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French Actor Juicy Smolièr Found Guilty of Staging Hate Crime

I'm not into that gay shit at all. It's an abomination and a disgraceful perversion in my opinion.

With all that said the gay community should come for his fucking throat. This clown ass pos just made their lives that much more difficult. Fuck this clown. He must be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Creating false reports is felony if you're black but nothing happens if you're white?

So white folks who create false reports on blacks shouldn't be arrested? RIP, Tamar Rice

Wasn't a 8 year black boy not to long ago in a store, had the police called on him

9 year old in NYC on a false sex assault claim. White lady said he touched her butt but the video showed it was his bookbag as he was sliding past her in the store.
I'm not into that gay shit at all. It's an abomination and a disgraceful perversion in my opinion.

With all that said the gay community should come for his fucking throat. This clown ass pos just made their lives that much more difficult. Fuck this pos.

They're not. Them gay whites are on code and the black ones think they are apart of the white gay community. They don't give 2 shits about gay black men.

They haven't came out against ED Buck yet and this dude allegedly done killed 2 black gay men
What did they charge her with??

some of ya'll niggas disgust me

If someone makes a false report on your daughter stealing candy from outta the store and you know she didn't do it, you good on that right?

Let alone make a false report saying she stole some candy and the cops come and draw down on her, You good with that lady outside the store on her cell phone that made that call.

You good with that right

If someone makes a false report on your daughter stealing candy from outta the store and you know she didn't do it, you good on that right?

Let alone make a false report saying she stole some candy and the cops come and draw down on her, You good with that lady outside the store on her cell phone that made that call.

You good with that right


Do we really have to pretend like there is no difference between unjustly calling the police on someone and orchestrating a whole goddamn hoax crime for fame and fortune?

If you have to reach this hard for shit to whine about maybe you should just take a step back.

Police: Jussie Smollett Staged Attack To ‘Promote His Career’

CHICAGO (AP) — “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett “took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career” when he made a false police report about an attack in Chicago, the city’s police superintendent said Thursday.

Smollett also sent a racist and homophobic threatening letter to the Fox studio lot where he works in Chicago before the attack, Supt. Eddie Johnson said. He said Smollett was dissatisfied with his salary.

Smollett turned himself in and was arrested early Thursday to face accusations that he filed a false police report when he told authorities he was attacked in Chicago by two men who hurled racist and anti-gay slurs and looped a rope around his neck, police said.

The whispers about Smollett’s account started with reports that he had not fully cooperated with police after telling authorities he was attacked. Then detectives in a city bristling with surveillance cameras could not find video of the beating. Later, two brothers were taken into custody for questioning but were released after two days, with police saying they were no longer suspects.

Following three weeks of mounting suspicions, Smollett was charged Wednesday with felony disorder conduct, a charge that could bring up to three years in prison and force the actor, who is black and gay, to pay for the cost of the investigation into his report of a Jan. 29 beating.

In less than a month, the 36-year-old changed from being the seemingly sympathetic victim of a hate crime to being accused of fabricating the entire thing.

The felony charge emerged on the same day detectives and the two brothers testified before a grand jury. Smollett’s attorneys met with prosecutors and police, but it was unknown what they discussed or whether Smollett attended the meeting.

In a statement, attorneys Todd Pugh and Victor Henderson said Smollett “enjoys the presumption of innocence, particularly when there has been an investigation like this one where information, both true and false, has been repeatedly leaked.”

The announcement of the charges followed a flurry of activity in recent days, including lengthy police interviews of the brothers, a search of their home and their release after officers cleared them.

Investigators have not said what the brothers told detectives or what evidence detectives collected. But it became increasingly clear that serious questions had arisen about Smollett’s account — something police signaled Friday when they announced a “significant shift in the trajectory” of the probe after the brothers were freed.

Smollett, who plays a gay character on the hit Fox television show “Empire,” said he was attacked Jan. 29 as he was walking home from a downtown Subway sandwich shop. He said the masked men beat him, made derogatory comments and yelled “This is MAGA country” — an apparent reference to President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again” — before fleeing.

