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Do You Believe In Dinosaurs?

Oh snap you close minded too now yeah

Nah bro. I am heavy into conspiracy theories and alternative points of view. They have to be somewhat plausible to do more research though. But some of these dudes are straight trolling now. They are making claims and then telling us to verify them.

It doesn't work that way. And the OP and his co-signer's truth is coming out now. They both are bible-thumpers. Logic doesn't apply to them.
OK, if you're so smart, what increment of measurement did the scientists use to determine that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old and the Universe is 14.5 billion years old? And how did they calculate a "year" once you go back to 4.6 billion years? Because, using the scientists figures, the Earth wasn't revolving around the Sun 4.6 billion years ago. So how did they calculate time?

Dude, just stop. This is beyond entertaining now. You are embarrassing yourself.
The old saying speaks on it. Let a man talk long enough and he will reveal himself to be a fool.

The OP created a thread about dinosaurs, knowing no amount of evidence presented would sway his christian mind.

The classic definition of a troll.
OK, if you're so smart, what increment of measurement did the scientists use to determine that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old and the Universe is 14.5 billion years old? And how did they calculate a "year" once you go back to 4.6 billion years? Because, using the scientists figures, the Earth wasn't revolving around the Sun 4.6 billion years ago. So how did they calculate time?
From carbon dating rocks from earth and moon and the stars and expansion for the universe. Do you know why science came about? Because people started getting wise to the transgressions of the religious leaders(wasnt no presidents back then, all religion) sinister ways. And if the RLs were the conduit to god but were sinners, somebody was lying and they set out to study 'god's creation' and find god them damn selves. Dark ages bro, dark ages. And here we are today with these science guys working their asses off to explain all this to the rest of who don't/can't go do all this science stuff for themselves. Is science infallible? Fuck no, but at least they are willing to update their "beliefs"/FACTS so that they are most current with our understanding of the world and universe we find ourselves in. Idk people seem to think many schools of science are all collaborating to dupe humanity. My point is, when these kinds of threads come up its evident that no extensive reading has gone into reading science books. Go buy yourself a book on the planets and learn about them. go buy a book on physics and quantum physics(shits fascinating af). If you had spent time studying these things you'd realize why its almost absurd these are still questions in 2020-2021
From carbon dating rocks from earth and moon and the stars and expansion for the universe. Do you know why science came about? Because people started getting wise to the transgressions of the religious leaders(wasnt no presidents back then, all religion) sinister ways. And if the RLs were the conduit to god but were sinners, somebody was lying and they set out to study 'god's creation' and find god them damn selves. Dark ages bro, dark ages. And here we are today with these science guys working their asses off to explain all this to the rest of who don't/can't go do all this science stuff for themselves. Is science infallible? Fuck no, but at least they are willing to update their "beliefs"/FACTS so that they are most current with our understanding of the world and universe we find ourselves in. Idk people seem to think many schools of science are all collaborating to dupe humanity. My point is, when these kinds of threads come up its evident that no extensive reading has gone into reading science books. Go buy yourself a book on the planets and learn about them. go buy a book on physics and quantum physics(shits fascinating af). If you had spent time studying these things you'd realize why its almost absurd these are still questions in 2020-2021

Carbon dating rocks from the Earth and the Moon almost seems plausible.

But gtfoh with carbon dating stars.

NASA sent a spacecraft, called New Horizons, to Pluto in January 2006. It took almost 10 years to get there. In the summer of 2015 the spacecraft passed by Pluto and it's moons. They learned that the moon Hydra spins 89 times as it orbits Pluto.

I say all of that to say, if they're just exploring Pluto now, there's no way in hell they did any carbon dating for any stars. As a matter of fact, if that spacecraft gathered some rocks and came back to Earth, it wouldn't be until 2025 until we get that data.

