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Fabolous Reportedly Arrested For Domestic Violence

I gotta friend who know fab brother. Fab brother was there when it happened.

Fab hit her. They were arguing. Fab was tryna walk away but she kept following him provoking him and she pushed her hand on his forehed and that's when he got her.

She ain't gonna press charges cuz fab got all the money. Every little bit of dough she got is cuz of fab and she don't wanna lose that income.

Also fab is really connected in the streets and people may not recognize how connected he is cuz real cool and mellow

""That black boy HAD to have done SOMETHING to make the officer fear for his life, or he wouldn't shot him"""

""I just find it hard to believe the police would act that way without just cause...""

""If only he hadn't provoke the officer....""

""Well, that black guy wasn't exactly innocence""

Any of this sound familiar????

""That black boy HAD to have done SOMETHING to make the officer fear for his life, or he wouldn't shot him"""

""I just find it hard to believe the police would act that way without just cause...""

""If only he hadn't provoke the officer....""

""Well, that black guy wasn't exactly innocence""

Any of this sound familiar????
Police are supposed to be held to a higher standard of conduct than an average citizen.
Ain't the chick from that love n hip
Hop show?

I never watched it,

If you saw that show you would know none of that hyper aggressive shit can be applied to Emily. That woman ain't no smoke with nobody ever on that show from what I remember.

Hell the reason Chrissy(Jim Jones woman) beat up Kimbella(Juelz woman) was because of dumb ass shit Kimbella said that Emily didn't react to but Chrissy did. The beating was well deserved but Emily was content to leave that shit alone.
No you can’t

I doubt you went to school for that and even if you did, that wouldn’t be enough

A black man can’t get angry in this country. His own people call him a big bad nigga. As a collective, niggas in this country are really trash

Me and my homie got a running theory it’s cause niggas don’t read. Niggas who read should never be comfortable deciding someone’s guilt based on assumptions or anything they don’t know as fact

Ironic you said that, cuz you sound like these racist crackers who say "oh he must've did something" everytime a black dude gets shot by the cops. Yall niggas sound just like them and don't even know it.
""That black boy HAD to have done SOMETHING to make the officer fear for his life, or he wouldn't shot him"""

""I just find it hard to believe the police would act that way without just cause...""

""If only he hadn't provoke the officer....""

""Well, that black guy wasn't exactly innocence""

Any of this sound familiar????

Beat me to it
I just asked did the shit familiar

You are delusional or outright lying if you say it doesn't
Some would argue that police are only human.....

And use that to rationalize their actions and behavior
Police are trained let me repeat that. Police are trained to handle situations. Often times regular citizens don’t know how to handle certain situations so they go off emotions and instincts.
I wonder where her brother is?I see the father being held back by what looks like security or a goon,unless that's the brother

maybe they didn't rush Fab because he had goons or security with him and they are big as fuck?
Fab deserve whatever is coming, don't wish death on no one though.

Btw I had this conversation with my brother,

As a man, if your wife, mom, sister or girlfriend was getting jumped by 5 women, what will and should you do? I honestly struggeld with an answer. That shit would be hard af to comprehend though.

@racejones how should men handle shit like that?

I'm going to protect my folks end of story. How far I go about doing that is based on their reaction.

I really don't see where the struggle comes in at.

Why are some of you females disregarding her being a potentially neglectful parent that is in favor of entertaining her neighborhood with her dirty laundry?

She is not innocent in this, at all.

A mother's priority should not be getting the last word, it should be removing any and all potential threats from the vicinity of the kid.

Stop defending a toxic female and start defending the kid.

I know you wear Bobbi Boss Bomba Locs. They aint yours.
Police are trained let me repeat that. Police are trained to handle situations. Often times regular citizens don’t know how to handle certain situations so they go off emotions and instincts.

But yet people STILL defend and justify their misconduct
You say you aren't blaming the woman but in a sense you are. You're saying she should've never been close to him or provoked him, basically she asked for it. People have arguments and disagreements all the time, there's no way you can chop this and excuse that type of behavior. Just off the video alone, you can tell homie has abusive tendencies.
how can we tell he has abusive tendencies from the video?
i ask because i see many videos of many people...who dont look like they have abusive tendencies but they are abusers.

you may think i am blaming her...but i am not. from the clip i saw...and maybe we saw different or longer or shorter versions of the same thing...

i dont want no smoke. i just dont the whole story. alot of black men dead off of half a story.
I clearly said on more than one occasion in this thread that it is not ok to hit a woman. Outside of rumours and the video we don't know what really happened. Stop projecting your bullshit on to me and your personal dislike because I made fun of you in a past thread. In other words act your age, you're much older than me and definitely aren't showing it.

Race the amount of disregard and ignorance you display at times is why niggas assume your ass is single, can't keep a man and why you stumble on yourself in debates across the forum. You need to log off and reflect.

Let me tell your dork ass something. I dont care if you or any other of the niggas you be dick eating on this forum find me attractive. I dont care if you think Im single. Im not here to gas your ass or make you feel good about your horrible and often times downright stupid ass ideas. Thats where you got me fucked up. Instead of trying to belittle me, better your argument dickhead.