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French Actor Juicy Smolièr Found Guilty of Staging Hate Crime

he paid the 2 Nigerians with a personal check

scratches to face were self-inflicted

CPD was able to establish a timeline of events

So you're good with your daughter being falsely accused and the person who accused her not having nothing done to them.

Your daughter gets accused of stealing outta the store 3 times out the month by the same lady, you're good with that because there's a difference between falsely staging something and falsely accusing a innocent person of something they didn't do?

Gotcha again.

for some reason, you cant seem to care about two issues at the same time

so i'm going to do something you never seem to do in these discussions and that is......answer the question

No I am not good under any circumstances with my daughter being falsely accused of anything she didnt do. Won't have to happen 3x, once is enough

However, someone falsely accusing someone of stealing a candy bar is in no way shape or form the equivalent to someone staging an attack to garner sympathy for themselves.

so what exactly did you "gotcha" me with?
They'll end up giving punk ass Jussie a pass. Gay black men are the lowest rung of honorary white people. White folks dont respect them but they tolerate and appreciate the fact that they pose absolutely no threat to the system, have voluntarily given their manhood away and most importantly they can be used as weapons against what's left of the real black men that continue to stand tall.

Gay black men will be tolerated by white folks as long as they can be used as a weapon against straight black men. Jussie will get a pass until he no longer benefits white folks and their anti black agenda. As soon as his cons outweigh his pros, which will happen sooner than later, white folks will cut his ass loose. He'll get the OJ treatment as soon as they get tired of his ass.
for some reason, you cant seem to care about two issues at the same time

so i'm going to do something you never seem to do in these discussions and that is......answer the question

No I am not good under any circumstances with my daughter being falsely accused of anything she didnt do. Won't have to happen 3x, once is enough

However, someone falsely accusing someone of stealing a candy bar is in no way shape or form the equivalent to someone staging an attack to garner sympathy for themselves.

so what exactly did you "gotcha" me with?

Man yall soft. "I'm not good", what does that even mean, in reality world?

I take it as, "I'm not good" you and your daughter getting in your car and heading home and the person who accused her of stealing candy will go on bout their day, it was candy this time, could be something else next time, and by you saying it won't happen 3x, once is enough, what does that mean?? How you stopping someone from falsely accusing your daughter? if you don't value you it as high as a staged attack which involved having the cops involve?

What should be the punishment for falsely accusing black ppl for doing something they didn't do?? since it's not equivalent to someone staging an attack?

Nothing was done to the white lady who falsely accused that 9 year old boy? So what should have been done to her?

Tamar Rice was falsely accused of having a gun smh Lol, it's not important as a stage attack, boy yall on the boo boo today

A person can call the cops and have yo house shot up with 100 rounds on some falsely accusing side of the game, but we got folks in here talking about it's not that important as a stage attack smh. Man cut it out
They're going to have a fucking field day with this shit for a very long time.

yeah this shit pisses me off... ' As if racist needs an excuse . thats why i wanted it to be true because i was just thinking of everythin a lie would entail and it is alot..

I want to punch Van Jones in the face a couple of times he will forgive me
Until the Mueller shit drops (supposedly very soon)

Disagree somewhat. This is the perfect backdrop to fire up Trump's base and racists who don't even like Trump. So even if Muller's report has some extremely damaging impeachment worthy shit. They're going to add Smollett bullshit as part of the "fake news and lies" about Trump and his supporters.

Also don't forget Trump left it up to Barr if any of the report will be released to the public. So we may get the report in full, parts or just leaks of what it contained.
yeah this shit pisses me off... ' As if racist needs an excuse . thats why i wanted it to be true because i was just thinking of everythin a lie would entail and it is alot..

I want to punch Van Jones in the face a couple of times he will forgive me

This man has a got damned problem!!!!
Another interesting aspect of this mess,is seeing a lot ""woke""/""conscious""people struggle between the narratives of him being a black man getting treated unfairly by the system and him being a gay man that has it ""easy""" in America because of the all encompassing "Gay Agenda"

Dude - they were fighting to claim him on the first page of this thread trying to figure out how to divvy up his victim points. Now it's faggot this and homo that.
Yea, what about em. There should be consequences for false 911 calls across the board
Still cant believe that cracka in ohio who made the false claim against John Crawford in that walmart that resulted in him getting murdered by the pigs wasnt charged. He should have been charged and prosecuted just like this Jussie Smullet pos. Fuck 'em all.