents or even made a threat.

What show you watching?
Nigga said he watched the shows and read the books and still didn't see the glimmer of mad king in her eyes or none of the many subtle hints that she could go crazy

I'm not even going to to speak more on this
You really going to tell me a zombie getting stabbed is just as damaging as a

100 foot tall into dragon fire plus the green fire shit on top of falling debris is the same dam effect? Wtf

This dude @DOS_patos still crying I told his bitch ass that he no longer has a voice since his set melted, how you hating from outside the club you cant even get in??

One more time if you were Team Targaryen before Season 8 you need to stand by that shit cuz I have the list of who y'all are and it's muthafuckas who calling me a turncoat but bounced mid season on Danearys. Niggas tryna talk down Danearys and claim Stark and Jon Snow now but swore by "Targ Gang Ya Bish Dragons n Shit!" Just a season ago. Niggas is full hoe and ain't shit...

I pulled up the old IC threads got me like

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It'll be way worse if I have to call niggas out !!!!

Um, wasnt you team littlefinger Just last season?
Nigga said he watched the shows and read the books and still didn't see the glimmer of mad king in her eyes or none of the many subtle hints that she could go crazy

I'm not even going to to speak more on this

She had one sublte hint of madness in like 8 seasons. Burned tarlys killed masters in meereen after they fully violated(if she was mad she wouldve killed them all anyway early) and locked some people up whomtried to steal her dragons.

None of that foreshadowed this bruh. Saying targs go mad aint foreshadowing.
Nigga said he watched the shows and read the books and still didn't see the glimmer of mad king in her eyes or none of the many subtle hints that she could go crazy

I'm not even going to to speak more on this

Nah you just trying to explain away bad writing because you like it. You know this shit is rushed and makes no sense. Just being contrary