Earlier Wednesday, Fox Entertainment and 20th Century Fox Television issued a statement saying Smollett “continues to be a consummate professional on set” and that his character is not being written off the show. The series is shot in Chicago and follows a black family as they navigate the ups and downs of the recording industry.

The studio’s statement followed reports that Smollett’s role was being slashed amid the police investigation.

After reviewing hundreds of hours of video, detectives did find and release images of two people they said they wanted to question and last week picked up the brothers at O’Hare International Airport as they returned from Nigeria. Police questioned the men and searched their apartment.

The brothers, who were identified by their attorney as Abimbola “Abel” and Olabinjo “Ola” Osundairo, were held for nearly 48 hours on suspicion of assaulting Smollett.

The day after they were released, police said the men provided information that had “shifted the trajectory of the investigation,” and detectives requested another interviewwith Smollett.

Police said one of the men had worked on “Empire,” and Smollett’s attorneys said one of the men is the actor’s personal trainer, whom he hired to help get him physically ready for a music video. The actor released his debut album, “Sum of My Music,” last year.

Smollett was charged by prosecutors, not the grand jury. The police spokesman said the brothers appeared before the panel to “lock in their testimony.”

Speaking outside the courthouse where the grand jury met, the brothers’ attorney said the two men testified for about two and a half hours.

“There was a point where this story needed to be told, and they manned up and they said we’re going to correct this,” Gloria Schmidt said.

She said her clients did not care about a plea deal or immunity. “You don’t need immunity when you have the truth,” she said.

She also said her clients received money from Smollett, but she did not elaborate.

Smollett has been active in LBGTQ issues, and initial reports of the assault drew outrage and support for him on social media, including from Sen. Kamala Harris of California and TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.

Referring to a published account of the attack, President Donald Trump told reporters at the White House that “it doesn’t get worse, as far as I’m concerned.”

But several hours after Smollett was declared a suspect and the charges announced, there was little reaction from celebrities online.

Former Cook County prosecutor Andrew Weisberg said judges rarely throw defendants in prison for making false reports, opting instead to place them on probation, particularly if they have no prior criminal record.

Smollett has a record — one that concerns giving false information to police when he was pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence. According to records, he was also charged with false impersonation and driving without a license. He later pleaded no contest to a reduced charge and took an alcohol education and treatment program.

Another prospective problem is the bill someone might receive after falsely reporting a crime that prompted a nearly monthlong investigation, including the collection and review of hundreds of hours of surveillance video.

The size of the tab is anyone’s guess, but given how much time the police have invested, the cost could be huge.

Weisberg recently represented a client who was charged with making a false report after surveillance video discredited her account of being robbed by three men at O’Hare Airport.

For an investigation that took a single day, his client had to split restitution of $8,400, Weisberg said. In Smollett’s case, “I can imagine that this would be easily into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

when black people aren’t willing to defend you against the most crooked police force in america, you know you fucked up

So you're good with your daughter being falsely accused and the person who accused her not having nothing done to them.

Your daughter gets accused of stealing outta the store 3 times out the month by the same lady, you're good with that because there's a difference between falsely staging something and falsely accusing a innocent person of something they didn't do?

Gotcha again.
They're not. Them gay whites are on code and the black ones think they are apart of the white gay community. They don't give 2 shits about gay black men.

They haven't came out against ED Buck yet and this dude allegedly done killed 2 black gay men
I agree. Gay black men are the equivalent of black feminist. They are props and nothing more. The wider gay community uses black men just like white feminist use black women. They demand complete and unyielding support from their black members but want absolutely nothing to do with black issues. How many feminists did you see in Texas when Sandra Bland was found hanging in that jail cell?

At their best black men and black women move best as a unit fighting this fucked up system together. Its not by mistake that we have been splintered off into these separate movements that have diametrically opposed goals. Black women have been tricked into thinking that black men are the enemy by white feminist who fear and hate us if we wont allow ourselves to be taken advantage of by them. Meanwhile white men are continuing to do what they have always done and are now given a pass so that the bug, bad, black menace can be stopped.

Gay black men are now the new version of that. They are seen as honorary white people as long as they side with them against us. These mothafuckas are a disgrace on multiple levels.