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Fabolous Reportedly Arrested For Domestic Violence

so once that knife hit me i charged at her off instinct ready to throw some Tyson like combos...then i saw her cover up in fear...then thought about what the police officer had recently told me and got the fuck outta there to calm down
Let me tell your dork ass something. I dont care if you or any other of the niggas you be dick eating on this forum find me attractive. I dont care if you think Im single. Im not here to gas your ass or make you feel good about your horrible and often times downright stupid ass ideas. Thats where you got me fucked up. Instead of trying to belittle me, better your argument dickhead.
sis ALLLL he does is post anal destruction.
i'm going off of what i saw.. shorty knew to get out the way,

looks like the dude did it before...

in fact everything i saw looked like it's been done before.....i am willing to make the assumption and jump to the conclusion that this is a pattern of behavior for slim based off what i saw with my own eyes.....

now if emily claims this is normal, and claims he punched her 7-8 times in the face knocking her teeth loose.......and i'm looking at that footage....... i 100% believe her.....

no fucks given

shit's that simple bruh

That's just a reaction like you pretend you about to hit someone and they flinch. I think we've exhausted every avenue of this conversation for and against dude. Some people think he did it others saying wait until more info come out.

If he hit her he deserves everything that he has coming to him
You saw a clip of a grown ass man charging at a woman with a knife in his hand and you're wondering how i came to the conclusion he has abusive tendencies? lol aight fam
my love you're a rarity in that you're not trash.
futhermore @HellCzar dont text me about bullshit someone has said when im at work. Im trying to get to a bag and dont have time to verbally assault weirdos and farm animals on this site.

alot of yall only speak to me ill because youre behind a computer. You wouldnt dare say half of the shit yall say to my face. foh
a lot of them are very feeble minded and weak-framed IRL. that's why they rush to defend woman-beaters online and call women bitches & hoes. closest they'll get to power over one of us.

bar the niggas calling you out, y'all need to go in the trashcan with your ilk. spits.
That's just a reaction like you pretend you about to hit someone and they flinch. I think we've exhausted every avenue of this conversation for and against dude. Some people think he did it others saying wait until more info come out.

If he hit her he deserves everything that he has coming to him
flinching and cowering in fear are two different things.....

you flunch and regain.. when you cower you get the fuck outta the way cuz you know what's coming next

she cowered
flinching and cowering in fear are two different things.....

you flunch and regain.. when you cower you get the fuck outta the way cuz you know what's coming next

she cowered

She didn't get the fuck out the way, she came right back
a woman fucking with a dude is different from a chick fucking with a chick.

for obvious reasons

WTF are you talking about?

Read and understand the bold part of the post I quoted. Read and comprehend my post. Then you will understand my post. Then don't reply just have a wonderful day.

She didn't get the fuck out the way, she came right back

this that thing where you just argue to argue??

like know damn well you dead ass wrong, just dont wanna admit it??

like 10 times outta 10 shit get stupid after this point, so imma let you have it......

yea bruh after she flinched and cowered she came right back.....

But you not a judge

You didn’t go to school for that so that holds no weight

You don’t have to use hypotheticals when you have facts. You use facts.

This happened, ok. Can you provide me with anything proving this happened? Ok, let’s move forward. The end

You don’t get to well it looks like this and she reacted like this with a person’s life.
nigga this ain't a court room....

this a message board....

and in a message board any message i type holds weight.....i can give a shit about proving anything.....

this is my commentary...i'm the source....

What part of tendencies aren't u gettin fam? lol If he actually continued and stabbed her it would be beyond tendencies at that point.

If a nigga picked up a knife and even looked at my girl/mother/etc it's a wrap, idgaf what excuse u got. Some of yall niggas would be like "yo mom, what u say?, he seems pissed" lol

This is the exact shit I'm not getting.

I'm starting to see things clear though. Basically what's going on is. If its a so called real nigga who violates yall folks. Its let me find out why he got mad and did what he did. If its a no name nigga its straight to let me go fuck that nigga up.
