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Fabolous Reportedly Arrested For Domestic Violence

i think we need to have a serious discussion about abuse.....

the victims and accusers and the innocent.

like i said.....i think we are giving the black man too much guilt before proof.

we as black men need to take a second
:cont:How many teeth, belonging to women, have yall knocked out to date? Just curious.
i once fought a chick in the 6th grade....aint take out no teeth...but she was nice with her hands....but took the L.

Like seriously......niggas aint gonna admit to this.

even after what they said in the threads and what they would do and who shouldnt do what...alot of shit can be read inbetween lines.

and since this is something that i am working with alot of women on.....its crazy to hear alot of the stories but also just as crazy how the doctors go about having them not allow this to happen again.....men or women.

its a very interesting process.
That girl is a teenager and that's not Fabs daughter so she's 100% loyal to her mother


Whats also understood, is that ot is painfully obvious that the mother was putting on for the camera.

Which is a form of neglect.

You dont run up behind someone you are in an acrive conflict with and expect them not to react...dont matter the living situation.

She should be held accountable for continuing to escalate things and for allowing the kid to see the shit.

It is obvious they both be hitting each other. She was just in control of how it was presented this time.

They both belong in bookings for disturbing the peace (at the very least).
I don’t

I’m curious. I think it’s a flaw that can cause you your life but idc.

My thing is really, there’s nothing to talk about. All that exists right now is allegations yet I watched the whole internet come down on him yesterday.

I’m more afraid of that than anything Fab did. You will be convicted in court of public opinion w/o any context, any chance to defend yourself? That scares the fuck out of me

Your own people, at that. All that hate and vitriol out of nowhere with no evidence while Zimmerman walks free. Super weird, super scary to me

Lol we convicted Zimmerman in the court of public opinion and he still free. So fab who is getting alot of defenders right now can be convicted by public opinion and it wont mean shit.

Why are some of you females disregarding her being a potentially neglectful parent that is in favor of entertaining her neighborhood with her dirty laundry?

She is not innocent in this, at all.

A mother's priority should not be getting the last word, it should be removing any and all potential threats from the vicinity of the kid.

Stop defending a toxic female and start defending the kid.

Some of yall are complete weirdos

“we dont have any proof, therefore hes innnocent even tho court documents stated he punched her 7 times and knocked her two front teeth out...but we still need more proof!!! WHERE ARE THE PICTURES?!? even tho Emily may not want her photos released in fear of how trash, victim blamey and mean spirited the internet can be. wasnt there countless memes of Rihannas face after she was beaten? hmm anyways HES INNOCENT!”


“she shouldnt have provoked him, did you hear her scream when he came at her with a knife? clearly she was provoking him...even tho she was running away”


“from the video it appears he was trying to leave and she blocked him from doing so, therefore she kinda deserved to be hit...7 times...causing her to lose her two front teeth”


“she cheated on him!!!!!!! I dont have any proof of that but thats the only thing that makes sense in my lopsided ass brain”


“she was on love and hip hop...thats all I got”


a bunch of obnoxious asshats

She made a choice just like Fab did.
She chose to overstimulate him with passive aggression (which is illegal) and he chose to respond with active aggression (which is also illegal)

Fuck white knighting for the bitch just cause.

You want someone to leave then let them leave, not chase after them playing fuck-fuck games.

She made choices just like he did.

They are both responsible for how that day turned out.

Now cut the male feminist shit cause that dog dont hunt over here.

You sound like a straight bitch with that. Passive aggression aint even on the same level as physical aggression. Yall niggas got 50 11 ways to break down how she reasonably couldve got hit and im like are yall niggas really that objective?
i think we need to have a serious discussion about abuse.....

the victims and accusers and the innocent.

like i said.....i think we are giving the black man too much guilt before proof.

we as black men need to take a second

Wasnt you saying something like men are supposed to protect women and how it starts with men. Yall act like we saying lynch him
You sound like a straight bitch with that. Passive aggression aint even on the same level as physical aggression. Yall niggas got 50 11 ways to break down how she reasonably couldve got hit and im like are yall niggas really that objective?

Nah, I'm just not a fucking idiot that see's a situation involving 3 people as one sided.

You are the fucking dork holding only one person accountable in a fight that three people are actively seeking.

You dont come up behind someone you just had conflict with. That is an act of escalation.

Fuck your societal standards.
Right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of gender.

They are both wrong, and if you cant see that then its obvious you duct tape your dick and balls to your asshole.

Gotdamn shopping buddy.
Nah, I'm just not a fucking idiot that see's a situation involving 3 people as one sided.

You are the fucking dork holding only one person accountable in a fight that three people are actively seeking.

You dont come up behind someone you just had conflict with. That is an act of escalation.

Fuck your societal standards.
Right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of gender.

They are both wrong, and if you cant see that then its obvious you duct tape your dick and balls to your asshole.

Gotdamn shopping buddy.

Where is the proof she was neglecting her kids?
Y’all making up all these excuses to make him beating her ass okay. Sad and pathetic mfs.

Y’all niggas are GARBAGE.
The proof is in the fact that the kid was privy to her actions and recorded the shit. The heffer set the standard on how an adult should conduct themselves in the face of conflict. Fav obviously lived there too so its a charge for him as well.

Stop defending someone so gotdamn toxic.

They both are bad news.

No sides in this.


Yall wrong for picking one.
That video just shows mf'ers arguing and there is nothing wrong with that. Lets be real if that girl got punched 7 times in the face that supposedly did damage it sure as hell don't look that way.