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Future catching heat for his birthday wish to his son

I have experience in this sort of thing being in Russ position as the “step dad” my oldest daughter is my lady’s from a prev marriage. I been in her life since she was one yr old. She is 15 now.

Back then...I made it CLEAR to my lady and her father that I was not trying to replace him and I actually encouraged and tried to facilitate the relationship...even would check my lady when she was about to do some vindictive shit.

There was a time early on where her dad could have been considered “deadbeat” but just out of respect and the fact that people and situations could change...I was never gonna purposely infiringe and attempt to replace dude.

Never let my oldest call me daddy...we actually made a name she could call me that was my own and symbolic of the relationship we have. My other kids that I fathered call me dad...she uses the name we came up with...which is “poppi”

In my opinion Russell is out of line. Its disrespectful...on top of the fact that they all are well known public figures...

its just fowl all together because what seems to be happening is that Russ and Ciara are actively trying to shape or even sabatoge baby Future’s view of his father. If Future is not the father he is supposed to be that shit will be revealed and noticed by his son....kids are observant and smarter than adults give credit for.

AND on top of that that shit Russ did for his birthday is something females do...thats passive aggressive and catty as fuck.
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This reminds me....one of these days ima make a thread about unwritten rules. Idk where I wana go with it quite yet but I'll add this scenario to the list

Sounds like an interesting thread.

This dude messaged me at work about someshit today and kept typing "kewl" to whatever i said. Felt like checking him so bad.

When you make that thread, add unwritten rule #438, grown ass men should never type "kewl"
In my opinion Russell is out of line. Its disrespectful...on top of the fact that they all are well known public figures...

its just fowl all together because what seems to be happening is that Russ and Ciara are actively trying to shape or even sabatoge baby Future’s view of his father. If Future is not the father he is supposed to be that shit will be revelealed and noticed by his son....kids are observant and smarter than adults give credit for.

AND on too of that that shit Russ did for his birthday is something females do...thats passive aggressive and catty as fuck.
You I know respect you OG but this is bullshit
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I have experience in this sort of thing being in Russ position as the “step dad” my oldest daughter is my lady’s from a prev marriage. I been in her life since she was one yr old. She is 15 now.

Back then...I made it CLEAR to my lady and her father that I was not trying to replace him and I actually encouraged and tried to facilitate the relationship...even would check my lady when she was about to do some vindictive shit.

There was a time early on where her dad could have been considered “deadbeat” but just out of respect and the fact that people and situations could change...I was never gonna purposely infiringe and attempt to replace dude.

Never let my oldest call me daddy...we actually made a name she could call me that was my own and symbolic of the relationship we have. My other kids that I fathered call me dad...she uses the name we came up with...which is “poppi”

In my opinion Russell is out of line. Its disrespectful...on top of the fact that they all are well known public figures...

its just fowl all together because what seems to be happening is that Russ and Ciara are actively trying to shape or even sabatoge baby Future’s view of his father. If Future is not the father he is supposed to be that shit will be revealed and noticed by his son....kids are observant and smarter than adults give credit for.

AND on top of that that shit Russ did for his birthday is something females do...thats passive aggressive and catty as fuck.
You I know respect you OG but this is bullshit

I know you might feel like it's bullshit @Chicity, but this pretty much my position, verbatim. And I've been on BOTH sides of it.
At the end of the day both of these men have an obligation to baby Future, and I'll be damn if a nigga gonna tell Russ to turn his light down so Future can shine brighter. That's ass backwards

Whether you like it or agree, social media is our future. These posts are the new baby pics. Birthday cards. Whatever you wanna call em. Lil future will always have these words to go back to and that's a GREAT thing.

Future writes 100 songs a yr but he cant write something heartfelt to one of his kids? Kewl. Not a big deal imo. Russell can and he did however.

Ain't no way you can read those words and form hate in ya heart. Shame? Yeah. Anger? Ok. Embarrassment? Sure. But hate? Malice? Revenege? Tuh....men and they egos.

You dont like ya kid calling another man daddy or any honorific cool. Clear that up with ya kid when they mature enough to have the conversation. And you mature enough for some hard words from ya kid.
I know you might feel like it's bullshit @Chicity, but this pretty much my position, verbatim. And I've been on BOTH sides of it.
I respect you 2, but I think its bullshit

If someone enters ya child life with real love and tolerance for ya kids you cant help but to respect it. Imo. And I been on both sides also.
You I know respect you OG but this is bullshit

Nope all facts g...

