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Dr Umar lists his top 5 coons of all time

I am not sure if I would put that on Sowell. He's just conservative, but I don't get the impression that he has self-hate issues.

Not an easy one like Clarence Thomas.

I don’t mind him being “conservative”. Most of us (black people) inherently lean more conservative. Our issues just get lumped into “progressivism” because of the racism of white conservatives.

But he likes to white wash a lot of American history. Nigga a coon
I don’t mind him being “conservative”. Most of us (black people) inherently lean more conservative. Our issues just get lumped into “progressivism” because of the racism of white conservatives.

But he likes to white wash a lot of American history. Nigga a coon
Like what? I read his book Black Rednecks and White Liberals and found the historical case he made compelling
Like what? I read his book Black Rednecks and White Liberals and found the historical case he made compelling

He's another one of those people that claims that liberal policies following Reconstruction are what led to black people being in such a poor position, and completely ignores Jim Crow, the rise of the KKK, and the destruction of multiple prominent black communities among other things.

To me there isn't much difference between him and Candace Owens, though I don't think he outright denies that racism still exists or claims that white people are the real victims like Candace does. He does like to act like black people don't like him because of brainwashing even thought as far as I know he's never actually been willing to debate actual black scholars on any of these issues.
He's another one of those people that claims that liberal policies following Reconstruction are what led to black people being in such a poor position, and completely ignores Jim Crow, the rise of the KKK, and the destruction of multiple prominent black communities among other things.

To me there isn't much difference between him and Candace Owens, though I don't think he outright denies that racism still exists or claims that white people are the real victims like Candace does. He does like to act like black people don't like him because of brainwashing even thought as far as I know he's never actually been willing to debate actual black scholars on any of these issues.

He has a lot of data to back up what he’s saying that’s kind of hard to ignore.I would’ve loved to see him debate somebody like Dr. Claude Anderson.

I’m interested in your take on this: How much if any of what uniquely plagues Black communities in America today can be contributed to “culture” ?
He has a lot of data to back up what he’s saying that’s kind of hard to ignore.I would’ve loved to see him debate somebody like Dr. Claude Anderson.

I’m interested in your take on this: How much if any of what uniquely plagues Black communities in America today can be contributed to “culture” ?

I know this question wasn’t leveled at me, directly, but I’ll give my short opinion on it. I dont think the problem is so much with “culture”. It’s the environment that gives rise to negative aspects that assimilate into culture.

You can go anywhere in the world at any point in history, with any race/ethnicity and it’s the same story. Poverty/food insecurity/desperation all lead to criminal elements and uncivilized behaviors.

Material conditions are the biggest driving force. It will turn humble people into “get it by any means” opportunists.
He has a lot of data to back up what he’s saying that’s kind of hard to ignore.I would’ve loved to see him debate somebody like Dr. Claude Anderson.

I’m interested in your take on this: How much if any of what uniquely plagues Black communities in America today can be contributed to “culture” ?

I believe a lot of what keeps black people down can be attributed to culture. I don't think he's wrong about that. I think he just ignores the factors that led to the formation of that culture to begin with.

And data is great, but it can be used to misrepresent without truth. Again, you can probably show that certain problems arose when certain policies were passed, but correlation isn't causation. The impact of racism is kinda hard to show through data sometimes too because "racism" often isn't captured in the records.

For example, think about the creation of this country's interstate/highway system.

Several prosperous black or majority black neighborhoods were destroyed because of that project, and highways in some cases were designed specifically to go through black neighborhoods because planners wanted to get rid of those neighborhoods anyway. When you look at some of those areas, the black people were basically herded into areas that are now looked at as hoods or ghettos. I bet you Sowell's stats don't account for things like that and Sowell never brings those things up or discusses their impact. He just acts like our problems are either our fault or the fault of liberals.
I know this question wasn’t leveled at me, directly, but I’ll give my short opinion on it. I dont think the problem is so much with “culture”. It’s the environment that gives rise to negative aspects that assimilate into culture.

