COMMUNITY Dreams, Nightmares, and Sleep paralysis... share your experiences

Its a form of demonic possession and fear intensifies the witch riding. You gotta just cool out when it happens and let it pass. All that trying to scream and moving shit only makes it worse.
I usually have alternate reality dreams where I live different choices. Can't remember the last superpower dream I had. I don't think I've ever been able to fly
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Also is anyone else a lucid dreamer?

Lucid dreaming means you’re aware that you’re dreaming while you’re in the dream. Like most dreams, it often happens during REM sleep.

Most people don’t have frequent lucid dreams, though some research reports that 55 percent of people experience it at least once in their lives.

Sometimes you can control a lucid dream if you have practice. This can help you control your dreams, especially if you tend to have recurring dreams or nightmares.
I like it. It's like a weird space between consciousness and the unknown.

I'm convinced astral projection is a thing and you can attempt it from sleep paralysis.... But I always end up dreaming of some other shit or waking completely up

reading ya'lls posts made me realize this is what was happening to me one night where it felt like someone was holding me down and i couldnt move

I would've been outta here if a threat was real. I was literally stuck.

my heart was racing fast AF...

once i forced my heart to stopping beating as fast, feeling returned to my limbs
I had it happen to me quite a few times not in recent years but it felt like that dark shadowy figure held me down then tried to drag me out the room. I couldn’t move at all but it would feel like I was being pulled out my bed then I’d snap out of it and I’m just laying there. Shit was scary af. Reminded me of those dark figures from that movie ghost
Reading some of these posts is crazy as sht. Who knew so many people might have these issues cause it seems like a high percentage of yall who post here has them.

I don't think I've ever experienced any of this before.
Also is anyone else a lucid dreamer?
I had this happen once last year. My first time ever. I was able to control my actions and parts of the dream. When it woke up, I was happy as hell cause I thought it was dope. Of course, I started to forget the details of the dream once I woke up.
To me it's very akin to lucid dreaming.

Once I'm aware I'm dreaming I can start to influence and control it. But sometimes I fuck it up and just wake up....

I know this shit can all be controlled with the right mental space and I swear I be right there... Just can't get it right
I've had this happen to me a lot when I was younger. The first time it happened I was convinced it was a wrap, lol. I didn't know what I was struggling against, but I had this feeling that if I stopped fighting, I would never get another chance, again. As I've gotten older, it only happens a handful of times a year. Still the woat feeling. It feels like something is pulling me through my bed. I joke with myself that I'm getting early access to my trip to hell, lol.

Also, many people I've spoken to irl and online have all mentioned encountering some kind of entity, too. Either "shadow people" or "a woman". I've thankfully never experienced seeing any shadow people, but there was one time in particular where I encountered the woman/the hag. I'll never forget it, I was lying on my side and completely frozen. At that point in my life, it already happened so much that I wasn't panicking too hard, just waiting for it to pass. Next thing I know, I feel goosebumps down my neck and then I start hearing a woman laughing. A quiet, but malevolent laugher. To this day I don't know what it was. I was convinced she/it was right behind me, breathing on my neck. Like others have mentioned, I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

Some people say it's a holy spiritual experience, others say demonic. Some that it's related to astral projection and lucid dreaming. Meanwhile, scientists believe that it happens because the mechanism in our brains responsible for turning off motor functions in your sleep (so that you don't physically act out your dreams) activates before we are actually asleep. I don't know what to make of it, anymore.

As terrifying as it is, it's undeniably an interesting experience for sure, though.