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Jaime and Cersei are going to die i think. Every character that has killed a family member eventually dies. Robb killed his cousin. Stannis killed his wifes family and his daughter. Jaime killed one of his cousins in season 2. Cersei killed her uncle and cousin as well.

Tyrion might slight

Shit was epic yet criminally anti climatic... Starting to think the writers might have fucked shit up for real now.

3 more eps to go but I fear the worst regarding the overal quality of the show smh...they might aswell have kept baelish alive and done his character some justice knowing the great war would not be the end of the series...

Yeah let's build up this antagonist n protagonist for years but let's not have them fight eachother even once azz mofos.

We've been robbed lol.
lol for those of y'all that didn't like the episode... I'm honestly curious...

What would have been dope or satisfactory to yall?

@Goldie @Blue_London @Hundredeyes

When the night King n Jon were facing eachother alone on the battlefield, would you rather have seen an epic fight to the death or the night King rehashing a move from that hardhome episode?

Shit Jon could have lost that fight or the fight could have been interrupted but Atleast have them have a go at eachother.
This is if the Night King just had to die.

I would have liked some sort of a fight between the generals and those with Valerian Steel. Have them fight so we can see the skill of the White Walkers and heroes, and have a hero or two go down and all of the generals. As each general goes down his portion of Wights fall as well.

The Dothraki, Unsullied, and other minor characters are fighting Wights until they are overwhelmed and pushed back into Winterfell, just as it happened in the show, but with each general falling they start to gain ground.

Dragon fight still happens, but Dany goes to the battlefield to help while Jon goes to Bran after they knock the Night King off of his dragon. Still have the dragonfire on the Night King scene. He goes on to meet Bran but he's by himself.

When he gets there Reek goes after him and dies like he did. Jon gets there just as Reek goes down.

Jon and Night King have an epic fight. The Night King gets the best of Jon and as he's about to strike the death blow on Bran, Arya comes flying in like she did killing the Night King to Jon's amazement (this is if Arya just had to be the killer).
My version makes the Valerian Steel they've been collecting meaningful, let's the White Walker generals fight, gives us a meaningful hero death or two, let's the Night King fight, let's him fight Jon, and still gives us everything else the episode gave us, including the surprise Arya kill.
Sounds like yall niggas just wanted more fight scenes...

Sure it woulda been dope to see a fight between Jon and the Night King I agree.. but im not gonna say the episode was anti-climactic because owe aint get that
It's not just the fight between Jon and the Night King. It's the fact that the Night King and the generals did nearly nothing other than the dragon fight and a lot of slow walking.

I'd probably add some sort of history about the walkers narrated by Bran in the episode prior to give their motivations more meaning. Something more than "he's coming to kill me to erase the memories from the world." Nigga there's a whole Citadel!

And what good did Bran's knowledge of the past do in that fight anyway? Why was his knowledge a threat to the White Walkers?

Hell, they found out about dragonglass from Sam and where a shitload was from the Citadel. And Sam found out about Jon's ancestry and had to tell Bran about it.

And I'm over the gang shit, these are my gripes as an objective observer.