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Explain to me how the Mountain all of a sudden got a mind of his own? And why kill Qyburn? Was he tired of being told what to do? No sign of that. Was his hate for his brother that strong? Sure we know the Hound hated him, but nothing about the Mountain's hate for him being THAT strong.

And Dany was ok with stopping at the toll of the bells before the battle. So what pushed her over the edge? What made her snap? If Grey Worm had been killed or her dragon wounded I could have understood it more.
Dont forget Dany crucified 200 some odd masters, whether they were for or against the slave trade

She always been ruthless but had the Westorosi there to stop her impulses. Mormont. Barriston. Tyrion. Jon. Hell that black dude and her handmaiden still locked in that vault lol for fucks sake.

All in all, from jump Dany wanted to lay waste to anything in her path to the throne but was held in check. But now....in the famous words of that one Housewife chick

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She ain't got no one to tell her stop.
You really going to tell me a zombie getting stabbed is just as damaging as a

100 foot tall into dragon fire plus the green fire shit on top of falling debris is the same dam effect? Wtf
he got stabbed with a sowrd that damn near came out his bacl....then stabbed several more times and then in the eye.....and he would not die.

so yes.....it does seem like a fall wont do shit.
Explain to me how the Mountain all of a sudden got a mind of his own? And why kill Qyburn? Was he tired of being told what to do? No sign of that. Was his hate for his brother that strong? Sure we know the Hound hated him, but nothing about the Mountain's hate for him being THAT strong.

And Dany was ok with stopping at the toll of the bells before the battle. So what pushed her over the edge? What made her snap? If Grey Worm had been killed or her dragon wounded I could have understood it more.
Mountain always hated the Hound. Even before this they couldn't be around each other.

They was gonna fight in the dragon pit had Hound not walked away.

When two dogs bout to scrap you don't step in the middle of that shit. Notice Cersei walked around
This dude @DOS_patos still crying I told his bitch ass that he no longer has a voice since his set melted, how you hating from outside the club you cant even get in??

Um, wasnt you team littlefinger Just last season?
i swear...end of the season.......im fucking you up.
Dont forget Dany crucified 200 some odd masters, where they were for or against the slave trade

She always been ruthless but had the Westorosi there to stop her impulses. Mormont. Barriston. Tyrion. Jon. Hell that black dude and her handmaiden still locked in that vault lol for fucks sake.

All in all, from jump Dany wanted to lay waste to anything in her path to the throne but was held in check. But now....in the famous words of that one Housewife chick

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She ain't got no one to tell her stop.

Have to lead them by the hand like children but they're real. Show watchers Danny been on tye edge of total destruction before all her friends died and she lost two additional kids
What ?

They've been foreshadowing Dany since season 5. She's supposed to break the wheel but everywhere she goes she's telling people to bend the knee. You niggas weren't paying attention because "your house" was winning and that's all y'all cared about. Most of the shit has been right in front of y'all from jump. Did you really think she was going to come to Westeros with all she had and not take no Ls ?? All it was going to take was time but as the saying goes Father Time is undefeated and Danearys has a short temper. She is no different than the other characters who had power and lost it. Theon, Robb, Littlefinger, Alastair Thorne, Cersei, Tywin, Oberyn Martell, Ramsay Bolton, Walder Frey, Stannis, all of them.

I'll take it a step further we ripped on Stannis for killing A little girl. Danearys is worst than Stannis and Cersei. Danearys went and killed thousands of men, women and children and watched from the skies as her troops pillaged and raped SMMFH. And this the queen these muthafuckas wanna kneel to ? LOOOOLOOLLOLOLOL

as long as you skipped over the icegawd
One more time if you were Team Targaryen before Season 8 you need to stand by that shit cuz I have the list of who y'all are and it's muthafuckas who calling me a turncoat but bounced mid season on Danearys. Niggas tryna talk down Danearys and claim Stark and Jon Snow now but swore by "Targ Gang Ya Bish Dragons n Shit!" Just a season ago. Niggas is full hoe and ain't shit...

I pulled up the old IC threads got me like

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It'll be way worse if I have to call niggas out !!!!

Call those traitors out
On one hand I get all the complaints about storylines and continuity etc etc

But at the end of the day it’s still sci fi so I’m not gonna be shaking my fist at this show. I’m just trying to be entertained and last night was good shit. This was the only time I can remember rooting for Dany. This season has been a bit soap opera-ish but again I’m not gonna make a big deal about it.