You can go anywhere in the world at any point in history, with any race/ethnicity and it’s the same story. Poverty/food insecurity/desperation all lead to criminal elements and uncivilized behaviors.

Material conditions are the biggest driving force. It will turn humble people into “get it by any means” opportunists.

Based on your name I’m assuming you’re from LA County? What do you attribute to Black neighborhoods that are gang neighborhoods that don’t necessarily have poverty like that?

I don’t know much about how it is out there other than interviews I’ve seen of people from there—but I’m in Atlanta and there’s a huge Black middle class here. Black middle class areas here are still way more prone to violent crime than white, Asian, or, Hispanic neighborhoods than Black neighborhoods of similar socioeconomic means. Same with schools… majority Black schools in Black middle class areas regularly under perform majority white schools in white zip codes with similar median income.

If poverty is the driving force, why isn’t it leveled out when adjusting for poverty?
Based on your name I’m assuming you’re from LA County? What do you attribute to Black neighborhoods that are gang neighborhoods that don’t necessarily have poverty like that?

I don’t know much about how it is out there other than interviews I’ve seen of people from there—but I’m in Atlanta and there’s a huge Black middle class here. Black middle class areas here are still way more prone to violent crime than white, Asian, or, Hispanic neighborhoods than Black neighborhoods of similar socioeconomic means. Same with schools… majority Black schools in Black middle class areas regularly under perform majority white schools in white zip codes with similar median income.

If poverty is the driving force, why isn’t it leveled out when adjusting for poverty?

I can’t speak on Atlanta but out here there are no black middle class areas with actual gang activity. The way LA is set up these neighborhoods are very adjacent. Like literally “other side of the tracks” or in our case… freeways. So there is some crossover

But kids from better living conditions aren’t the ones who make up the majority of these gangs, the kids from the trenches do. Are there examples of well off kids joining gangs? Sure, but those are the anomalies.
I believe a lot of what keeps black people down can be attributed to culture. I don't think he's wrong about that. I think he just ignores the factors that led to the formation of that culture to begin with.

And data is great, but it can be used to misrepresent without truth. Again, you can probably show that certain problems arose when certain policies were passed, but correlation isn't causation. The impact of racism is kinda hard to show through data sometimes too because "racism" often isn't captured in the records.

For example, think about the creation of this country's interstate/highway system.

Several prosperous black or majority black neighborhoods were destroyed because of that project, and highways in some cases were designed specifically to go through black neighborhoods because planners wanted to get rid of those neighborhoods anyway. When you look at some of those areas, the black people were basically herded into areas that are now looked at as hoods or ghettos. I bet you Sowell's stats don't account for things like that and Sowell never brings those things up or discusses their impact. He just acts like our problems are either our fault or the fault of liberals.

You make fair points but they beg the question: how much of what’s uniquely wrong with the Black community today is a result of policies from the past vs the culture of today? And then further, of the most toxic elements of the culture today, how much of those are a result of racist policies of the past?

With the example of the interstate system, a racist policy no doubt. However, what’s the line you can draw from the breaking of communities during its creation to the ills that affect Black America today? With respect to the Black people that were displaced and then herded into areas that would come to be known as ghettos, this was undoubtedly exacerbated by redlining which WAS a liberal, New Deal-era policy.
You make fair points but they beg the question: how much of what’s uniquely wrong with the Black community today is a result of policies from the past vs the culture of today? And then further, of the most toxic elements of the culture today, how much of those are a result of racist policies of the past?

With the example of the interstate system, a racist policy no doubt. However, what’s the line you can draw from the breaking of communities during its creation to the ills that affect Black America today? With respect to the Black people that were displaced and then herded into areas that would come to be known as ghettos, this was undoubtedly exacerbated by redlining which WAS a liberal, New Deal-era policy.

