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Evictions to hit 750,000 households, Goldman says

Look bruh you're wrong and your mentality will have you looking in the stars hoping for the best but go ahead munkee be loud and wrong all you want

and nigga you old and stupid. If you think demanding better won’t get you nowhere so be it. Your ass woulda stayed in the back of the bud until somebody stood up. Weak.
Shut up fool. There nothing wrong with wanting more but sitting there waiting for to happen is munkee shit. You new niggas are disgusting Brother Malcolm would hate you niggas

bruh stfu with your dumb old ass. You literally saying people are just complaining when ilks been raising an issue with this for while two of the niggas that agree with you admit the game is fucked. But if you think nobody has tried to make any policy or bring this type of shit up you’re crazy. You complaining about others niggas complaining while admitting we all being fucked over. Stfu and take a nap you pointless and yella
bruh stfu with your dumb old ass. You literally saying people are just complaining when ilks been raising an issue with this for while two of the niggas that agree with you admit the game is fucked. But if you think nobody has tried to make any policy or bring this type of shit up you’re crazy. You complaining about others niggas complaining while admitting we all being fucked over. Stfu and take a nap you pointless and yella
I'll throat punch you
guess the joke flew over your head you old ass nigga living in the projects. Wtf I’m listen to your struggling ass for anyway

For the very reason your hoe ass stated: I'm struggling. I've made six figures all the way down to zero. Went from money to burn to waiting on the SNAP to reload.

Shit, if your fragile ass went through even a piece of what I've been through in just the last 10 years you'd slit your wrists then put a bullet through your chin you burnt Stay Puft Marshmallow. I'm the one to listen to. I see the bullshit, I know how you can get played by the system and how its designed. I'm all about self and my family nowadays, fuck the rest. I gotta get mine to make sure my family is tight 'cause at this point they're all that matter. I've tried helping people, I've tried mentoring cats, niggas out of work I'm putting them on to work at home gigs that they can use to keep something flowing until they get a better job. I've even given niggas whole computers when they said they didn't have one just so they could work. And what I saw come out of it was not the shit I expected. I expected that once they saw what was possible, they would move in that direction. Instead, I got excuses as to why they didn't sign up, why they didn't do this or that, "Oh, I tried it for a lil bit but I ain't like it so I stopped", but now you our here claiming you can't find a job??? Nigga you HAD a job, I put you on to some shit paying $13.50 an hour with no cap on the number of hours you could work but you talking about you out of work???

I did what I could for the community for the better part of my life, now it's all about me and mines. I see how the shit works and I'm maneuvering through it for the benefit of my family and no one else.

Y'all niggas can wish upon a star for change and complain it ain't happening, but the change you're talking about is only going to happen looking down the barrel of a gun. Niggas like you are softer than the twinkies you shoved between your gelatinous jaws so we already know that level of change ain't coming from y'all rah-rah ass niggas.
For the very reason your hoe ass stated: I'm struggling. I've made six figures all the way down to zero. Went from money to burn to waiting on the SNAP to reload.

Shit, if your fragile ass went through even a piece of what I've been through in just the last 10 years you'd slit your wrists then put a bullet through your chin you burnt Stay Puft Marshmallow. I'm the one to listen to. I see the bullshit, I know how you can get played by the system and how its designed. I'm all about self and my family nowadays, fuck the rest. I gotta get mine to make sure my family is tight 'cause at this point they're all that matter. I've tried helping people, I've tried mentoring cats, niggas out of work I'm putting them on to work at home gigs that they can use to keep something flowing until they get a better job. I've even given niggas whole computers when they said they didn't have one just so they could work. And what I saw come out of it was not the shit I expected. I expected that once they saw what was possible, they would move in that direction. Instead, I got excuses as to why they didn't sign up, why they didn't do this or that, "Oh, I tried it for a lil bit but I ain't like it so I stopped", but now you our here claiming you can't find a job??? Nigga you HAD a job, I put you on to some shit paying $13.50 an hour with no cap on the number of hours you could work but you talking about you out of work???

I did what I could for the community for the better part of my life, now it's all about me and mines. I see how the shit works and I'm maneuvering through it for the benefit of my family and no one else.