If anybody should catch heat it’s not the showrunnners it’s george RR Martin. GET OFF YO ASS AND FINISH THE BOOKS FUCK NIGGA! You left HBO to their own devices and they turned what is arguably the greatest show ever into As Westeros turns.
lol at this nigga @Sion having the nerve of calling anybody out when this nigga done claimed damn near every house in westeros at some point lmao
What ?

They've been foreshadowing Dany since season 5. She's supposed to break the wheel but everywhere she goes she's telling people to bend the knee. You niggas weren't paying attention because "your house" was winning and that's all y'all cared about. Most of the shit has been right in front of y'all from jump. Did you really think she was going to come to Westeros with all she had and not take no Ls ?? All it was going to take was time but as the saying goes Father Time is undefeated and Danearys has a short temper. She is no different than the other characters who had power and lost it. Theon, Robb, Littlefinger, Alastair Thorne, Cersei, Tywin, Oberyn Martell, Ramsay Bolton, Walder Frey, Stannis, all of them.

I'll take it a step further we ripped on Stannis for killing A little girl. Danearys is worst than Stannis and Cersei. Danearys went and killed thousands of men, women and children and watched from the skies as her troops pillaged and raped SMMFH. And this the queen these muthafuckas wanna kneel to ? LOOOOLOOLLOLOLOL

So those little tidbits is wnough to count as foreshadowing to you? Every conversation she was saying i dont want to be like that. Her burning the Tarly father was cool the son was an idiot. That was wild but understood. Her burning the fleet in meereen was war thats not madness. Literally never killed any innocents the whole show told dothraki and ironborn no rape or murder and didnt even want to open the fighting pits.

Be serious here. They made her snap once she lost her dragon. To me an many others nobody thought she was ever going to burn KL until this season. I thought the whole ash iron throne was gonna be from Cersei using wildfire. But that was just theory. But yall acting like yall knew she was going to do this in season 5? Foh
On one hand I get all the complaints about storylines and continuity etc etc

But at the end of the day it’s still sci fi so I’m not gonna be shaking my fist at this show. I’m just trying to be entertained and last night was good shit. This was the only time I can remember rooting for Dany. This season has been a bit soap opera-ish but again I’m not gonna make a big deal about it.

If anybody should catch heat it’s not the showrunnners it’s george RR Martin. GET OFF YO ASS AND FINISH THE BOOKS FUCK NIGGA! You left HBO to their own devices and they turned what is arguably the greatest show ever into As Westeros turns.

Have to lead them by the hand like children but they're real. Show watchers Danny been on tye edge of total destruction before all her friends died and she lost two additional kids

Ok i forgot about the crucifixion ill give yall that. Buuuuut as a black person i cant never see the wrong in killing 200 slave masters. Especially after they crucified 200 slaves.

But if yall feel like burning kings landing was expected back in season 5 then ok you got it
LOLOLOLOLOL dude that's what foreshadowing is, it's a warning of potential future events it's not supposed to be blatantly obvious maaaannn

But foreshadowing in this series has been blatantly obvious for almost every other event. Cersei burning the Sept wasnt a complete turn of events it made sense because she had the wildfire. They aint put that type of effort for dany until this season. Yall actting like Dany being this way this season isnt a complete 360 from the first 6 seasons
The foreshadowing was not obvious and that's not how that works. You did not know Oberyn Martell was gonna die, you did not know Robb or Ned were gonna die, you didn't know Arya was gonna kill the NK or how most the shit was gonna play out. They foreshadowed Dany in season 6 with subtle hints. The build up was there it's just people were distracted by other events or what house they wanted to win.

I definitely didn't. It's ok to admit when you're wrong. You theory warriors can bow out peacefully. All that prophecy shit was meant to be taken with a grain of salt.

I knew robb was gonna die but i had read about his death by accident so it was a hindsight thing. Same with Ned i didnt think they would kill a main character but when you look at how he just told Cersei his moves what else could be expected. After first season it was anybody could die. But i expected things from certain chatacters. I still think Dany going crazy was not executed right.
The foreshadowing was not obvious and that's not how that works. You did not know Oberyn Martell was gonna die, you did not know Robb or Ned were gonna die, you didn't know Arya was gonna kill the NK or how most the shit was gonna play out. They foreshadowed Dany in season 6 with subtle hints. The build up was there it's just people were distracted by other events or what house they wanted to win.

I definitely didn't. It's ok to admit when you're wrong. You theory warriors can bow out peacefully. All that prophecy shit was meant to be taken with a grain of salt.

I never went by any prophecies tho. Direct that to the azor ahai thing or jaimie killing cersei