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They literally showed in season 4 a vision Bran had of King's Landing all smokey with the shadow of a dragon flying over it. They also showed the wildfire being filled underneath KL.

Yea i know the vision and i thought it would be cersi who did it not Dany because cersei made sense. They didnt do enough to make dany ruthless imo
the difference between a prissy officer type ho ass nigga

And a real nigga that came from the dirt

Honorable mention steve rogers too
So are we rolling with prophecies or nah? Azor Ahai is a prophecy but it's just that and does not need to be fulfilled.

On the other hand, Targs go crazy and every prophecy and vision showing Dany going crazy is to be fulfilled.

Crazy thing is, the stronger prophecies and foreshadowing that were built are being put aside for shit that wasn't even made apparent through the story telling.

Yeah, it's easy to look back and say this or that was telling us this would happen cause hindsight is 20/20. So y'all reaching saying they been setting Dany up to go crazy for multiple seasons now. No one thought anything she did was a sign of crazy until they look back now.

Two things...

1. That you can go back and look means that it is there to be seen. I don't really know what your point is there.

2. I can remember a few cats in the IC saying they thought Dany would be a mad queen...so.....
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You saying that shit like the mountain has skills that dude just big.

Oberyn was beating the brakes off the mountain easy as shit until he got to cocky. He was actually toying with the mountain. Brienne got more skills than the mountain and Arya more than held her own.

I riding with my STARKSET killer Arya Stark even against the mountain.

I respeck skills not size.

One more time if you were Team Targaryen before Season 8 you need to stand by that shit cuz I have the list of who y'all are and it's muthafuckas who calling me a turncoat but bounced mid season on Danearys. Niggas tryna talk down Danearys and claim Stark and Jon Snow now but swore by "Targ Gang Ya Bish Dragons n Shit!" Just a season ago. Niggas is full hoe and ain't shit...

I pulled up the old IC threads got me like

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It'll be way worse if I have to call niggas out !!!!

Wait a minute.. How the serial switcher gone tell other people to stay put?
How many of y'all truly thought Dany being the real villain was going to happen?

I said that after the 1st ep when Dany had beef with Sansa and Sam.You could tell she wanted to make Winterfell bend to her will.Then when she told Jon not to tell,I knew she was on some shit.

I thought maybe she would turn against winterfell though. and still might

It's a little more complicated than Dany being a villain and that's what I love about what they did

They showed the true brutality of war from the "good guys" side
How many of y'all truly thought Dany being the real villain was going to happen?

GRRM said the ending would be bitter sweet like 4 years ago I knew either Jon or Danny would die a heroic death of they would have to kill eachother and since they kept hinting at the mad Queens shit it would end up Danny vs Jon they gave us all the clues
Aye @Los216 fam you got any wild theories for the series finale?

I know you disappointed Littlefinger didnt return riding one of the Iron Banks hidden dragons this episode
But foreshadowing in this series has been blatantly obvious for almost every other event. Cersei burning the Sept wasnt a complete turn of events it made sense because she had the wildfire. They aint put that type of effort for dany until this season. Yall actting like Dany being this way this season isnt a complete 360 from the first 6 seasons

What show have you been watching.Dany been showing signs of brutality under the guise of revolution

Yeah the slave masters deserved what they got,but she still crucified and burned massive amounts of ppl and at least 1 innocent man.

Dany has only not burned down KL because her advisers said not to

She may have been more merciful if all the things that happened didn't happen in Westeros though.
The foreshadowing was not obvious and that's not how that works. You did not know Oberyn Martell was gonna die, you did not know Robb or Ned were gonna die, you didn't know Arya was gonna kill the NK or how most the shit was gonna play out. They foreshadowed Dany in season 6 with subtle hints. The build up was there it's just people were distracted by other events or what house they wanted to win.

I definitely didn't. It's ok to admit when you're wrong. You theory warriors can bow out peacefully. All that prophecy shit was meant to be taken with a grain of salt.
Unexpected events are totally ok, as long as they are in line with how the character has been developed. Oberyn was cocky the whole time, so him getting snuck while taking shit is still in line with his character. Ned was too noble for the game and Joffrey was a prick, so him getting beheaded was still in line with the characters.

Arya killing the night King was bullshit because it was out of character for the night King to be taken out that way. This nigga been alive for thousands of years, has touched Bran in visions, smart enough to lure Dany in to take a dragon and destroy the wall, etc., but this nigga walk right into a trap?

Dany going full mad queen is out of character for her based on how she's been presented. She was against killing innocents the whole 7 seasons and 4 episodes, but now it's cool? She should have at least shown her down to consider killing innocents at some point in the past but was pulled back by advisors. All her killings were portrayed as totally justified until the end of last season.
Nobody did.

I definitely didn't. Originally I didn't even think she'd make it to the season 8 finale. This is also partly why I love that the theory warriors are fuming. As I've always said just when you think GRRM is going right he takes a hard left and throws a wrench in your plans and theories.

Nobody would have thought that after all the build-up after 10 years Danearys Targaryen would end up becoming the main villain. It wasn't the Night's King, it wasn't Cersei, it wasn't anyone we would have predicted. It was Danearys Targaryen.

I called dany going villain after the 1st ep this season.Check the files
GRRM said the ending would be bitter sweet like 4 years ago I knew either Jon or Danny would die a heroic death of they would have to kill eachother and since they kept hinting at the mad Queens shit it would end up Danny vs Jon they gave us all the clues
U don't think if jon would've shown her some love/dick, that them cacs wouldn't have gotten burnt?

Jon surprised me completely falling out of love with his aunt. He definitely can't get the throne he too wholesome.
i was on page 322 prior to watching this past episode

its now on 355...fuck alla dat

first off, i hate this nigga @Goldie..now im watching the episodes nitpicking and shit

i didnt like this episode one bit
Nobody did.

I definitely didn't. Originally I didn't even think she'd make it to the season 8 finale. This is also partly why I love that the theory warriors are fuming. As I've always said just when you think GRRM is going right he takes a hard left and throws a wrench in your plans and theories.

Nobody would have thought that after all the build-up after 10 years Danearys Targaryen would end up becoming the main villain. It wasn't the Night's King, it wasn't Cersei, it wasn't anyone we would have predicted. It was Danearys Targaryen.
I don't think people were against Dany going mad queen, the descent was just poorly executed.
Unexpected events are totally ok, as long as they are in line with how the character has been developed. Oberyn was cocky the whole time, so him getting snuck while taking shit is still in line with his character. Ned was too noble for the game and Joffrey was a prick, so him getting beheaded was still in line with the characters.

Arya killing the night King was bullshit because it was out of character for the night King to be taken out that way. This nigga been alive for thousands of years, has touched Bran in visions, smart enough to lure Dany in to take a dragon and destroy the wall, etc., but this nigga walk right into a trap?

Dany going full mad queen is out of character for her based on how she's been presented. She was against killing innocents the whole 7 seasons and 4 episodes, but now it's cool? She should have at least shown her down to consider killing innocents at some point in the past but was pulled back by advisors. All her killings were portrayed as totally justified until the end of last season.

Out of character how?

The NK had never went against a group like ours.he was picking off wildlings not trained soldiers with 2 dragons.

Dany been going crazy for yrs.She been hot headed.She been burning ppl up.

it wasn't no drastic change like "How did this happen"

plus in the books Dany questions her own sanity a lot

but books and TV are different.If they kept telling us "dany might be crazy" every other ep we wouldn't get the shock and awe of last night.

Plus sometimes ppl do things out of character in real life.