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Does It Matter How A Woman Chooses To Dress?

Yes it matters, of she always trying to dress like Nicki Minaj everyday she's not worthy of my time. If she dresses like a Puritan then she's not worthy of my time as well.

If she can be a chameleon and dress to the cause then I'm happy with it.
I lived by a stripper. She dressed normally til it was time for work.
I'm not gonna judge a woman as a person from the way she dresses. She can walk around naked and still be a great person.

However, I will judge a woman as a a potential mate from the way she dresses just like I would judge her from the way she talks, her job, her credit score, etc.

At some point it also comes to the fact that a chick has to leave somethings to be exclusive to her man. Like yo if I wifed you up, I gotta get certain things other dudes cant. Whats the point of me wifing you up and the whole world sees all your birth marks? Somethings have to be kept just for me as a benefit of me being in an exclusive relationship with you.
I could never be with a women that dresses too slutty because I admit I am insecure about other dudes mind fucking her in public, what if guys started dressing freaky to get the girls going wild? if I walked around with my dick hanging out of my zipper but I put a little sock on the end to cover the tip is that acceptable? it's exactly the same as a women walking around with her tits busting out of her top but she has her nipples covered!
I could never be with a women that dresses too slutty because I admit I am insecure about other dudes mind fucking her in public, what if guys started dressing freaky to get the girls going wild? if I walked around with my dick hanging out of my zipper but I put a little sock on the end to cover the tip is that acceptable? it's exactly the same as a women walking around with her tits busting out of her top but she has her nipples covered!

Let a nigga walk around in biker pants or shorts with his shit going down the side of your leg, bulge just out there for everyone to see and watch how people, especially women, react. A lot of chicks will stare at it just like men would do for a chick in shorts with the ass cheeks hanging out or a top that barely covers her titties but what's really going to happen is somebody's prolly going to call the cops on you. Woman's ass cheeks on display or titties all the way out with her nipples covered is fine, dick bulge is not.
I'm reading through the comments, but have yet to finish so forgive any duplicates.

I am attacked regarding my attire often.
If not for being "too" curvy at work to being a grandmother and folks expecting you to dress like Madea.
I have posted a few pics in the pic thread to assist with the visual for you Nassy tails. lol

Anywho.. Dress however you please if it makes YOU feel good.

In the same breath, do not get offended and all butt hurt when the opinion of others do not match your own.
Or you get fired for it, or noses turned up in church. etc.

There is a time and place for everything. I may not want my kids to see all your a$$ hanging out the bottom of your shorts/panties.
Even if @DS_ and I are much appreciative for the view.

It doesn't mean that you are "wrong" for enjoying your attire, only that the majority "mind", are not in agreement with it being appropriate for the time.

It is what the Masses do/think that makes it socially acceptable.
If everyone dressed like strippers at church, the one whom dresses conservative would be viewed as odd.

So they can do what they want. Just be tough enough to combat or defend your views and position against the "Majority Mind" when it comes time.
Should it matter? If you mother dresses like this, does it really matter?

@the fellas, would it matter how your woman decided to dress? Does how she decides to dress have anything to do with who she is as a woman?

@women, when you see women who are dressed ... let's call it friendly .... do you look at them differently than you would had she been dressed more formal?

Do you dress friendly? If so, do you around your kids?

my lady wont dare dress like this for two reasons..

she respects herself enough to know this is slutty.
she dont want that type of attention...shit, she gets enough dressed
Am I the only person here who's never seen strippers walkin down the street like that? How u even know they're strippers if they in pedestrian gear n off the clock?

Where do y'all live?

I've knew a lot of strippers back in the 90's. A lot of them dressed very conservatively during the day because a lot of them didn't want anyone in their area to know they were strippers.
What I'm going to need some people to do is stop saying "a women"... Women is plural (more than one) ok? Stop. You mean A WOMAN not women.

Dress how you want though, doesn't mean people will like or love it but it shouldn't matter right? Just don't be upset when you attract nothing but the same attention from men and then cry about it later.
Ya'll lips quick to call women that dress "differently" than what you may desire your girl to where "slutty, hoe-ish," etc.

"Sitcho UCK-ly a$$ DINE somewhere." haha.

Perhaps your mamma, GF, S/O, wife dress like old hags, grandmas, vanilla a$$ churchy chicks. Nuns etc?

I do not dress like Joseline, but I'm not about to call her 'style' of dress hoe-ish or say she lacks respect for herself.. DANG GINA! lol

Perhaps she has the utmost respect for herself. So much love and admiration, for her body that she is obviously comfortable dressing this way?
Are nudist also hoes, sluts, etc?

Try opening your minds sometimes prior to your mouth.
Ya'll lips quick to call women that dress "differently" than what you may desire your girl to where "slutty, hoe-ish," etc.

"Sitcho UCK-ly a$$ DINE somewhere." haha.

Perhaps your mamma, GF, S/O, wife dress like old hags, grandmas, vanilla a$$ churchy chicks. Nuns etc?

I do not dress like Joseline, but I'm not about to call her 'style' of dress hoe-ish or say she lacks respect for herself.. DANG GINA! lol

Perhaps she has the utmost respect for herself. So much love and admiration, for her body that she is obviously comfortable dressing this way?
Are nudist also hoes, sluts, etc?

Try opening your minds sometimes prior to your mouth.
