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Fuck kinda friends you got if that ain't your first inclination lmaoooo

But fr tho fuck them ppl in KL. Theyre sheep who only do what they told. They was smearing shit on Cersei 2 weeks ago and now all of a sudden she they beloved queen. Tyrion saved them all at backwater then they act like they ain't know him at his trial. Fuck them niggas.

The commoners dont give a fuck who in charge. All this shit is rich people drama.
The commoners dont give a fuck who in charge. All this shit is rich people drama.
That's what I'm sayin so burn em who gives af! If she starved em out in a siege they still woulda died.

If she took over and treated em well afterwards they'd forget all about how she got the throne. "Another quaalude they'll love me in the mornin!"
I dont even care about what the right thing to do is, I wanna see dany crush them buildings, I wanna see cersie have that smug ass look wiped off her face, I wanna see sansa naked them shits need to happen
I dont even care about what the right thing to do is, I wanna see dany crush them buildings, I wanna see cersie have that smug ass look wiped off her face, I wanna see sansa naked them shits need to happen
Yea on some real shit I dont care about the politics and who deserves what anymore. We at the finish line the time for games is over. I'm tryna see death and destruction point blank period.
I hope my baby Cersei kills all them mfs, but it looks like she won't have to cuz of the internal issues within the opposing side that's more than likely going to erupt in the next episode. Either way it should be glorious to watch, if the writers step their game back up.
I hope my baby Cersei kills all them mfs, but it looks like she won't have to cuz of the internal issues within the opposing side that's more than likely going to erupt in the next episode. Either way it should be glorious to watch, if the writers step their game back up.
Cersei whole purpose was to die at the end of this lol. I just hope it's great tho
I want the Mad Queen in all her glory. Then I want Jon and all the North to have to fight her. Sansa will rally all the troops again, including the Wildlings. That shit would be dope.

I can see it like Star Wars Episode III, with Dany being Anakin and Jon being heartbroken Obi-Wan.
I want the Mad Queen in all her glory. Then I want Jon and all the North to have to fight her. Sansa will rally all the troops again, including the Wildlings. That shit would be dope.

I can see it like Star Wars Episode III, with Dany being Anakin and Jon being heartbroken Obi-Wan.
Never seen star wars but I GOATed you anyway cuz that sounds lit lol

for 1. how you never saw Star Wars?where you be on every holiday when USA plays all of them in a row

2. Those ppl in KL ain't got nowhere to go

this is a world where leaving your pack or home means certain death.

burning a city of ppl is not good on Dany's resume as the breaker of chains for the ppl

I mean I wanna see it,but it's not a good look for her.
Sansa might be the leak to Cersei. Getting her to do her dirty work and take out dany meanwhile she sent arya to clean it up.
I don't know if she'll get to Cersei before Jamie tho.

Fucc it...KL needs to burn to the ground. Shyt is a cesspool that needs to be cleanse starting from top to bottom
I wanna see it for the spectacle,but it's not a good look as somebody who was one of the "good" guys

Those ppl didn't do anything to deserve to be made into chicken fingers.
Cersei still in power thats the people's fault.
If murica get bombed cause trump did some dumb shit can y'all really blame the bombers we sat back and watched him get elected.

Let's kick facts. Dany gets judged more harshly for shit that gets praised in others. When jon rush head and feet first into stupid shit, he's a hero. Arya went on a killing spree for her family, she's a hero. Sansa wants to be queen, she a hero. Cersei literally burned niggas alive with the very wildfire the mad king burned innocents with. Dany burned 2 enemies who said they was glad to die and here niggas come hollering bout some MAD QUEEN. Her main bitch just got executed by the real mad queen. Who wouldn't be mad at that?!

She the only one not allowed to show emotions. She cant win with nobody. If she took KL with her armies and dragons at full strength she'd be a tyrant and the mad queen. If she tries to do it peacefully and not kill a bunch innocents, she stupid for not using armies and dragons. If she went to KL first before dealing with night king the north woulda got slaughtered. She helps fight the dead now niggas wana act like she ain't did shit and aing supposed to be repaid lol.

Dany is the story of the black woman in America! We get called angry before we even do shit or when we're reacting the way anybody else would.

You got a right to be mad boo boo

Well damn

Dany is not only white she white white

She's an Aryan a Targ Aryan

Fuck it burn it up then. Send one out for missandei!
I'm with it

I wanna see sansa naked them shits need to happen
Crazy that she's only one year older than arya but i wouldn't trip if this happened. I wonder y