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Poll Fair or Foul

Fair or Foul

  • Fair

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • Foul

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Over charge for what they did to cold crush

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
How about actually giving a rebuttal to the things said instead of claiming someone's "shedding white tears". That isht is lazy and disingenuous at best.

This is why convos on this site become ridiculous after a while. Some of these niggas refuse to actually discuss the points being made. Not one person in here has said this shit is wrong because it makes white people feel bad. Pretty much everyone saying this is Foul is making that comment based on principle. If you disagree with that principle, that's cool, but characterizing it as "white tears" is retarded.
Just like y'all argue white folk should never utter the word 'nigga/nigger' in a black person's presence. ... Same logic with this ticket stance to me

I don't need to remind you nignogs how much in financial gain other races have made off black culture... Especially in fashion and music...

I understand a lot of you folk have sensibilities towards Caucasians or maybe genes...it's all good
Look I get y’all are on some if they can’t do neither should we and blah blah blah. But to act like this is on the same level as being denied a job or something and then further say we can complain about racial mistreatment because of this small micro aggression is crazy to me.
Like someone said before, you can't fight racism and promote it at the same time. If you want to take up the stance that America is racist, so we should start being racist too, I don't agree that, but I'd say it's a fair stance to take. However, the people that feel that way, need to stop bitching every time a white person does something racist. The main people that think something like this is cool are the ones that cry the loudest when white do their foul shit. You can't have it both ways. It's not about standing on moral high ground. It's just the reality of the world. Either you're going to hold yourself to a higher standard and push for others to do the same. Or you're going to embrace the low standard and take everything that comes with it. You're lying to yourself if you think there are any other options.

It depends on how its done. Like I said, I don't know that a music festival is really the place for that, but I do think there are times when blacks should be able to say "Blacks only." For example, if there is a conference where blacks are coming together to try and plan out a political strategy for push black issues (e.g., reparations), the people involved should be able to say "Blacks only." If whites don't like it, then fuck 'em in that case. Blacks aren't beating down the doors to get into white nationalist meetings.

My thing is you’re saying we cry when white folks act racist but you making it seem like what we doing is even in the same vein. White people didn’t make racist laws just to get us back for a slight. Afrofuture probably did this to be funny. It’s like you looking at the actions with no context to it.
Look I get y’all are on some if they can’t do neither should we and blah blah blah. But to act like this is on the same level as being denied a job or something and then further say we can complain about racial mistreatment because of this small micro aggression is crazy to me.

Quote someone doin' that
My thing is you’re saying we cry when white folks act racist but you making it seem like what we doing is even in the same vein. White people didn’t make racist laws just to get us back for a slight. Afrofuture probably did this to be funny. It’s like you looking at the actions with no context to it.

But this is in the same vein. Like I said before, ya'll are lumping every action by every white person into the same pot. The same white people making unfair banking laws aren't the same white people with small businesses that discriminate against minorities. No, the Afrofuture thing isn't isn't nearly as bad as the shit the racist white elites do, but it's not far off from the shit that lower class whites do.

Like I said, I don't really care about the fact that they are charging whites more. It's more the principle. Black people really don't want to set that principle because it could come back on us and it would be worse.
niggas crying and whinning about white ppl paying extra and a young Black kid was killed for listening to rap music.

these folks dont like yall and when are yall going to start being more protective over our spaces
niggas crying and whinning about white ppl paying extra and a young Black kid was killed for listening to rap music.

these folks dont like yall and when are yall going to start being more protective over our spaces

Nobody's crying about this dumb shit and the kid getting killed has nothing to do with this situation.