Poverty is behind most of our problems. The harmful aspects of our culture were also birthed from that poverty. The general poverty of our community can be traced back to the racist policies, so even if the culture is our primary problem today, racism is in part to blame for that too.
He's another one of those people that claims that liberal policies following Reconstruction are what led to black people being in such a poor position, and completely ignores Jim Crow, the rise of the KKK, and the destruction of multiple prominent black communities among other things.

To me there isn't much difference between him and Candace Owens, though I don't think he outright denies that racism still exists or claims that white people are the real victims like Candace does. He does like to act like black people don't like him because of brainwashing even thought as far as I know he's never actually been willing to debate actual black scholars on any of these issues.


Not a fan of Sowell or anything, but this is mad disrespectful.
This guy has to be climbing up the list.


Coleman Hughes. Sowell was never nearly as much of a coon as this dude is right now.
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Poverty is behind most of our problems. The harmful aspects of our culture were also birthed from that poverty. The general poverty of our community can be traced back to the racist policies, so even if the culture is our primary problem today, racism is in part to blame for that too.

But most of the the time, it’s simple as if you know better you do better.

Folks still make the choice.
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But most of the the time, it’s simple as if you know better you do better.

Folks still make the choice.

People love saying that others make the choice, but don't always acknowledge that some choices don't have any good options. I'm sure there are cases where black people in bad situations have had choices that could have led them to better situations and they chose to go the wrong route. Do you really think that those cases outweigh the cases where the choice was between a shitty life of crime and a shitty life of struggling? If there is a better way, do you believe that way is always obvious? Let's be real, most of the people that get out of the hood are people that have special talents. A mediocre person from a middle class family can grow up to have a mediocre but ultimately successful life. It's a little harder for that to happen when you come from the hood.
People love saying that others make the choice, but don't always acknowledge that some choices don't have any good options. I'm sure there are cases where black people in bad situations have had choices that could have led them to better situations and they chose to go the wrong route. Do you really think that those cases outweigh the cases where the choice was between a shitty life of crime and a shitty life of struggling? If there is a better way, do you believe that way is always obvious? Let's be real, most of the people that get out of the hood are people that have special talents. A mediocre person from a middle class family can grow up to have a mediocre but ultimately successful life. It's a little harder for that to happen when you come from the hood.
Most folks that live in poorer neighborhoods are good people. So it’s definitely a choice to want to do foul and violent (I’m not talking about selling dope)

Me and many other made the choice to be ain’t shit people. Most of us correct our choice but a few don’t
Most folks that live in poorer neighborhoods are good people. So it’s definitely a choice to want to do foul and violent (I’m not talking about selling dope)

Me and many other made the choice to be ain’t shit people. Most of us correct our choice but a few don’t

Again, no one's arguing against the idea that people make choices. My point is that not everyone has the same choices. When the question of "why are black people in such a bad position" comes up. People like to throw up culture and choices as if black people have been working on equal footing with everyone else and just chose to be fucked up. That's not reality. A large percentage of our people have existed in poor situations thrust upon them. The choices they make and the culture that developed is a product of that.

It's not like it's unique to us. Look at the Italians and Irish in the 19th century and early 20th century. They weren't considered white and were treated like shit in America. Guess what? Their neighborhoods were violent and they had cultures that revolved around gangs and crime. Eventually, America extended whiteness to cover them, and their communities have been able to thrive. I posted an article written by this Asian chick exploring how Asians out west went from having poor and crime ridden communities to becoming the model minority. He conclusion was basically "white people stopped being as racist towards them."

The thing that people like Sowell and Owens get right is that during Reconstruction, black people were starting to thrive. We still faced challenges but considering that we had just come from being slaves, we were making good progress. The part they leave out is that only happened because the Federal government kept military units in the South and basically forced Southern whites to leave black people alone. When those units were pulled back, white people did everything the could to destroy whatever progress black people had made and put laws and practices in place meant specifically to keep black people down. Those practices have transformed over the years, but they still exist to some extent. So sure, we as black people can make better choices and clean up our culture, but that isn't going to save the day for us if we still have systematic measures in place to keep us from truly thriving.