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Poll Fair or Foul

Fair or Foul

  • Fair

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • Foul

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Over charge for what they did to cold crush

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
If this can be proven to generate business you're with it then?

From a business standpoint, yes. From a societal standpoint, no, because I still believe it would create a precedent that would ultimately be bad for us since we're in a weaker position. People always think shit like this is cute when its blacks doing it to whites, but just remember how bad for us that would be if whites started doing it to us. Unless, we really built up our black owned business base fast, we'd be fucked.
Yeah, you're right, they could have worded it in a way that made it seem more like that and maybe avoided some of the backlash. The only problem is that depending on the demographics, the whites may be the smaller group, and perks aren't withheld from the smaller groups.

To answer your other question, whites have always loved black culture and artistry even when they hated black people. It shouldn't be surprising that some would seek to attend such a festival. Hell, they hold these types of festivals in places where there are hardly any blacks. That just shows how much whites are willing to support shit like this. I don't see why any reasonable business person would want to punish part of its customer base. It makes more sense to welcome the whites, take their money, and do something with that money to uplift blacks.

I guess I just view this as a perk for Blackness and P.O.C. and not a punishment for whiteness.

That's the narrative tho. Whiteness is being punished but I don't see it that way. The narrative should be that Blackness and P.O.C are being celebrated not that whiteness is being punished.
I guess I just view this as a perk for Blackness and P.O.C. and not a punishment for whiteness.

That's the narrative tho. Whiteness is being punished but I don't see it that way. The narrative should be that Blackness and P.O.C are being celebrated not that whiteness is being punished.

I think that perspective is fine. If that's what it is, I feel like they could have easily made that stand out more to avoid controversy. As it stands, it just comes off as them treating one race unfairly.
I think that perspective is fine. If that's what it is, I feel like they could have easily made that stand out more to avoid controversy. As it stands, it just comes off as them treating one race unfairly.

Yeah this definitely could've been worded differently but at the end of the day white folks would've complained anyway....

I'm about to make a thread and I'd like your opinion on it.

lol You know what I mean. Currently, white people aren't pulling anything blatant like this with pricing. They could hurt us a lot more with these types of practices than we can hurt them.

Yeah this definitely could've been worded differently but at the end of the day white folks would've complained anyway....

I'm about to make a thread and I'd like your opinion on it.

Aight, cool.
You know what I mean. Currently, white people aren't pulling anything blatant like this with pricing. They could hurt us a lot more with these types of practices than we can hurt them.
I understand the points everyone is making but basically when something like this happens my go-to thought isn't ; well what would happen if whites did this to us. My thoughts are basically we need to do this shit a little slicker and smarter.
People turn a profit taing advantage of us. I don't wanna be them nothing wrong with learning tho
I understand the points everyone is making but basically when something like this happens my go-to thought isn't ; well what would happen if whites did this to us. My thoughts are basically we need to do this shit a little slicker and smarter.
People turn a profit taing advantage of us. I don't wanna be them nothing wrong with learning tho

Fair enough. If it was done in a slicker way, I'd probably agree you. The blatant nature of what they are doing is the problem to me, and I feel like you have to think about the consequences of opening the doors for whites to do more evil shit because you know that many of them will happily walk through those doors and we're a small force in this country so bad actions have a harsher affect on us.

most of the reasons im in support of have been posted

but maybe non POC should pay for a POC or something