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Do You Believe In Dinosaurs?

Jc, then why not say god is energy since there isn't a single thing that isn't a form of energy. And maybe hell is like some black hole shit ?

Omg, I think we just cracked the code yall!

Energy is actually scientifically proven to be eternal...you have something there
Who is “we” and when was this established lol
I was gonna smartassedly say "we as in the dictionary" but as I went to screen shot wikitionary(best online dictionary) it appears the word has been updated. Not entirely surprised, meanings changed over time, but this shit was in the last 20yrs.

fun fact: As late as 1958 humanitarian meant 'one who denies christ'.
Energy is actually scientifically proven to be eternal...you have something there
This what I'm saying maybe could be going on, god is energy. Cuz energy is everything. And it must retain information in order to build upon itself to get to the point you and I are even thinking about this shit. Idk, makes way more sense than any other version ive heard god being. And energy is science. Can't lose with science.
Your premise ignores that most evidence we have in fact points to a younger earth and universe. Only people who insist on a 4.5 billion year time scales are evolutionists. makes sense if you reject the creation account given in the Bible and if you reject a created world and mankind in general.

What is this evidence you speak of?
Only if your idea of an eternal creator is like that of a finite one. Otherwise I see no need to go beyond that neither would I want to. If a finite being could explain the workings of an Eternal being who literally created the universe and everything in it then that being wouldn’t be God.

Just because you say it is does not make it so.
This what I'm saying maybe could be going on, god is energy. Cuz energy is everything. And it must retain information in order to build upon itself to get to the point you and I are even thinking about this shit. Idk, makes way more sense than any other version ive heard god being. And energy is science. Can't lose with science.

The 'spark' of life. Energy. Never dies. Only transforms states. Makes sense.
The mind is the energy/gas that exists within the chamber of our hearts which leaves us when we die. The spark if you will. ;

It's a great allegory written in the 12th century about a kid that grows up alone with animals on a deserted island, breaking down life and energy for those interested...
I beleive they previously roamed the earth.

I do not beleive the artists rendition of every species tho.

I think they got some of them shits wrong same as Jrassic Park did.
It would be less of a leap to view the universe itself as eternal.

What if humans made up the whole concept of an eternal being? How would you know any different?

But what evidence do we have of that being the case? we have the opposite, like none of the writers of the Bible claim they made it up on their own. lol.
But what evidence do we have of that being the case? Like Zero lol

What evidence do we have of a book that was written by people, being made up by people?

Yea idk you got me there lmao

Once you choose “the Bible itself is evidence” angle I’m not sure any amount of logic frees you from that trap.

If the Bible said God had parents you would probably just accept that too, but non magical thinking should lead you to seek outside evidence.
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What evidence do have of a book that was written by people, being made up by people?

Yea idk you got me there lmao

Once you choose “the Bible itself is evidence” angle I’m not sure any amount of logic frees you from that trap
Well I mean I am Christian and a student of the Bible so yea that’s the standard I use lol

Is that strange to consider writings and testimony of writers as evidence? in courts people testimony is used as evidence. Not too different here, not only that we can actually observe a lot of the laws defined in the Bible actually at play in real life...why just simply dismiss these writers testimony, on no grounds without even checking to see if what they wrote is solid, from God etc?
Well I mean I am Christian and a student of the Bible so yea that’s the standard I use lol

Is that strange to consider writings and testimony of writers as evidence? in courts people testimony is used as evidence. Not too different here, not only that we can actually observe a lot of the laws defined in the Bible actually at play in real life...why just simply dismiss these writers testimony, on no grounds without even checking to see if what they wrote is solid, from God etc?

Ima be real, the thing that bothers me most in this conversations is the ridiculous questions you guys ask

So in your whole life you've never heard that eye witness testimonies are trash?
Well I mean I am Christian and a student of the Bible so yea that’s the standard I use lol

Is that strange to consider writings and testimony of writers as evidence? in courts people testimony is used as evidence. Not too different here, not only that we can actually observe a lot of the laws defined in the Bible actually at play in real life...why just simply dismiss these writers testimony, on no grounds without even checking to see if what they wrote is solid, from God etc?

are you a fundamentalist?

like, do you believe everything in the bible to be true... even someone being swallowed by a whale (or big fish) & surviving for 3 days?
Ima be real, the thing that bothers me most in this conversations is the ridiculous questions you guys ask

So in your whole life you've never heard that eye witness testimonies are trash?
But here you are changing the subject...you haven’t addressed the testimonies of the Bible and if you want to call them trash what standard are you basing this assessment on?
are you a fundamentalist?

like, do you believe everything in the bible to be true... even someone being swallowed by a whale (or big fish) & surviving for 3 days?
Have to...that’s how it’s supposed to be..we take the Bible as is...every accounting all the events mentioned taken as events that actually happened in history, etc.
never heard that being called fundamentalist though I guess that describes me lol
Well I mean I am Christian and a student of the Bible so yea that’s the standard I use lol

Is that strange to consider writings and testimony of writers as evidence? in courts people testimony is used as evidence. Not too different here, not only that we can actually observe a lot of the laws defined in the Bible actually at play in real life...why just simply dismiss these writers testimony, on no grounds without even checking to see if what they wrote is solid, from God etc?

It’s fine to consider the Bible but you should also want outside evidence if you care about credibility.

That’s like treating the writings of Shakespeare as unquestionable historical records, just because people in the past have done the same. And when somebody asks about it, you go only to Shakespearean texts for your proof. You don’t see how that’s a trap?