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Fabolous Reportedly Arrested For Domestic Violence

yall always going at niggas necks that agree with women lmaooo

if that aint some suspect shit I dont know what is.

“Youre a wack ass nigga for agreeing with the women on this site” is a loose translation for “Im hurt that you arent out here riding MY nuts”

yall gotta get out of bumping dicks and start thinking for yourselves.

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“And we should have known by now that there would be people (men and women) stretching themselves like Thanksgiving leftovers to defend Fabolous. We should know by now that the rubric for deciding whether someone is worthy of this type of support is mostly based on one question: Is he a man?

The people who are in Facebook threads defending Fab or on StubHub buying tickets for R. Kelly shows are invested in a system that requires women to be devalued. We should know by now that this system exists in symbiosis with a system that requires black people to be devalued. And we should know by now that “Let’s wait for the facts” and “We need to hear both sides” and “If she’s in danger, why doesn’t she just leave?” are euphemistic ways of saying, “That bitch deserved it.”
Imagine being a woman in the lives of some of these creatures defending Fab
yes just imagine....
while im not defending him...it says nothing about the person someone is with.
but if one thing means another....imagine the men in the lives of some women here.
This notion that, "It isn't about love for Fabolous or R. Kelly. It's about hate for women," is jumping the shark a tad bit.

Regular dudes that get exposed as women abusers get beat down on the regular just as many go unchecked. It's life and nothing is ever the same across the board. Unfortunately with domestic arrangements comes occasional friction. That's why you'll see siblings squabble, children become combative against parents & unfortunately significant others butt heads. But as with everything in life not every person has the self-control or common sense required when it comes to not placing your hands on a woman or anyone for that matter.

Not everything has to become gender wars. At the end of the day we all witnessed a domestic dispute play out on camera for the world to see but what we did not witness was an actual assault. Fact. You can play pretend as if you've never seen arguments more intense than this one NOT come to blows... or you can be naive and pretend as if the body language displayed by Fab wasn't troubling as hell and indicative of potential abusive behavior.

But at the end of the day everything being discussed on this matter is presumptuous and everyone needs to cool the fuck out. Our assumptions on their personal issues holds no light to anyones character regardless of which position you hold.
The thing is no one is defending anyone beating a woman, these chicks just making shit up now
and even calling names out of people to avoid...because they think they beat women.

thats fucked up. you never know who may come across some shit like that and form an opinion.

all this men are garbage ...niggas aint shit....this is not called for.

if a little patience is had....people will realize that on this very board most dudes hate a nigga who hits women. a quick search will show that.
was them dudes applauded? nope. i guess thats how its supposed to be.
yet all dudes aint shit? not for defending but asking questions about a video that is not cut and dry.

seems to me only one dude was saying bitch...yet ......fuck it.


its alot of cool chicks on here....i hope that toxic shit from one dont effect them
and even calling names out of people to avoid...because they think they beat women.

thats fucked up. you never know who may come across some shit like that and form an opinion.

all this men are garbage ...niggas aint shit....this is not called for.

if a little patience is had....people will realize that on this very board most dudes hate a nigga who hits women. a quick search will show that.
was them dudes applauded? nope. i guess thats how its supposed to be.
yet all dudes aint shit? not for defending but asking questions about a video that is not cut and dry.

seems to me only one dude was saying bitch...yet ......fuck it.


its alot of cool chicks on here....i hope that toxic shit from one dont effect them

cosign. hopefully it dont
This notion that, "It isn't about love for Fabolous or R. Kelly. It's about hate for women," is jumping the shark a tad bit.

Regular dudes that get exposed as women abusers get beat down on the regular just as many go unchecked. It's life and nothing is ever the same across the board. Unfortunately with domestic arrangements comes occasional friction. That's why you'll see siblings squabble, children become combative against parents & unfortunately significant others butt heads. But as with everything in life not every person has the self-control or common sense required when it comes to not placing your hands on a woman or anyone for that matter.

Not everything has to become gender wars. At the end of the day we all witnessed a domestic dispute play out on camera for the world to see but what we did not witness was an actual assault. Fact. You can play pretend as if you've never seen arguments more intense than this one NOT come to blows... or you can be naive and pretend as if the body language displayed by Fab wasn't troubling as hell and indicative of potential abusive behavior.

But at the end of the day everything being discussed on this matter is presumptuous and everyone needs to cool the fuck out. Our assumptions on their personal issues holds no light to anyones character regardless of which position you hold.

Well said Brooklyn
so ...the police was called.
but fab went to the station to turn himself in before the police got to their house.
they give him a ticket to show up in court.
but she had two teeth knocked out and feared enough to have relatives come take guns.

let me ask yall......when cops come to domestic violence situations...is it me or maybe im wrong..i dont know

but if the cops have any....ANY evidence of violence resulting in knocked out teeth or a mark on a body.....dont someone get arrested and locked up?

am i missing something in the evidence?

so did the cops fail here?