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I am not doubting that Cersei is cold hearted. I'm saying that originally she didn't want any of this.

Cersei had no choice to take the throne because her children were all killed. If she could have they would have ruled forever as she wanted. She did everything she could to protect her children, Jaime and her family. She has to be the way she is because she has many enemies and they all want her dead. They will not reason and they won't stop until they get what they want.

Triggerfinger killed Jon Arryn which kicked off the events of Game of Thrones, she was wed to a man who never loved her and also beat and cheated on her every chance he could get because his first true love died loving Rhaegar Targaryen, Jaime pushed Bran out a window, Tywin killed Robb and sent men to spy on and kill Danearys, Tywin and Triggerfinger conspired to get and keep the Boltons as Warden's of the North and Walder Frey wealthy. Triggerfinger and Olenna are the ones who killed Joffrey and because of Tywin's hatred of Tyrion, in the end it got Myrcella killed because Oberyn Martell elected to be his champion and lost which led to Ellaria Sand killing Myrcella out of spite. She did everything to protect Tommen who appeared to be destined to be a good king until her killed himself. Remember it was also Tyrion who sent Myrcella off to Dorne in the first place to protect his niece and spite his sister. It was also Tyrion who killed her father who might have been the only person capable of protecting her family. And we wonder WHY Cersei is the way she is ??? Go back and watch seasons 2-5 she said she didn't want any of this.

Now it has all caught up to her and she has no choice but to fight because her opposition obviously won't. But the vast majority of the shit wasn't even her beef to begin with. But she's the one who has to deal with it.

This is grade A bullshit here. Lest we forget:




Not trying to hear that when this hoe blew up the damn church, taking out THOUSANDS of innocent people in the process. She been had to go.

Dany needs to torch ALL these muhfuckas. Vary about to get to the ax, too. Just remember: Melisandre told him he'd die in Westeros as well. Looks like now we know why.
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Let's kick facts. Dany gets judged more harshly for shit that gets praised in others. When jon rush head and feet first into stupid shit, he's a hero. Arya went on a killing spree for her family, she's a hero. Sansa wants to be queen, she a hero. Cersei literally burned niggas alive with the very wildfire the mad king burned innocents with. Dany burned 2 enemies who said they was glad to die and here niggas come hollering bout some MAD QUEEN. Her main bitch just got executed by the real mad queen. Who wouldn't be mad at that?!

She the only one not allowed to show emotions. She cant win with nobody. If she took KL with her armies and dragons at full strength she'd be a tyrant and the mad queen. If she tries to do it peacefully and not kill a bunch innocents, she stupid for not using armies and dragons. If she went to KL first before dealing with night king the north woulda got slaughtered. She helps fight the dead now niggas wana act like she ain't did shit and aing supposed to be repaid lol.

Dany is the story of the black woman in America! We get called angry before we even do shit or when we're reacting the way anybody else would.

You got a right to be mad boo boo

Can't tell if you serious or just trolling.
im 20 minutes into the last episode. all i will say is that podric should be on that iron throne
They have been building up to it from season 6 when Tyrion was trying to make peace with the slavers and she killed them all. She wanted to break the w

For the 8th time....

Nobody is doubting that Cersei is cold hearted. I'm saying most of her problems were inherited from beefs other characters had with each other and she has to be the way she is because they can't be reasoned with. She never wanted her children to die and did everything in her power to protect them. She wanted to kill the faith militants and Tyrells who were plotting ironically to take Tommen from her because he was the central focus of power. If the faith militants and others were gonna die so be it as long as Tommen and Jaime were secure. She would protect her family by any means necessary.

It doesn't matter what happens to Varys what we can all agree on is that Danearys won't make a good ruler and they all know it. That's saying a lot.

lol most of Cerceis problems were things she brought upon herself.

the faith militant wouldn't have even been a problem if Cercei didn't put them in a position of control because she was scared of losing power and jealous of Margaery
Jon Arryn was Triggerfinger which kicked off the events of Game of Thrones and trickled throughout Westeros resulting in the war of the the 5 kings. Tywin Lannister killed Robb Stark and from that the Boltons became Warden of the North and in conjunction to that Oberyn Martell ended up becoming a casualty all because Tyrion was used as a scapegoat for Joffrey's death. Jaime Lannister killed the mad king but at the same time Tywin also sent Jorah and many spies to keep watch on Danearys and kill her.