Y'all niggas can wish upon a star for change and complain it ain't happening, but the change you're talking about is only going to happen looking down the barrel of a gun. Niggas like you are softer than the twinkies you shoved between your gelatinous jaws so we already know that level of change ain't coming from y'all rah-rah ass niggas.

I stopped after first sentence I don’t give a fuck about your life story or struggle my nigga you’ll be alright
So then you understand what @Old Man Cain and I are saying, or are you just being a fuck boi as usual.

no I just don’t individually give a fuck about you. I would prefer for it to easier for all of us. You old niggas view that as pointless cuz some shit jaded you. That’s your feelings and that’s cool. But the bitching everytime somebody complains about fucked up society that you know first hand is fucked up seems silly. Just getting fucked with no lube is acceptable. We not seeing eye to eye and you knew this already.
no I just don’t individually give a fuck about you. I would prefer for it to easier for all of us. You old niggas view that as pointless cuz some shit jaded you. That’s your feelings and that’s cool. But the bitching everytime somebody complains about fucked up society that you know first hand is fucked up seems silly. Just getting fucked with no lube is acceptable. We not seeing eye to eye and you knew this already.

Ain’t no such thing is easy. When it’s too easy you become too dependent.

I get everybody should have access to affordable housing but everybody don’t deserve no 3000 square foot house.

You get what you put out and technology is making everybody to depended on everyone else.

Folks struggle to change a tire or make their own dinner and that shit is going down a sad path.
Ain’t no such thing is easy. When it’s too easy you become too dependent.

I get everybody should have access to affordable housing but everybody don’t deserve no 3000 square foot house.

You get what you put out and technology is making everybody to depended on everyone else.

Folks struggle to change a tire or make their own dinner and that shit is going down a sad path.

Man was I using extremes. Easier don’t mean easy I didn’t say the sumize of the house. Am I wrong for thinking a person working 40 hours should at least be able to have a decent place to stay? Niggas against handouts when white peoples literally had all the help but that’s a bad thing? Y’all literally know this ain’t the best way and y’all smart enough to think of alternatives but pretty much saying get over it and go to work and hope you die with some money for your kids.
no I just don’t individually give a fuck about you. I would prefer for it to easier for all of us. You old niggas view that as pointless cuz some shit jaded you. That’s your feelings and that’s cool. But the bitching everytime somebody complains about fucked up society that you know first hand is fucked up seems silly. Just getting fucked with no lube is acceptable. We not seeing eye to eye and you knew this already.

When shit is easy people get complacent. When people get complacent, they become dependent and have no will to better themselves.

Not one person has said that people aren't deserving of housing in the same way that not one person has said that minimum wage needs to be increased. I've even noted that the money that was supposed to help people out with their back housing has been mismanaged here in Nevada. Right now people need help, no one debates that. However, the split between us comes from the fact that you and your ilk appear to be the type to sit off complaining until that change comes, and @Old Man Cain and I as well as several others recognize that while y'all sit off waiting you could have put in the necessary work to make your situation better for you and your family.

This shit can be fucked up, and it is, but there's a way to maneuver through it if you're willing to do it. You don't appear to be willing to do it and that's where we differ.
When shit is easy people get complacent. When people get complacent, they become dependent and have no will to better themselves.

Not one person has said that people aren't deserving of housing in the same way that not one person has said that minimum wage needs to be increased. I've even noted that the money that was supposed to help people out with their back housing has been mismanaged here in Nevada. Right now people need help, no one debates that. However, the split between us comes from the fact that you and your ilk appear to be the type to sit off complaining until that change comes, and @Old Man Cain and I as well as several others recognize that while y'all sit off waiting you could have put in the necessary work to make your situation better for you and your family.

This shit can be fucked up, and it is, but there's a way to maneuver through it if you're willing to do it. You don't appear to be willing to do it and that's where we differ.

Bro you sound like Ronald Reagan. You think these folks who can’t get house can’t get it because they refuse to work? Or is the few niggas you see fucking up. If it wasn’t fucking rigged this thread wouldn’t exist. You say navigate the fuckery but won’t say eliminate it. Because as you stated that too revolutionary abd nobody wants to die. So let’s stick with the status quo and see where we at in 50 years. Take pride in having it hard lol
And even further if I complain about the fuckery y’all think it’s coming from the sidelines and not somebody having to deal with the same fuckery that y’all make threads about everyday.