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Fair or foul: Wade’s kids at the pride parade?

Do you really think it's more gay ppl now or just more out gay ppl? Cuz there's a difference...

Both. I don't doubt there are nuff closets out there, my dad's friend he came from Barbados with didn't come out til someone saw him with his boyfriend in Soho. He was like 50.

I think its more likely that there are more gay people than it is that previous generations of people all over the world were/have been hidin' their homosexuality.

Happy to be talked out of it though
Probably some of both. I think more people are feeling comfortable coming out, but I do think this attempt being made to normalize homosexuality have led some impressionable people to delve into it.
I dont see the problem with that tho *shrug*
I dont see the problem with that tho *shrug*

I guess it depends on your perspective. IMO Heterosexuality is normal. Heterosexuality isn't, but there are some born that way just like there are some born blind. We should be understanding and accommodating to that fact, however, to me it's ridiculous to paint homosexuality as normal just like it would be ridiculous to act like it's completely normal for people to be born blind. You want to teach kids that they shouldn't mistreat people because they are gay? That's fine. But we don't need schools trying to indoctrinate children that a family with two fathers is the exact same as a family with a mother and father. Heterosexuality is required for the survival of the species (barring artificial insemination and all that). Homosexuality is just an abheration that should be tolerated.
Both. I don't doubt there are nuff closets out there, my dad's friend he came from Barbados with didn't come out til someone saw him with his boyfriend in Soho. He was like 50.

I think its more likely that there are more gay people than it is that previous generations of people all over the world were/have been hidin' their homosexuality.

Happy to be talked out of it though
Idk maybe I'm biased cuz I'm from around the bay area and it's been gay af for like 50 yrs lol. Idk I just dont see anything more than ppl being emboldened to do what they already wanted to do. Plus is ppl experimented with gay shit back in the day but still ended up "straight" for all intents and purposes, they were more likely to take that to the grave and not talk about it. Bitch get drunk and make out with a girl at the bar, 10 million ppl gotta hear about it.
I guess it depends on your perspective. IMO Heterosexuality is normal. Heterosexuality isn't, but there are some born that way just like there are some born blind. We should be understanding and accommodating to that fact, however, to me it's ridiculous to paint homosexuality as normal just like it would be ridiculous to act like it's completely normal for people to be born blind. You want to teach kids that they shouldn't mistreat people because they are gay? That's fine. But we don't need schools trying to indoctrinate children that a family with two fathers is the exact same as a family with a mother and father. Heterosexuality is required for the survival of the species (barring artificial insemination and all that). Homosexuality is just an abheration that should be tolerated.

I'm way too tired to do anything with this. You got me bruh lol
So you show a rape scene in effort to convince him not to be gay? Thats like showing a white girl birth of a nation to keep her from dating black people. Some of yall niggas idk mayne

False equivalency bruh.

Plus, I think we're looking at it from 2 different perspectives.

You seem to be assuming he is gay.

However, I'm assuming he's not.......and/or that he doesn't really understand what that means or entails.

If the kid's horrified by what he's seen, then I've done my job.

Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.
False equivalency bruh.

Plus, I think we're looking at it from 2 different perspectives.

You seem to be assuming he is gay.

However, I'm assuming he's not.......and/or that he doesn't really understand what that means or entails.

If the kid's horrified by what he's seen, then I've done my job.

Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.

But your son would amd should be horrified because you are showing him a rape scene. That is traumatizing because wtf is my dad showing me prison rape?

Also would you show a man raping a woman to see if he is straight?
I'd have to force him to watch OZ.

Show him the Adebesi scene with Shebetta's son......nh........and ask him:

"Is this who you are.....is this what you want?"

Might scar him for life, but it might be worth it in the long run.

What’s your plan as a dad if he watch that scene with you and get an erection? What’s your next move?

yeah pause and all that but answer the question, you got yourself into this
Deadeye sounds like one of those "gay men are gross but lesbians are fine" kinda homophobes. He dont really have an explanation other than "ewwww"
But your son would amd should be horrified because you are showing him a rape scene. That is traumatizing because wtf is my dad showing me prison rape?

Also would you show a man raping a woman to see if he is straight?
Or show a girl a rape scene to see if she's straight. Make it make sense.