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Poll Fair or foul: attacking a man from behind

Was the push from behind fair or foul?

  • Fair: cheap shot for cheap shot

    Votes: 27 65.9%
  • Foul: it's cowardly to attack from behind

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • Ehh, I'm on the fence

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters
If I ever got to put a man down, he'll know it's coming and he'll know why.

Yall in here talking about impulse but all what I'm really 'hearing' is emotion. I'm in no way saying what Markieff did was right but reacting that way to that shove shows how soft Jokic really is. And jumping to twitter to dry snitch about "threats" is soft as baby shit.

So hitting somebody back after they hit you is soft? This it the most stupid take lol and I think y’all just wanted to argue.
If I ever got to put a man down, he'll know it's coming and he'll know why.

Yall in here talking about impulse but all what I'm really 'hearing' is emotion. I'm in no way saying what Markieff did was right but reacting that way to that shove shows how soft Jokic really is. And jumping to twitter to dry snitch about "threats" is soft as baby shit.

Naaah bruh…Y’ALL making this into summin’ it’s not…

You talking about people in here talking about “impulse” but all you really hear is “emotions” when in reality we’re in here talking about Jokic “reacting” to THIS situation…

Y’all acting like Morris walked up to Jokic, pulled off his gloves, slapped him in tha face like Bugs Bunny challenging him to a duel and then got shot in his back after he started taking his paces…this ain’t that

Orrrr y’all acting like they had some kinda previous beef and tha game was just flowing on as usual then Jokic ram outta nowhere to shove Morris on some sneak shit…this ain’t that

I’m not condoning sucker shit but THIS wasn’t some sucker shit by Jokic…this was him “reacting” to some foul shit that was literally JUST done to him…he didn’t run up on him barking in his face like most bball “scuffles” go…he took a blow to tha ribs and he reacted by shoving Markieff who was dumb af for turning his back AFTER he started some shit…

Like I real life don’t understand this notion that somebody does summin’ to you and turns their back and it’s some “sucker shit” or a sign of “softness” to react just because now all of a sudden they turned their back?!?! I can’t make this part make sense…
Matter of fact replace tha shoves and pushes wit’ guns…

So somebody shoots you in tha back of ya thigh or ya ass or summin’ (cuz I’m not putting death on anybody) …you fall to tha ground in pain and look up and you tha nigga that just shot you in your ass turned around talking bout “yeah, I shot that nigga in his ass”…you pull out your gun but you NOT shooting him cuz his back turned?? That would be “soft” hunh?? That’d be an “emotional” response right?!

Y’all watch too much anime….
Naaah bruh…Y’ALL making this into summin’ it’s not…

You talking about people in here talking about “impulse” but all you really hear is “emotions” when in reality we’re in here talking about Jokic “reacting” to THIS situation…

Y’all acting like Morris walked up to Jokic, pulled off his gloves, slapped him in tha face like Bugs Bunny challenging him to a duel and then got shot in his back after he started taking his paces…this ain’t that

Orrrr y’all acting like they had some kinda previous beef and tha game was just flowing on as usual then Jokic ram outta nowhere to shove Morris on some sneak shit…this ain’t that

I’m not condoning sucker shit but THIS wasn’t some sucker shit by Jokic…this was him “reacting” to some foul shit that was literally JUST done to him…he didn’t run up on him barking in his face like most bball “scuffles” go…he took a blow to tha ribs and he reacted by shoving Markieff who was dumb af for turning his back AFTER he started some shit…

Like I real life don’t understand this notion that somebody does summin’ to you and turns their back and it’s some “sucker shit” or a sign of “softness” to react just because now all of a sudden they turned their back?!?! I can’t make this part make sense…

it’s literally cuz it’s a white dude bro. Ain’t no other explanation
Everybody different, and I respect that.

Myself, I lose my cool and react quick.

If a mfer hits me in the rib like Morris did, im reacting. If you in my face, im swinging at your jaw.

If you hit me and turn around and walk away that same second, im swinging at the back of your head.

With a cool mind, im not swinging at all. But in the heat of the moment, i do dumb stuff and react quick like Jokic did.
Everybody different, and I respect that.

Myself, I lose my cool and react quick.

If a mfer hits me in the rib like Morris did, im reacting. If you in my face, im swinging at your jaw.

If you hit me and turn around and walk away that same second, im swinging at the back of your head.

With a cool mind, im not swinging at all. But in the heat of the moment, i do dumb stuff and react quick like Jokic did.
Grown men should not be reacting in the heat of the moment. What did the Godfather say?

'Women and children can be careless, but not men'. Ya'll got too many excuses to act feminine.