I just couldnt and wouldnt intentionally try to replace her dad....as in make it a point to put myself in the forefront, to talk bad about him in front of her or the worst which is to block or make it hard for him to see her and communicate with her or even cosign the vindictive fuck shit that females can do to the fathers of their children.

I wasnt gonna be that guy bro.

Thats not to say that me and him didnt have disagreements...that we didn't almost come to blows or that I was never frustrated with his participation in his daughters life or some of the vindictive shit HE did.

I could legit write a book about the past 14 yrs bro.
I give his post a ton of credit for being respectful to the real dad and not letting any vindictive shit go on. Bullshit is strong to use considering the fact HIS experience was positive.
I should have clarified. I'm not calling how his family chooses to handle the topic of titles. Just his take on Russ, Future, and baby Future

The Russ outta line part
I respect you 2, but I think its bullshit

If someone enters ya child life with real love and tolerance for ya kids you cant help but to respect it. Imo. And I been on both sides also.
I respect you 2, but I think its bullshit

If someone enters ya child life with real love and tolerance for ya kids you cant help but to respect it. Imo. And I been on both sides also.

This might be where we ain't on the same page. Where we you get that there was no respect there? Of course there's respect. And no beef at all. But that still doesn't mean I'm comfortable with him referring to himself as my son's 'dad'. And I have a feeling Russ knows that. And if he doesn't Ciara should.
At the end of the day both of these men have an obligation to baby Future, and I'll be damn if a nigga gonna tell Russ to turn his light down so Future can shine brighter. That's ass backwards

Whether you like it or agree, social media is our future. These posts are the new baby pics. Birthday cards. Whatever you wanna call em. Lil future will always have these words to go back to and that's a GREAT thing.

Future writes 100 songs a yr but he cant write something heartfelt to one of his kids? Kewl. Not a big deal imo. Russell can and he did however.

Ain't no way you can read those words and form hate in ya heart. Shame? Yeah. Anger? Ok. Embarrassment? Sure. But hate? Malice? Revenege? Tuh....men and they egos.

You dont like ya kid calling another man daddy or any honorific cool. Clear that up with ya kid when they mature enough to have the conversation. And you mature enough for some hard words from ya kid.

Why you cant do all that without calling yourself the kids daddy?

No one said anything bout a dude not being part of your kids life and you being part of some kids life. All that was said was do it with respect to the actual parent.

Cant be that hard.

But you a grown man that types kewl so i expect this.
At the end of the day both of these men have an obligation to baby Future, and I'll be damn if a nigga gonna tell Russ to turn his light down so Future can shine brighter. That's ass backwards

Whether you like it or agree, social media is our future. These posts are the new baby pics. Birthday cards. Whatever you wanna call em. Lil future will always have these words to go back to and that's a GREAT thing.

Future writes 100 songs a yr but he cant write something heartfelt to one of his kids? Kewl. Not a big deal imo. Russell can and he did however.

Ain't no way you can read those words and form hate in ya heart. Shame? Yeah. Anger? Ok. Embarrassment? Sure. But hate? Malice? Revenege? Tuh....men and they egos.

You dont like ya kid calling another man daddy or any honorific cool. Clear that up with ya kid when they mature enough to have the conversation. And you mature enough for some hard words from ya kid.

what im saying is g...

Russ aint gotta turn his light down

cause I didnt...and dont

like I said...if Future REALLY aint shit...that will reveal itself on its own...Russ and Ciara dont have to continue to make a point that “ya daddy aint shit” in word and deed...thats not cool and could cause resentment from baby Future...

its one thing to come to the realization on yourown that ya dad wasnt and aint shit...its another to find out that you were goaded or pushed into that idea or image of your pops by your mother and stepdad.
Why you cant do all that without calling yourself the kids daddy?

No one said anything bout a dude not being part of your kids life and you being part of some kids life. All that was said was do it with respect to the actual parent.

Cant be that hard.

But you a grown man that types kewl so i expect this.
I typed keel to fuck with you lol

Titles don't affect me as much as others is what I get from this
Anybody consider maybe because the kid lives with him full time and he's not being brainwashed he's just eventually started calling him Dad"? From videos i've seen Russ put up the kid calls him "Poppa Russ" but maybe that's evolved over time. Though the idea of Future "stepping" to Russ is hilarious. Russel Wilson is a pro athlete who trains year round...that would be a hilarious fight.
I typed keel to fuck with you lol

Titles don't affect me as much as others is what I get from this

man in some things they dont but when it comes to your seeds...its just different...I pretty much gave dude the same respect I would want if I were in his position....

and I almost was...TWICE lol

Like I said...I could write a book g lol