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French Actor Juicy Smolièr Found Guilty of Staging Hate Crime

Not even gonna lie but "this is maga country" didnt even sound like somethin u would hear someone in chicago say.

We have no shortage of racists here but it seems the average trump supporter in chicago is very reluctant to be open about it.
It reminds me of that white dude that spray painted BLACKS RULE on his car talkin bout black ppl did it. No black person on this earth talks like that lol.
I'm paying attention to what's coming and not being said:

1. CPD moved quicker and more transparently on this victimless case than they did Laquan McDonald

2. What if Jussie gets convicted and incarcerated more harshly than murderous police officers?

3. Does Jussie get criticized more or less severely than white across America who call the police on black people for no reason?
If you don't get a job or they cut your hours on your job, do you feel the urge to attack yourself, pay somebody to kick yo ass because you getting your hours cut at your job

Let's start there

Do you know of anyone in your circle that would do such a thing?

If the foundation of your argument is "this has to be a conspiracy because it's not something a normal person would do" I have to wonder if you've ever seen the news before.

People do bizarre, immoral and downright evil shit everyday.
We dont even have to go with the calling the cops on black ppl for no reason angle. We can bring up the many examples of whites making up hate crimes for whatever tf reason too. It's plenty of those out there.

Jussie is a celeb so him doing this is gonna reach more ppl and spark more of a discussion. But we'll see how "justice" gets applied here vs those cases.
We dont even have to go with the calling the cops on black ppl for no reason angle. We can bring up the many examples of whites making up hate crimes for whatever tf reason too. It's plenty of those out there.

Jussie is a celeb so him doing this is gonna reach more ppl and spark more of a discussion. But we'll see how "justice" gets applied here vs those cases.
It's the same thing.
Dumbazzz muthafucca.

Yeah but these MAGA's and Trump may wanna sit their azzz down somewhere. Especially considering that we can EASILY go thru this country's history and pull up facts upon facts of black folks being falsely accused of crimes by whites and LYNCHED.
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Dumbazzz muthafucca.

Yeah but these MAGA's and Trump may wanna sit their azzz down somewhere. Especially considering that we can EASILY go thru this country's and pull up facts upon facts of black folks being falsely accused of crimes by whites and LYNCHED.
They wont tho, they'll be using this shit for the next god knows how many years, they'll take the few wins they get and run it into the ground just to say "but what about that one time!"
They wont tho, they'll be using this shit for the next god knows how many years, they'll take the few wins they get and run it into the ground just to say "but what about that one time!"

And that is when you hit them names of

Jesse Washington
Laura Nelson
Allen Brooks
Eliason Clayton
Elmer Jackson
Isaac McGhie

All falsely accused by wypipo...all lynched
But you got folks in here saying being falsely accused of stealing candy or anything isn't a big thing as a stage attack.

Being "woke" is just knowing black history or history period, that's all, nothing more, nothing less

Because the 2 things aren't the same. The results of said actions are what you're really talking about but you'd be looked at like a damn idiot if you were to try an argue that calling the cops over a grill in the park would garner the same response as staging a hate crime.
If the foundation of your argument is "this has to be a conspiracy because it's not something a normal person would do" I have to wonder if you've ever seen the news before.

People do bizarre, immoral and downright evil shit everyday.

I'm speaking on this instance and this action, not what other actions ppl do everyday.

You don't have a person/actor stage an attack on themselves because their role diminished on a show. Pull up an actor or actress in the world of Hollywood that has done this act? Just this act, get their role cut, and decides to stage an attack on themselves and then have articles come out about how black str8 men not showing support.

Nobody in this world aint beating themselves up because of their hours being cut off a sitcom and running around giving interviews and having articles stating that str8 black men are to be blame .

Even a 5 year old can see through the bullshit

Let's be 100 or Let's not
And that is when you hit them names of

Jesse Washington
Laura Nelson
Allen Brooks
Eliason Clayton
Elmer Jackson
Isaac McGhie

All falsely accused by wypipo...all lynched
Them idiots dont give a fuck bruh i could list 100s of examples and they would still be on some bs, racist cacs love the opportunity to point fingers at another race
I'm speaking on this instance and this action, not what other actions ppl do everyday.

You don't have a person/actor stage an attack on themselves because their role diminished on a show.

Nobody in this world aint beating themselves up because of their hours being cut off a sitcom.

Let's be 100 or Let's not

why are you equating your normal 9-5 to a dude who's claim to fame is a b-list actor on a show that is probably gonna be off the air in another season or two?

Put it like this, as much as he's been involved with the show, he does not own ANY of the music he sings or writes and when compared to Taraji and Terrance is being paid pretty low. He was trying to garner sympathy first with the letter, but that didnt work...but if you feel sorry enough for him, maybe thats what it would take to get him a raise

c'mon brah, there are plenty of hills of injustice to die on, but this one aint it

You have to realize dude not a classically trained actor iirc. I honestly dont remember, but if he won an open audition to sing, they probably felt they could teach him how to act at a basic level, so what are the opportunities you think he was just gonna land once empire eventually goes off the air. Dude like one year older than me and you.
why are you equating your normal 9-5 to a dude who's claim to fame is a b-list actor on a show that is probably gonna be off the air in another season or two?

Put it like this, as much as he's been involved with the show, he does not own ANY of the music he sings or writes and when compared to Taraji and Terrance is being paid pretty low. He was trying to garner sympathy first with the letter, but that didnt work...but if you feel sorry enough for him, maybe thats what it would take to get him a raise

c'mon brah, there are plenty of hills of injustice to die on, but this one aint it

You have to realize dude not a classically trained actor iirc. I honestly dont remember, but if he won an open audition to sing, they probably felt they could teach him how to act at a basic level, so what are the opportunities you think he was just gonna land once empire eventually goes off the air. Dude like one year older than me and you.

So he was trying to gain more money and fame, being on a number one show, that everybody watches, he's not going to get anymore chances in Hollywood, so he says, I'ma create a hate crime to get bigger roles in sitcoms and movies and have articles sprout out about black str8 male men not coming to my aid is what was his agenda? Got it.

Dude is already plugged in Hollywood, but for some reason, he wakes up and was on some, I'ma pay niggas to beat my ass and choke me out, so that I can gain more fame and money to be in shows Got it.

Stay Bless breh
So he was trying to gain more money and fame, being on a number one show, that everybody watches, he's not going to get anymore chances in Hollywood, so he says, I'ma create a hate crime to get bigger roles in sitcoms and movies and have articles sprout out about black str8 male men not coming to my aid is what was his agenda? Got it.

Dude is already plugged in Hollywood, but for some reason, he wakes up and was on some, I'ma pay niggas to beat my ass and choke me out, so that I can gain more fame and money to be in shows Got it.

Stay Bless breh
brah, are you reading before you press post?

How is he plugged in hollywood? How many episodes of Empire did you watch prior to this story coming out?

And i like how you are downplaying people's desperation to keep their 15 min of fame going

Again, i ask you. If you are a marginally talented singer, and a subpar actor, who is knocking at your door for roles?

And again, he probably already went to the show runner (lee daniels) tried to renegotiate his contract, and they were like "nah" b/c he is expendable. He doesn't make the show

you sounding real naive right about now
Wasn't there an article talking about how black people should stop with giving the silly nicknames for the shit that is being done?

@BlackRain what's the nosign for?

BBQ Becky, Permit Patty and Cornerstore Caroline: Too ‘cutesy’ for those white women calling police on black people?

Please Stop Giving Racist White Women Adorable Nicknames