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Donald Trump Jr. uses Birtherism in an attack against Sen. Kamala Harris

Jr. is just as ignorant as Sr. I see... Not surprised.

Something is telling me by the end of 2020 we're going to get another 4 years of a Trump reign. None of the DNC candidates are strong enough to put a end to Trump.

I said this race was Joe Biden's race to lose as he is the strongest candidate on paper being a former Vice President. So far he's had sexual harassment allegations against him, racist sympathizing allegations, and every time he opens his mouth he's on the defense.

Kamala Harris talked a good game in the first debate but if Republicans get to digging into her record during her time as prosecutor her run can be toast. Bernie probably could have won against Trump 4 years ago now, I'm not sure.
You're still making it about trump and what I'm saying is it can't get any worse for black people anyway.

We want tangibles we want our vote to matter, we want out vote to benefit us.

Voting independent is like a protest saying you can't scare me with threats of trump.

Think about how bad things are for us right now with police brutality and deputized white citizens abusing and killing us.

What democratic candidate is fighting to address those issues?

Black people have been talking about reparations what democratic candidate has not deflected from that issue in favor immigration which doesn't benefit black people??

Even if reparations not feasible they're shitting on the notion of it, which is shitting on black people.

Why should we continue to be automatically loyal to them?

Without saying the name trump noone can give me a legit answer to that question


Since we're at the bottom of the totem pole, we really don't have anything to lose.

We haven't gained anything substantial from the past few elections anyway.

So, we don't get what we want?

Cool, no problem.

By sitting this one out, we can definitely make sure none of these other groups get anything either.

LGBT...........abortion..........DACA...........asylum seekers..........illegal immigration ...........we're shutting all of that down.
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lol @ "sitting this one out"

Do you get to sit out the negative repercussions of the policies of whoever gets elected? If so that's a solid strategy.

Otherwise (here in reality) it just comes across like a spoiled brat threatening to hold their breath til they turn blue.
@IC_Refugee and @deadeye y'all actin like the policies these Republicans want to put in place aint gonna affect the folks on the "bottom of the totem pole" first... Yall applying this same logic to your local elections as well or is it just the presidential one?

And at a time where we need to do something drastic about climate change... now aint the time to be sitting anything out when your choices are between someone who believes climate change is real and we need to address it urgently..... and someone who doesn't think its even real or something we need to concerns ourselves with at all.

Might not be reparations but i'd say that's pretty fuckin substantial... lol. But I don't wanna derail this thread any further. We can make another thread tho if need be
@IC_Refugee and @deadeye y'all actin like the policies these Republicans want to put in place aint gonna affect the folks on the "bottom of the totem pole" first... Yall applying this same logic to your local elections as well or is it just the presidential one?

And at a time where we need to do something drastic about climate change... now aint the time to be sitting anything out when your choices are between someone who believes climate change is real and we need to address it urgently..... and someone who doesn't think its even real or something we need to concerns ourselves with at all.

Might not be reparations but i'd say that's pretty fuckin substantial... lol. But I don't wanna derail this thread any further. We can make another thread tho if need be

It's all about checks and balances.

Basically, since Congress isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing by checking the Executive Branch...........we need enough of each party in Congress to cancel each other out.

Enough democrats to prevent the republicans from ruining healthcare.

Enough republicans to stop the democrats' immigration agenda.

As far as climate change is concerned, we're not a proactive society.

So, nothing significant is going to happen on that front until it's too late.

The DNC needs to be sent a message.

Unfortunately, the only way they'll hear us..........is if we force them to listen.

The only way to force them to listen.........is to withhold our vote.

They wanna play games and think they can pull the wool over our eyes.......we've gotta let them know that they can't manipulate us as easily as they'd like to believe.
To be clear, I'm not saying I won't vote for the Democratic nominee.

I'm just saying I won't vote for the nominee if it ends up being Kamala Harris.

If Trump is as bad as many of you say he is, then it doesn't make sense to not support the one person who has the best chance of beating him.

From everything I've read, that would be Joe Biden.

However, again, if all of this is just a sham to establish Kamala's narrative as the new Obama.............then I'm not having any part of it.
Wit this "sit this one out" kinda logic....who needs the GOP to gerrymander...voter restrict...or do anything else to keep black folks from voting?

You're doing the job for them.
What did Obama do for black people what did democrats do for black people? Black people have been conditioned to put other agendas before our own. This time we're demanding that a black agenda is 1st and foremost
What did Obama do for black people what did democrats do for black people? Black people have been conditioned to put other agendas before our own. This time we're demanding that a black agenda is 1st and foremost
The funny thing is we’re not saying to not do anything for others, we’re saying do stuff specially for us too.
What did Obama do for black people what did democrats do for black people? Black people have been conditioned to put other agendas before our own. This time we're demanding that a black agenda is 1st and foremost

Here we go wit the "What did Obama do for black people" rebuttal. C'mon man don't do that. Stop using that as an excuse. Smh.

We got a whole Black Caucus in Congress that's been there long b4 Pres. Obama arrived. Wheres the calls to them? Are you holding them accountable like you're doing wit Obama? What about the rest of Congress? Agendas by the president can't get passed w/o Congress. Where's the uproar to hold them accountable?

Yes I want our issues to be at the forefront to, b/c it deserves to be. But let's not shoot ourselves in the foot doing it. That "sitting this one out" tactic just to prove a point, only does more harm than good to ourselves.
The democrats treat black people like how a man treats a woman he only contacts when he wants sex. Have some pride black people.

So what's your solution then?

other than saying fuck everybody andnot voting..or voting for someone that doesnt stand a chance so that you can feel better about "teaching the Dems a lesson".. which in turn will get more republicans in office... resulting in a worse outcome for you and yours?
So what's your solution then?

other than saying fuck everybody andnot voting..or voting for someone that doesnt stand a chance so that you can feel better about "teaching the Dems a lesson".. which in turn will get more republicans in office... resulting in a worse outcome for you and yours?
If neither candidate doesn’t have a black agenda then you withhold your vote. That’s the solution.
Here we go wit the "What did Obama do for black people" rebuttal. C'mon man don't do that. Stop using that as an excuse. Smh.

We got a whole Black Caucus in Congress that's been there long b4 Pres. Obama arrived. Wheres the calls to them? Are you holding them accountable like you're doing wit Obama? What about the rest of Congress? Agendas by the president can't get passed w/o Congress. Where's the uproar to hold them accountable?

Yes I want our issues to be at the forefront to, b/c it deserves to be. But let's not shoot ourselves in the foot doing it. That "sitting this one out" tactic just to prove a point, only does more harm than good to ourselves.
We might opt to withhold our votes because there's no one else left to cry to. It seems the Black congressional caucus are mouthpieces for white Democrats. If they're our so called representatives then how come they're not pushing for reparations since that is what black people want?? What is the point of reparations seekers voting for a democratic candidate who has shut down reparations?
What did Obama do for black people what did democrats do for black people? Black people have been conditioned to put other agendas before our own. This time we're demanding that a black agenda is 1st and foremost

I thought you guys did that the last time.
lol @ "sitting this one out"

Do you get to sit out the negative repercussions of the policies of whoever gets elected? If so that's a solid strategy.

Otherwise (here in reality) it just comes across like a spoiled brat threatening to hold their breath til they turn blue.

Trump baby tantrum clip.gif

Trump clip.gif