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I don't see it but I respect it.
But funny he said one of the others might be wearing the hand of the king pin by the end of tje war. And if you're theory held up he'd be the true heir to the throne.

Last one.s

1. What is unique about Tyrion's eyes and who is that unique to?

2. Remember when Jorah came in contact with Greyscale? So did Tyrion. Why didn't Tyrion suffer from it like Jorah did? (Because he's a Targ)

3. Tywin straight up told Tyrion "I can't prove that you are not mine" That's because both his mother and father are dead and to protect his family name (Lannister) Tywin could never reveal that Tyrion is a Targ.
@King Freeman

How many heads are on the Targ sigil? We know Jon and Danny are two of them. Who is the third? Wouldn't it be the only other person who's even touched the dragons? The same person who never met his mother and had his own father all but admit that he is in fact not his real father?

Tyrion asked Tywin if he's ever sacrificed anything for the family. Tywin responded by saying that he wanted to drop him off at sea and let him float away (because he knows he's not his real son) but he chose not to and he chose to raise him as his son. What kind of father says to his son "I chose to raise you as my son"? A father who knows he's not the father that's who.

So if Tywin is not Tyrion's father than who is? The Mad King Aerys II

I respect it. I just can't see with 4 episodes how they put that shit in flow. We've known or had an idea about jon for 3 seasons now. They confirmed it little by little. Now it's about to be out in the open.
Last one.s

1. What is unique about Tyrion's eyes and who is that unique to?

2. Remember when Jorah came in contact with Greyscale? So did Tyrion. Why didn't Tyrion suffer from it like Jorah did? (Because he's a Targ)

3. Tywin straight up told Tyrion "I can't prove that you are not mine" That's because both his mother and father are dead and to protect his family name (Lannister) Tywin could never reveal that Tyrion is a Targ.

My nigga. I really hope you not just throwing inside info you got out here as theory. You ain't never had this same energy in the other game of thrones threads. What made this click in your head now?
LOLOL then it makes your points invalid. The show isn't the following the books but yet people make the assertions/theories partly based on the book or wiki summaries.

Tyrion is an imp because Tywin married and had a child with his first cousin. The mad king lost his shit because he thought Tywin was scheming against him and whenever they did something together Tywin would get all the credit. The Mad King prior was cool AF and benevolent. The show doesn't really go into it cept for a few bits and pieces. As much as y'all want Tyrion is not Targaryen.

Tyrion is an imp because Targs give birth to deformed babies all the time. Just like the one Danny had that dies......

Also why is Tyrion immune to greyscale? Why is Tyrion the only character on the show that the dragons allow to touch them besides Jon and Danny?