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Do you think partners should have access to each others phone?

  • No

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • If you go through my phone the relationship is over

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Me neither but people are gonna do what they do regardless. And if I'm doing all that, then that means I don't really trust my own ability to align myself with honorable people. I would basically be waiting for or even expecting someone to do me wrong. Then I would have to ask myself why I would even voluntarily be around someone who I expect to do me dirty.
Nah it's on general principle. Not individual. Negative OCD perhaps?
I respect your view though.
lol @ ask questions. If a mf's cheating on you , u think they're gonna say "yea I was just fuckin marvin earlier, thought u should know" lol be realistic b

If she is cheating, most likely she will lie, but I'll still ask. There's also usually blatant red flags that made you suspicious in the first place.

This happened to me once. I asked, she lied about it like you said, but there were also several other signs that I chose to ignore, and my dumb ass paid that price. I could only blame myself in the end. But I still wouldn't go through her phone.
I've done it before when we was dating...

I was more insecure cuz we were in a long distance relationship
I go through their phone to see if they took pictures of any injuries when they fell down the stairs or walked into a wall. It's an trusting relationship, never had any incidents
Probability, sadly. I inform prospective partners way ahead of time tho.

"Hey I really like you, and see us going somewhere wit this. Oh btw, I'm gonna go thru your phone at some point in time. Probably your emails too. Matter of fact, just go ahead and give me your passwords. Makes things easy for me."

BNE's Potential Partner: HAHA...
I think if you are at a point where you feel the need to go through their phone then you already know something is up or don't trust them.

I have never been through a phone and I feel like if something is going on usually they will tell on themselves anyway so no real point.

Trust your gut. I've ignored mine before and had shit blow up in my face. I am still not going through your phone-it's only going to hurt me more.