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Fair or foul: Wade’s kids at the pride parade?

I hate black people sometimes.... Yo I went to pride with my girl some years back and there were kids as young as 5 years old eating rainbow cotton candy and drinkin sodas.

His son is not gay for going to a pride parade and if he is so what ? It's 2019 and someone's sexual orientation is not going to hurt you LOLOL. But sometimes I forget where I'm posting, that being said this thread may go platinum before the end of the week.

Why you always contributing to the numbers tho my g.
That's not gonna stop him from sucking a dick my guy. Better talk to em.

I'd have to force him to watch OZ.

Show him the Adebesi scene with Shebetta's son......nh........and ask him:

"Is this who you are.....is this what you want?"

Might scar him for life, but it might be worth it in the long run.
Sexual curiosity is NOT the same as sexuality. Those with daughters may have had to tell them not to rub on the floor, or to touch themselves when they were young. Children learn about their bodies as they age and sometimes that includes another child.
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I'd have to force him to watch OZ.

Show him the Adebesi scene with Shebetta's son......nh........and ask him:

"Is this who you are.....is this what you want?"

Might scar him for life, but it might be worth it in the long run.

All that's going to do is put up a wall between you and your son, why would you be afraid to support your gay son.
Some people felt he was too young to be there. That’s why I asked fair or foul.

Yeah, 11 does seem kinda young to be talking about sexual preference. Does he really know what he is? Then again there was kid in my first grade class that all the boys called a fag. We didn't know anything about sex at the time. We didn't really even know what a fag was. We just knew that whatever it was, Fajorian was it. Sometimes you can just tell. In retrospect, his parents set him up for that life with that name.
I don't think 11 or 12 y/o is too young to talk about sex. In this day and age it probably should be done before then. He's at the age when kids really start to understand and feel real attraction (puberty). However, I do think it's too young to be absolute in your sexual preference. I think there are other ways to support his potential preference than attending a gay pride parade, but as his parents I support their decision to support him in the way they see fit.
To the people saying puberty starts at 11 and kids are sexual at that age, y'all got kids?

Yea she 7 years old. Her mom told her about gay people but we aint had no deep discussion yet because she 7. At 11 for girls and boys is when family life class starts to get real
I'd have to force him to watch OZ.

Show him the Adebesi scene with Shebetta's son......nh........and ask him:

"Is this who you are.....is this what you want?"

Might scar him for life, but it might be worth it in the long run.

So you show a rape scene in effort to convince him not to be gay? Thats like showing a white girl birth of a nation to keep her from dating black people. Some of yall niggas idk mayne
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I taught middle school. Trust me, kids know more about sex than people think. They may not know details, they don't fully understand the power of consequences or have the maturity to accept all that comes with sex but they get the basics for sure. Generally, it is the time when they start to develop a curiosity about it. Is every 11 y/o kid this way? Nah, but there are lots of kids that are. These kids are exposed to so much more than we were as kids. EVERYTHING is at their fingertips and unfortunately, while parents are the major influences for their children they aren't the only influence. So as sheltered as they may be, everybody they encounter during the day isn't.
Yeah, 11 does seem kinda young to be talking about sexual preference. Does he really know what he is? Then again there was kid in my first grade class that all the boys called a fag. We didn't know anything about sex at the time. We didn't really even know what a fag was. We just knew that whatever it was, Fajorian was it. Sometimes you can just tell. In retrospect, his parents set him up for that life with that name.
Lol before i finished this post i read the name and came to the same conclusion if your names in in te...

So what do you guys put this obvious increase in the rate of homosexuality down to?

Social media more voices being heard making something unusual all of a sudden normal.

Social media a blessing and a curse for real. Cause on one hand you got a bunch of weirdo agendas on the other hand i got to access to a lot of information about nipsey I wouldn't have otherwise and would've just thought he was a dumbass crip. Who got got
Fair to me

If their son came out THAT quick that's kinda cool and shows the wades have a great environment at home

Niggas was kings at age 11 back in the day and kenard was around that age when he shot omar in the head at the corner store

Fair game
If your name is dante trevante.. If your nickname is twan

My bad. I misread your previous post, but yeah. Some names you're only giving your kids if you want them to go a certain way. Ain't no way a boy named Fajorian was gonna go through life and turn out masculine. lol