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I don't think Arya is gonna be the one to kill cersie, Cersei gotta die by Jamie or tyrion. I feel like her death has to be from someone she really knows
There was never any way for this show to win with this episode lol. Ever since the red wedding, this show has been competing with its fans who feel they have more ownership over the direction of the story than the storytellers. However you personally felt about minor shit not coming together, this episode pulled off something that won't be replicated by another show for probly another decade. Beyond the wall is the worst I've ever seen this show execute something huge and battle of winterfell came nowhere near that.
lol for those of y'all that didn't like the episode... I'm honestly curious...

What would have been dope or satisfactory to yall?

@Goldie @Blue_London @Hundredeyes

Did you watch Ozymandias? The way that episode played out was perfect the story was perfect.

In a battle that's been promoted for so many years there has to be a story that's consistent and can't all ways be predictable.

Who didn't think the crypt was a bad idea Jon snow seen him raise the dead before etc.

I get you loved the battle but as a story what's was good about this episode? It felt like a filler for the main battle against a human army
Did you watch Ozymandias? The way that episode played out was perfect the story was perfect.

In a battle that's been promoted for so many years there has to be a story that's consistent and can't all ways be predictable.

Who didn't think the crypt was a bad idea Jon snow seen him raise the dead before etc.

I get you loved the battle but as a story what's was good about this episode? It felt like a filler for the main battle against a human army

You didn't consider the bolded until it had happened tho. They was filling the crypt since the second ep. You said nothing then.

The night king arc was filler as a whole. Not sure what y'all wanted. It would be one thing if he had a presence in the books but come to find out he was just mentioned as fokelore in the book. This played out as it should have. Nothing of consequence was lost because the night king wasn't a character of consequence. He was filler this entire time.
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You didn't consider the bolded until it had happened tho. They was filling the crypt since the second ep. You said nothing then.

The night king arc was filler as a whole. Not sure what y'all wanted. It would be one thing if he had a presence in the books but come to find out he was just mentioned as fokelore in the book. This played out as it should have. Nothing of constant was lost because the night king wasn't a character of consequence. He was filler this entire time.

Please consider the first time I have posted In this thread was Monday
You just mad cuz you lost, you knew you were playing for a losing team so why be surprised ? Even if it stretched 2 episodes you'd a still been mad.

TRUST HBO got some shit for everyone watching....
Nah, I'm not mad about losing. Now that it's over I'm not speaking from the set perspective. Even if I never got into the GOT gang wars I'd feel this way. I liked the lore and build up of the Night King and the dead and it didn't pay off.

Simple as that.

But it's been 3 days now and I've said all I got to say about it. Time to move on and hope the final eps deliver.

But if they don't do justice to other characters I don't want to hear y'all bitching and complaining.
There was never any way for this show to win with this episode lol. Ever since the red wedding, this show has been competing with its fans who feel they have more ownership over the direction of the story than the storytellers. However you personally felt about minor shit not coming together, this episode pulled off something that won't be replicated by another show for probly another decade. Beyond the wall is the worst I've ever seen this show execute something huge and battle of winterfell came nowhere near that.

I get what you're saying, and some of that is probably at play. But I still think the biggest shortfall is how the NK went out. You can't build up an enemy like that, have him do mostly nothing in his big episode, and then kill him off with no big battle or dialogue or anything significant at all. That's just a failure.
There was never any way for this show to win with this episode lol. Ever since the red wedding, this show has been competing with its fans who feel they have more ownership over the direction of the story than the storytellers. However you personally felt about minor shit not coming together, this episode pulled off something that won't be replicated by another show for probly another decade. Beyond the wall is the worst I've ever seen this show execute something huge and battle of winterfell came nowhere near that.

lol pretty much.

I mean for all the shortcomings of that Beyond the Wall episode... As soon as Jon killed one of the WW generals and most of the wights dropped... that was a pretty clear indication of how shit was going to play out with the Night King.

2:35 mark if it doesnt do it automatically:

Out of all the complaints i've been seeing in here it just seems like the folks complaining wanted...

1 - More main characters to die
2 - Jon to at least take a swing at the Night King
It's not just the fight between Jon and the Night King. It's the fact that the Night King and the generals did nearly nothing other than the dragon fight and a lot of slow walking.

I'd probably add some sort of history about the walkers narrated by Bran in the episode prior to give their motivations more meaning. Something more than "he's coming to kill me to erase the memories from the world." Nigga there's a whole Citadel!

And what good did Bran's knowledge of the past do in that fight anyway? Why was his knowledge a threat to the White Walkers?

Hell, they found out about dragonglass from Sam and where a shitload was from the Citadel. And Sam found out about Jon's ancestry and had to tell Bran about it.

And I'm over the gang shit, these are my gripes as an objective observer.

I don't think it's fair to say that NK and the generals did nothing. My theory is they were the ones commanding the entire army of the wights which is why they could all stop at once and revise their tactics and change priorities.

It also explains why the NK was distracted while the ice dragon was focused on Jon Snow - because he was basically warging into the ice dragon. It's also why Jon didn't get roast when he stood up... because at that moment the NK snapped back into reality and was just about to get his spleen punctured.
I don't think it's fair to say that NK and the generals did nothing. My theory is they were the ones commanding the entire army of the wights which is why they could all stop at once and revise their tactics and change priorities.

It also explains why the NK was distracted while the ice dragon was focused on Jon Snow - because he was basically warging into the ice dragon. It's also why Jon didn't get roast when he stood up... because at that moment the NK snapped back into reality and was just about to get his spleen punctured.
That's cool and all, but nothing in the episode pointed to that.
That's cool and all, but nothing in the episode pointed to that.

Plenty did it just wasn't spelled out. You think an army could just all stop all at once without any discernible cues? Something was telling them what to do.

What do kings and generals do? They command armies. That's why so many other times we saw the generals they were away from the action at some vantage point watching.
lol pretty much.

I mean for all the shortcomings of that Beyond the Wall episode... As soon as Jon killed one of the WW generals and most of the wights dropped... that was a pretty clear indication of how shit was going to play out with the Night King.

2:35 mark if it doesnt do it automatically:

Out of all the complaints i've been seeing in here it just seems like the folks complaining wanted...

1 - More main characters to die
2 - Jon to at least take a swing at the Night King

That and night king going out "so easily"...that battle took place from dusk to dawn. In real time, they were fighting for like 12 hrs straight lol. What was easy about that?

I can understand wanting more main characters to die. But the way the episode was constructed, you woulda had to kill everybody. You couldn't have grey worm die then have Sam live lol.

I can also understand feeling like the buildup of night king to be over in one episode to be anticlimactic, but again, he didnt go out easily. Every fighting person and fantasy element introduced throughout the series played a role in his demise.
Did you watch Ozymandias? The way that episode played out was perfect the story was perfect.

In a battle that's been promoted for so many years there has to be a story that's consistent and can't all ways be predictable.

Who didn't think the crypt was a bad idea Jon snow seen him raise the dead before etc.

I get you loved the battle but as a story what's was good about this episode? It felt like a filler for the main battle against a human army
If the crypts were a bad idea where else would you have put everyone that woulda been safer? Them bodies were encased in concrete. Even if night king raises the dead who would've predicted bone to bust through that? This is why I said the show couldn't win with this episode lol. Niggas nitpicking but dont offer nothing better and if they do it's worse than what they had a problem with.
i hate some of you more and more with each day that passes