Welcome To aBlackWeb

Breaking News Facebook, Messenger, What’s App Down

I tried putting my people on to this but they refused to check it out. I had already reached these conclusions years before this dropped and left social media before I saw it but it was still a very good watch and confirmed everything I already figured to be the truth about social media. After you watch this you will definitely get rid of that trash from your life. I literally just have lowkey pages I use to check the news and sports. Y'all can keep those boomerangs, dog filters and IG hoes. I'm good over here with the forums.

I just got a Facebook acct immediately after my wife passed in order to get the funeral arrangements and whatnot out to her friends. I've kept it but only have family connected on it and aside from posting the odd meme here and there I don't really do much except keep tabs on my family and our peoples extremely close to the family.

Still no IG, Twitter, etc and I don't see a reason to join them either.
My friends and I been saying this for years which is why we started to limit our social media interactions.

Some people on my timeline that I thought was cool, I had to unfollow cause I saw it was like a drug to them. Some girls I thought I could’ve dated I see that I couldn’t cause they be on that attention whoring heavy
That's all I'll ever use; desktop browser only.

Social media will never infect my phone.
So are you just constantly clicking continue to use browser when that popup comes up to ask if you wanna switch to the app? I know some sites have that and it's annoying
Word. Even before the pandemic when I'd take my daughter for walks, we'd be outside for a couple hrs and barely see a single person outside in the neighborhoods. Shit was kinda sad.


I've noticed that there's just not that many kids out playing anymore. Shit's crazy 'cause when I was a kid and even in my 20's and 30's summertime meant kids everywhere playing outside. Neighborhood parks would be overrun with kids, sidewalks and streets had kids playing. The last 10 years or so that really hasn't been the case, but it started to decline around 05-06.