The closest star is Alpha Centura and it's 4.5 billion light years away. If it took 10 years to get to Pluto then our grandkids won't even be alive when they finally make it to Alpha Centura.
It’s fine to consider the Bible but you should also want outside evidence if you care about credibility.

That’s like treating the writings of Shakespeare as unquestionable historical records, just because people in the past have done the same. And when somebody asks about it, you go only to Shakespearean texts for your proof. You don’t see how that’s a trap?

Why you doing this to yourself fam?
Back in the day, I stood in a philosophy class and destroyed religion and the teacher. He was a conservative christian that kept downplaying the philosophies he was teaching.

Anyway. Stood there. Tore the whole class down. Especially destroyed a chick who tried to use genesis to prove the bible was real. Lmaoooo.

Yall think im arrogant now? Yall dont know the half

Now that im thinking bout it, 2 chicks from class gave me a pamphlet to their church saying I could get guidance from there. Told them I didnt need guidance and dumped them in the trash. I swear one of the chicks damn near tried.

Funny but I was super foul for that though. In retrospect, I could have treated them with more respect and declined politely
Was bored at work

I’m not out to change him but maybe I get through to somebody who lurking lmao

Nah I feel you.

I started responding to like 5 posts before stopping myself.

Realized I was explaining that 24 hours is a made up concept and that 14.5 billion years is calculated based on how the earth revolves around the sun today and not how it did 4 billion years ago. Half way through that post i just shook my head deleted it all.
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Nah I feel you.

I started responding to like 5 posts before stopping myself.

Realized I was explaining that 24 hours is a made up concept and that 14.5 billion years is calculated based on how the earth revolves around the earth today and not how it did 4 billion years ago. Half way through that post i just shook my head deleted it all.

I’ve reneged on more than one post in here too smh
Carbon dating rocks from the Earth and the Moon almost seems plausible.

But gtfoh with carbon dating stars.

NASA sent a spacecraft, called New Horizons, to Pluto in January 2006. It took almost 10 years to get there. In the summer of 2015 the spacecraft passed by Pluto and it's moons. They learned that the moon Hydra spins 89 times as it orbits Pluto.

I say all of that to say, if they're just exploring Pluto now, there's no way in hell they did any carbon dating for any stars. As a matter of fact, if that spacecraft gathered some rocks and came back to Earth, it wouldn't be until 2025 until we get that data.

The closest star is Alpha Centura and it's 4.5 billion light years away. If it took 10 years to get to Pluto then our grandkids won't even be alive when they finally make it to Alpha Centura.
I didn't mean carbon dating stars. I know it was worded bad but I was assuming you knew they used stars to the date universe and would get what I was saying....
The old saying speaks on it. Let a man talk long enough and he will reveal himself to be a fool.

The OP created a thread about dinosaurs, knowing no amount of evidence presented would sway his christian mind.

The classic definition of a troll.


First of all, I'm not Christian. But just because I'm not Christian doesn't mean that I have to reject the Bible. I'm not saying the Bible is a flawless science book, but it's a book that 's written in a certain style that has literary, sociological and spiritual value that most books don't have. There's lots of allegory and parables in the Bible that have been passed down from generation to generation over several millennia. You'd be a fool to dismiss the Bible as irrelevant. Furthermore, there are alot of references from the Bible that people use in everyday life that, if you're not well versed, you wouldn't know what they mean such as;

The Original Sin
The 12 Tribes of Israel
The 613 Laws of the Torah
The 23rd Psalm
The 144,000
Judas selling out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
Paul's letters
Mary Magdelen

^^^Those are references from the Bible that could come up in an ordinary conversation and you'd seem stupid to alot of people if you don't know what those references are referring to, or the allegory behind those stories.


I've asked you the exact same question several times. You've done nothing but divert attention from the question and make ad hominem attacks. I'm going to ask you this question again and if you don't answer it I'm going to make a thread dedicated to you answering this question and I'm going to flood your inbox until you either answer the question or until you're exiled from ABW.

