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Fabolous Reportedly Arrested For Domestic Violence

My point was that we can’t compare regular citizens to police officers who are supposed to be trained to handle disputes and situations. It’s disingenuous. I hold officer ____ to a higher level of conduct than Fabolous the rapper.

We can if you've been trained since a child not to hit women. You've been taught to not rape women, you need professional class for that? Cmon fam.
I'm not going to say he has abusive tendencies because he wanna get up in her face and argue, I've seen plenty of couples do that and no one hit the other. The knife is a bad look but maybe he had it to defend himself from the pops and brother, I don't know.
thats all im saying......

its crazy...an young black man just got shot walking out of a store. the clerk assumed he stole a beer followed and shot him. did the clerk overreact over what he thought he knew? did he check to see if the young man left the money on the counter? or is it that hes guilty because black people steal and are known to steal?

i think agreeing with abuse and wanting to know more is two different things.
why is it bad to ask more questions?
A nigga gettin up in a woman's face like he's trying to fight WITH A KNIFE IN UR HAND is pussy, u sit down to piss, period.

Yall niggas is justifying a lot of pussy behavior, yall lookin funny outchea

body language give it away.....

i don't give fuck how mad i look i've never hit my wife, so if i was approaching her in an argument...at most she gonna be like

she might ask herself "is this nigga crazy? am i in danger?" from the past 10 years she has no reason to believe i'd hurt her....

soon as fab turned to em, shorty was outta there......
What part of tendencies aren't u gettin fam? lol If he actually continued and stabbed her it would be beyond tendencies at that point.

If a nigga picked up a knife and even looked at my girl/mother/etc it's a wrap, idgaf what excuse u got. Some of yall niggas would be like "yo mom, what u say?, he seems pissed" lol

see .....why can you use hypothetical?
of course if its your family you would react like that. no one is saying anything different.

these two people have no direct bearing on my life.....so i am looking at it without bias...to an extent.

matter of fact im not looking at it biased.

and maybe i am the only person here who can admit this.

so i hear what you saying....you may not have been on either end....but i had a chick lie matter of fact let me find that post.
body language give it away.....

i don't give fuck how mad i look i've never hit my wife, so if i was approaching her in an argument...at most she gonna be like

she might ask herself "is this nigga crazy? am i in danger?" from the past 10 years she has no reason to believe i'd hurt her....

soon as fab turned to em, shorty was outta there......
an that means what?

while your wife may not run or move....thats doesnt mean another woman wouldnt just in case.
A nigga gettin up in a woman's face like he's trying to fight WITH A KNIFE IN UR HAND is pussy, u sit down to piss, period.

Yall niggas is justifying a lot of pussy behavior, yall lookin funny outchea

but who is justifying it?

i have yet to see anyone say it was cool to knock her teeth out or move towards her with a knife.
We can if you've been trained since a child not to hit women. You've been taught to not rape women, you need professional class for that? Cmon fam.
That’s a red herring Goldie lol. One is trained to deescalate situations, how many times have we seen white folks wilding out on officers yet they show restraint and are able to deescalate the situation? Outside of telling your son “never hit a girl” what training does the average boy have that in the heat of the moment he can apply? Oh “just walk away” but what if she follows him, what’s the training protocol then? Cops are trained that “if __ happens you do this __ but if ___ happens then you do ___ etc. there is a difference. So when a officer show negligence and in most cases purposely kill blacks people it looks much worse.
an that means what?

while your wife may not run or move....thats doesnt mean another woman wouldnt just in case.
trained behavior fam....

shorty moved out of fear, that shit was clear as fuck.....

if folk don't want people judging their actions don't do dumb shit like this outside in broad fucking daylight..

i see some shit like this i'm thinking,


this nigga is fucked up in the head, he ready to kill that chick and her dad....


dadd calling him a coward...saying that's my motherfucker daughter..

hmmmmmm this higga gotta knife, so he's not tryna give the dadf the fair one.....chicks scared to even get close to this nigga, ....

if i was a betting man i'd say he' routinely beats the dog shit outta her.....

oh 7 -8 times in the face you say??

hell yea i believe it....

look fam, i know yall niggaz like to be objective n shit, play devil's advocate, give everyone the benefit of the doubt....but sometimes shit looks like what it is...

that nigga fab is a violent rageaholic who needs to be locked away from those closest to him...

if em feel she still love him and wants to be with him... she needs some crisis counseling, because she is literally loving and trying to stay attached to the likely instrument of her death...

she needs help,
he needs help....
body language give it away.....

i don't give fuck how mad i look i've never hit my wife, so if i was approaching her in an argument...at most she gonna be like

she might ask herself "is this nigga crazy? am i in danger?" from the past 10 years she has no reason to believe i'd hurt her....

soon as fab turned to em, shorty was outta there......

I'm sure if you was enraged holding a knife she would run to. Nothing in that video told me he hit her, all I'm saying is more need to come out
I'm sure if you was enraged holding a knife she would run to. Nothing in that video told me he hit her, all I'm saying is more need to come out
i wouldn't run from her, why would she run from me?

she trust and loves me as i trust and love her....i'm 100% sure she'd think she could get through to me...that's what people who have never been hurt by someone before do.....
trained behavior fam....

shorty moved out of fear, that shit was clear as fuck.....

if folk don't want people judging their actions don't do dumb shit like this outside in broad fucking daylight..

i see some shit like this i'm thinking,


this nigga is fucked up in the head, he ready to kill that chick and her dad....


dadd calling him a coward...saying that's my motherfucker daughter..

hmmmmmm this higga gotta knife, so he's not tryna give the dadf the fair one.....chicks scared to even get close to this nigga, ....

if i was a betting man i'd say he' routinely beats the dog shit outta her.....

oh 7 -8 times in the face you say??

hell yea i believe it....

look fam, i know yall niggaz like to be objective n shit, play devil's advocate, give everyone the benefit of the doubt....but sometimes shit looks like what it is...

that nigga fab is a violent rageaholic who needs to be locked away from those closest to him...

if em feel she still love him and wants to be with him... she needs some crisis counseling, because she is literally loving and trying to stay attached to the likely instrument of her death...

she needs help,
he needs help....
bruh....even if your wife dont move.....the fact you walked towards her aggressively can be viewed as you are an abuser.

who runs up on their wife? a man doesnt need to have his masculinity felt by encroaching on his mate.

see how that can be turned around.
but who is justifying it?

i have yet to see anyone say it was cool to knock her teeth out or move towards her with a knife.

You have been fam lol You said 'oh well he just charged at her but then stopped", that alone is bitch nigga behavior and abusive tendencies and like Du pointed out, her reaction shows that she's used to getting beat df up.

This aint the hill to die on
bruh....even if your wife dont move.....the fact you walked towards her aggressively can be viewed as you are an abuser.

who runs up on their wife? a man doesnt need to have his masculinity felt by encroaching on his mate.

see how that can be turned around.
i'm going off of what i saw.. shorty knew to get out the way,

looks like the dude did it before...

in fact everything i saw looked like it's been done before.....i am willing to make the assumption and jump to the conclusion that this is a pattern of behavior for slim based off what i saw with my own eyes.....

now if emily claims this is normal, and claims he punched her 7-8 times in the face knocking her teeth loose.......and i'm looking at that footage....... i 100% believe her.....

no fucks given

shit's that simple bruh