The faith militants were the only ones she thought could protect her from her enemies but they were religious zealots with their own motives.

so we just gonna ignore how Jon Arryn was killed cuz he found out that none of Cerceis children were Roberts? And how Cersei was responsible for Robert dying on that hunt. Remember her cousin Lancel kept giving him more and more wine during the hunt on her instruction.

Cersei wasn't simply reacting to other peoples beefs... most of the bad shit that happened to her and her family was directly caused by some shit she did
Why didn't they show Jon and Bran telling Sana and Arya who he really is? I was salty when they cut from that scene. That was probably the most important scene in the season and they cut from it for no reason.

Also what did Arya mean when she told The Hound that she's never coming back to the Winterfell? Why has she been pressing Jon about family and loyalty if she has no intentions of even being there? She's been riding a little high and I think she's about to get offed. The many faced God is gonna clap her.
The faith militants were the only ones she thought could protect her from her enemies but they were religious zealots with their own motives.
Nigga this is not what happened lol. Cersei been playing defense ever since she heard that prophecy as a child. She got the faith militant involved because she's petty and figured margaery was the younger, more beautiful queen. The tyrells wouldn't have been trippin off her if she married loras and been cool like she was supposed to.

She also has major penis envy and is mad she got passed over for leadership roles her whole life. Being close to her children was the only way she would get close to having any influence. Margaery finessing Joffrey and tommen was taking Cersei's children away but also any semblance of control and power she could hope to get.
YES.. lol

The troops needed to rest.. hell even her fuckin dragon was still limping and flying lopsided but she wanna fly his ass south to start another battle? Talkin bout the longer they wait the stronger her enemies get... nah bruh.. lol.

I do wanna see Dany tear some shit up next week tho but she coulda played this shit out so much smarter. Coulda asked Bran for some intel... coulda asked Varys to tell his lil birds to get some intel instead of flying around smiling and shit like everything was sweet

Nah, she couldn't have asked Bran. He would have been like, "I know what's going to happen. You're going to do whatever the hell you want to do. Why you asking me?"
Why didn't they show Jon and Bran telling Sana and Arya who he really is? I was salty when they cut from that scene. That was probably the most important scene in the season and they cut from it for no reason.

Also what did Arya mean when she told The Hound that she's never coming back to the Winterfell? Why has she been pressing Jon about family and loyalty if she has no intentions of even being there? She's been riding a little high and I think she's about to get offed. The many faced God is gonna clap her.
I think the news about Jon really shook her

What she said right b4 that, not her half brother, not her bastard brother, but her BROTHER

For him to turn around and say they family but they just cousins. Dismisses they entire life together because he finally found out who his mother was.
I say fuck it, attack with the dragon and kill everyone and everything in the red keep

And what happens when they have those spear launching shits and kill your last dragon in 30 seconds?

Speaking of which, why tf didn’t she get her dragons some armor while they were posted up in Winterfell all that time??
Because she's an assassin and for her to be who she is she had to lose her identity which she objected to at first but perhaps now she sees the world differently now that she's restored a sense of justice to her family name.

That still doesn't make sense for how she treats Jon. She acts like he needs to put being a Stark (which he's only half) above everything else yet she can just go off and be a faceless assassin and never return to Winterfell?

She has been making a big deal about how Jon has been acting with Dany yet she has no intentions of being in the North herself? Her opinion should matter less or that. If anything Sansa is the one who really cares about the North. Arya is trying to play both sides and she's gonna get caught up. She needs to keep her head on a swivel for the many faced God for real.
And what happens when they have those spear launching shits and kill your last dragon in 30 seconds?

Speaking of which, why tf didn’t she get her dragons some armor while they were posted up in Winterfell all that time??

Getting Dragon armor would require time and planning which she wanted no parts of.