You claim that the Earth is 4.5 Billion years old and the Universe is 14.5 Billion years old, according to scientists.

Here's the question;

How did those scientists arrive at the figure 4.5 billion and 14.5 billion? What unit of measurement did they use?

In particular, on Earth, a year is the length of time it takes to revolve around the Sun.

It takes the planet Mercury 88 days to revolve around the Sun

It takes the planet Pluto 248 (Earth) years to revolve around the Sun. In other words, the Earth revolves around the Sun 248 times in the time it takes for Pluto revolve around the Sun once. However, on Pluto that would be considered one year.

So @Fightbackmode2005 tell us, how do scientists calculate time if and when you go back in time far enough that there is no Earth, Mercury, nor Pluto to measure space and time?

Did they use a stopwatch?
Did they use a calendar?
Did they use a sundial? (And if it was before the Sun was born, how did the Sundial work?)
Perhaps they had a rooster that woke them up every morning?

But seriously, I've asked you this question over and over and over and over again and you just keep diverting attention away from the question and making ad hominem attacks.

How can you calculate how old the Earth, or the Universe is when, according to the same scientists, the Universe is moving?

If the Solar System was stagnant I'd believe somebody's data/research but since the distance between the celestial bodies isn't constant then I'm inclined to take whatever a scientist says with a grain of salt.

As far as the dinosaurs go, I was just wondering if anybody is as skeptical as me. Personally I'm not convinced that there were 50 foot lizards roaming the Earth and an Astroid came from space and made all of those big lizards go extinct. It actually sounds like a plot to a bad movie.

But yeah, @Fightbackmode2005 how did the scientists arrive at 4.5 billion years and 14.5 billion years? Or better yet, how did they calculate 4.5 and 14.5 billion? I mean, when you go back to 4.6 billion years you don't have anything to measure a year.

First of all, I'm not Christian. But just because I'm not Christian doesn't mean that I have to reject the Bible. I'm not saying the Bible is a flawless science book, but it's a book that 's written in a certain style that has literary, sociological and spiritual value that most books don't have. There's lots of allegory and parables in the Bible that have been passed down from generation to generation over several millennia. You'd be a fool to dismiss the Bible as irrelevant. Furthermore, there are alot of references from the Bible that people use in everyday life that, if you're not well versed, you wouldn't know what they mean such as;

The Original Sin
The 12 Tribes of Israel
The 613 Laws of the Torah
The 23rd Psalm
The 144,000
Judas selling out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver
Paul's letters
Mary Magdelen

^^^Those are references from the Bible that could come up in an ordinary conversation and you'd seem stupid to alot of people if you don't know what those references are referring to, or the allegory behind those stories.


I've asked you the exact same question several times. You've done nothing but divert attention from the question and make ad hominem attacks. I'm going to ask you this question again and if you don't answer it I'm going to make a thread dedicated to you answering this question and I'm going to flood your inbox until you either answer the question or until you're exiled from ABW.

You claim that the Earth is 4.5 Billion years old and the Universe is 14.5 Billion years old, according to scientists.

Here's the question;

How did those scientists arrive at the figure 4.5 billion and 14.5 billion? What unit of measurement did they use?

In particular, on Earth, a year is the length of time it takes to revolve around the Sun.

It takes the planet Mercury 88 days to revolve around the Sun

It takes the planet Pluto 248 (Earth) years to revolve around the Sun. In other words, the Earth revolves around the Sun 248 times in the time it takes for Pluto revolve around the Sun once. However, on Pluto that would be considered one year.

So @Fightbackmode2005 tell us, how do scientists calculate time if and when you go back in time far enough that there is no Earth, Mercury, nor Pluto to measure space and time?

Did they use a stopwatch?
Did they use a calendar?
Did they use a sundial? (And if it was before the Sun was born, how did the Sundial work?)
Perhaps they had a rooster that woke them up every morning?

