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Poll Fair or Foul: Petition Made For Actor Playing Fred Hampton To Be Changed

Fair or Foul?

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In your mind, you think you're smarter than me. That's your pov and tbh, I don't have the interest or stamina to prove you different

I'm secure in my ability to critically think when needed and that's good enough for me

I still love you though

i am waiting to see this critical thinking from you mr 21

anywho, youre free to go
protectionism is warranted sometimes guys. yes we all Black with vastly different cultures but whose culture is the most exploited and exported???

Black americans. not trying to have a diaspora war here but if you really fucked with us, like yall say yall do, yall would at least try to understand where niggas like me is coming from
That part. You shouldnt have to explain it. But these vultures have become too entitled and need a reality check. Keep going.
if we were really about some shit we would be petitioning to have the entire movie cancelled lmao

niggas are worried about the actors, why the fuck are we getting a Fred Hampton movie centered around his killer???

are yall on crack?

Is this true? Anybody please answer this
Lol wow this thread is so silly.

Can one of the foul voters explain what their issue with this is?

And don't just tell me that it's a non American playin' an American role, I get they, what I don't get is why that's a problem.
From the preview it does look like half of the movie will be about the snitch bitch who sold him out

Gotta process this one. I know that he is major part of a certain segment of the story but I don't think he should be that much of a focus in the movie.

I don't think Spike Lee's Malcolm X movie would've been as great as it was if half the focus was on his killers. It was about Malcolm from start to finish basically and that is how these movies should be.
Gotta process this one. I know that he is major part of a certain segment of the story but I don't think he should be that much of a focus in the movie.

I don't think Spike Lee's Malcolm X movie would've been as great as it was if half the focus was on his killers. It was about Malcolm from start to finish basically and that is how these movies should be.

I have a crazy idea. Hear me out. How about you wait until you've seen the movie to judge how you feel about it? Just a suggestion. A little radical but it may work.
I have a crazy idea. Hear me out. How about you wait until you've seen the movie to judge how you feel about it? Just a suggestion. A little radical but it may work.

How about you read to comprehend instead of responding?

Read it again slowly you might just might get that I didn't judge or say how I feel about it.
How about you read to comprehend instead of responding?

Read it again slowly you might just might get that I didn't judge or say how I feel about it.

Read your first sentence. You're processing that information for what? Is it to form a feeling on the movie before you've even seen it? My comprehension is rarely an issue, good sir.
Read your first sentence. You're processing that information for what? Is it to form a feeling on the movie before you've even seen it? My comprehension is rarely an issue, good sir.

Well consider this the rare case on your comprehension issue.

Moving along