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Hence my main point: The Night King is dull as dishwater. The comparison between his army of death and the looming threat of environmental catastrophe might feel facile, but in the end that’s all it really amounted to. The White Walkers were a means to unite ice and fire—Jon and Daenerys—and build an alliance in the North in order to sort out all the lingering conflict in the South. They served no plot purpose other than to threaten to bring about the apocalypse, and the only thing more boring, story-wise, than defeating the Night King would have been letting him win and cover the world in mute zombies.

The manner of his offing—death from above by Arya, wielding the Valyrian-steel dagger an assassin tried to murder Bran with way back in Season 1—was undeniably cool. I was a little let down, though, that Arya didn’t get to use her specific skills more (why not have her disguise herself as a White Walker?), but as far as dei ex machina go, it’s hard to argue with the pint-size killer Stark. Her supposed rulers, Daenerys and Jon, were by and large duds throughout the conflict, zooming around the sky on their dragons, unable to see most of the action. Bran, meanwhile, did little more than warg into a flock of ravens to alert the Night King to his presence.

I am not doubting that Cersei is cold hearted. I'm saying that originally she didn't want any of this.

Cersei had no choice to take the throne because her children were all killed. If she could have they would have ruled forever as she wanted. She did everything she could to protect her children, Jaime and her family. She has to be the way she is because she has many enemies and they all want her dead. They will not reason and they won't stop until they get what they want.

Triggerfinger killed Jon Arryn which kicked off the events of Game of Thrones, she was wed to a man who never loved her and also beat and cheated on her every chance he could get because his first true love died loving Rhaegar Targaryen, Jaime pushed Bran out a window, Tywin killed Robb and sent men to spy on and kill Danearys, Tywin and Triggerfinger conspired to get and keep the Boltons as Warden's of the North and Walder Frey wealthy. Triggerfinger and Olenna are the ones who killed Joffrey and because of Tywin's hatred of Tyrion, in the end it got Myrcella killed because Oberyn Martell elected to be his champion and lost which led to Ellaria Sand killing Myrcella out of spite. She did everything to protect Tommen who appeared to be destined to be a good king until her killed himself. Remember it was also Tyrion who sent Myrcella off to Dorne in the first place to protect his niece and spite his sister. It was also Tyrion who killed her father who might have been the only person capable of protecting her family. And we wonder WHY Cersei is the way she is ??? Go back and watch seasons 2-5 she said she didn't want any of this.

Now it has all caught up to her and she has no choice but to fight because her opposition obviously won't. But the vast majority of the shit wasn't even her beef to begin with. But she's the one who has to deal with it.

Come on @Sion, your better than this.

Her whole life ambition was to be queen, and if not outright queen then to be such an influencer over whomever is in charge that she might as well be Queen..and she been vindictive and coldhearted from jump.

Now, other people may have helped her devolve even further, but let's not act like she has ever been anything other than a selfish, power hungry cunt...
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I just glanced at about 5 negative reviews for "the long night" on Rotten tomatoes...the source of the 78% rating, which as of this post is down to 74%

can you guess what the biggest complaint was??

i'm not gonna hold you in suspense any longer.

LIGHTING of the episode. That's right...people gave negative reviews of an episode b/c it wasn't bright enough

One valid complaint was how shallow the NK as a character was and it was a shame they couldn't flesh out the character more, but didn't the book readers say he's not even a character in the books? What did people expect??

This like going to a restaurant and giving it a 2 star rating b/c they sat you in the back of the restaurant where the only available table was when you came in. Not b/c the food was bad, or that it came cold and they didnt wanna fix it over...b/c you in the back??

At some point, people just gotta stop nitpicking. I'm not saying there aren't fair criticisms about the season as a whole, but i haven't read any in this thread

At some point you gotta be real with yourself, the season has fallen off in quality. Is it a terrible show? ofc not, it's GOT. But if GOT was Jordan, season 1-6 was jordan on the bulls, 7-8 has been jordan on the Wizards.
IDK varys and tyrion might do something to stop her

Tyrion and varys are dead set against burning down KL

IDK man dany might get clapped up

She gone man lol
They meant to leave that Starbucks cup as an easter egg

see a star fell when Dany,Jon,and I think gendry were born and a buck is Baratheon

The Baratheon is a star

Gendry will win The game of Thrones
At some point you gotta be real with yourself, the season has fallen off in quality. Is it a terrible show? ofc not, it's GOT. But if GOT was Jordan, season 1-6 was jordan on the bulls, 7-8 has been jordan on the Wizards.
what dont YOU specifically like about this season
btw goldie, using the starbucks cup as "lazy" is being mad you at the only available table at the back of the restaurant when you came in
I don't really understand why @Goldie feel like he need to convince everybody the season sucks though....

But he'll be back in here next week....

It's the other way around, yall trying to convince me on why the show hasn't fell off. Go back and read the last few pages. I dropped a joke about the Brienne sex scene, that's it and AP swooped in with his cape ready to defend GOT till the death. Yall the sensitive mfs lol
@Goldie, let's talk about it on the pod nigguh

I mean I still watch Power,but they have really wrote themselves into a corner and did some silly shit and Starz not giving them extra eps forced them to edit some storylines into other eps

Man that shit all fucked up

I just been said this and when I said it a while back you was very strongly against it. That's all
S8 way better than s7 tho. And like I said everybody mad at the long night (or the season) know this is how they be acting every Sunday

So @Goldie and any other person beefing with the ep

When Arya killed the NK you just had the straight face ?

Cause I was in my crib yelling,clapping ,and screaming when that shit happened

Show genuinely made me hype like the super bowl

I loved that Long Night ep.
I just been said this and when I said it a while back you was very strongly against it. That's all

it wasn't until like the end of the season before last and this season where I felt like they did shit they couldn't go back from

I hated the Ghost/Kanan team up and they just kept making it a thing like kanan ain't put most of their issues in motion in season 1 and like raina ain't dead because of him
So Ilyn Payne and Cersei are the only ones left on Aryas list right?

I kinda wanted to see The Hound kill the Mountain but Grey Worm got a score to settle now as well. Valar Morghulis nigga
What they want us to think is the hound will beat mountain. We fuck with the hound so we're rooting for him...they gon hit us with the okie doke on that one. Mountain will fuck hound up. I want grey worm to get that kill now too and grey worm won't gallivant around like oberyn. Hopefully...
What they want us to think is the hound will beat mountain. We fuck with the hound so we're rooting for him...they gon hit us with the okie doke on that one. Mountain will fuck hound up. I want grey worm to get that kill now too and grey worm won't gallivant around like oberyn. Hopefully...

Uhhhhh I mean The Mountain almost died fighting a little nigga and we saw The Hound stop the Mountain from killing dude way back

He's capable

but fucking with GOT The Hound will die trying win or lose
it wasn't until like the end of the season before last and this season where I felt like they did shit they couldn't go back from

I hated the Ghost/Kanan team up and they just kept making it a thing like kanan ain't put most of their issues in motion in season 1 and like raina ain't dead because of him

See the bold is the bullshit but I get it Ghost supposed to be the good guy and Kanan the villain. Raina dead cause her father is a snitch. Everything Kanan set in motion never would've happened if Ghost never snitched.

Call it like it is. You can want Ghost to win in the end but the nigga snitch and he set everything in motion years ago.