But seriously, I've asked you this question over and over and over and over again and you just keep diverting attention away from the question and making ad hominem attacks.

How can you calculate how old the Earth, or the Universe is when, according to the same scientists, the Universe is moving?

If the Solar System was stagnant I'd believe somebody's data/research but since the distance between the celestial bodies isn't constant then I'm inclined to take whatever a scientist says with a grain of salt.

As far as the dinosaurs go, I was just wondering if anybody is as skeptical as me. Personally I'm not convinced that there were 50 foot lizards roaming the Earth and an Astroid came from space and made all of those big lizards go extinct. It actually sounds like a plot to a bad movie.

But yeah, @Fightbackmode2005 how did the scientists arrive at 4.5 billion years and 14.5 billion years? Or better yet, how did they calculate 4.5 and 14.5 billion? I mean, when you go back to 4.6 billion years you don't have anything to measure a year.

Dude, you need to really learn to read for comprehension and not just to respond.

Show me the post where I said the bible is irrelevant.

Show me the post where I proclaimed the age of the Universe and Earth is xxx years old.

Why do I have to prove something to you? Use your time to do your own research. You obviously aren't reading scientific journals to understand how the Universe works. Why would I waste more time explaining simple science to you?

You somehow think I owe you an explanation for your wild theory about linear growth between the Earth and its inhabitants. I don't.

You can kick rocks and stay wallowing in your own ignorance.
Dude, you need to really learn to read for comprehension and not just to respond.

Show me the post where I said the bible is irrelevant.

Show me the post where I proclaimed the age of the Universe and Earth is xxx years old.

Why do I have to prove something to you? Use your time to do your own research. You obviously aren't reading scientific journals to understand how the Universe works. Why would I waste more time explaining simple science to you?

You somehow think I owe you an explanation for your wild theory about linear growth between the Earth and its inhabitants. I don't.

You can kick rocks and stay wallowing in your own ignorance.

So we're on page 16 and you still won't answer the question I asked 3 days ago?

I asked you a simple question and you keep making ad hominem attacks instead of answering the question or simply saying, "I don't know".
It’s fine to consider the Bible but you should also want outside evidence if you care about credibility.

That’s like treating the writings of Shakespeare as unquestionable historical records, just because people in the past have done the same. And when somebody asks about it, you go only to Shakespearean texts for your proof. You don’t see how that’s a trap?
Come on, you really gonna use a Shakespear example like it's an apples to apples comparison to the Bible? lol You could have brought up some other religious text of some sort, which is still not a true comparison, but at least is in the same realm of discussion. Obviously we don't consider Shakespearean writings as "unquestionable historical records" because there's no reason to. lol. We already know them to be fictional writings, and neither has the Author himself made claims otherwise.

The Bible however clearly presents itself as a document of God and not as one from men:
"If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 14:37).
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16)
Pauls writings called "scripture" - "just as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you, as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3:15-17)
"But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." (2 Peter 1:20-21)
"But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual." (I Corinthians 2:10-13)

And I don't mind considering outside evidence. But Christians wasn't called to do the finding of outside evidence when it comes to the truth of God. And God never told the nations do searching of outside evidence either. The nations is called to repent and "hear" the truth of his word, it's not on them or anyone else to do all the extra "seeing" through their own searching and finding. God and other eye witnesses did the "seeing" for us on spiritual matters where we weren't able to, and we are told by faith to believe the testimony of them and those sent by Y'hoshua to get ourselves out of the predicament we in for breaking his law.
It's ok to examine and gather knowledge from outside evidence, but the real trap comes in when a person choose their own consideration of evidence as some kind of standard of truth over the truth of God.
So we're on page 16 and you still won't answer the question I asked 3 days ago?

I asked you a simple question and you keep making ad hominem attacks instead of answering the question or simply saying, "I don't know".

You are asking me to explain to you something that is available in any scientific journal, or even a YouTube video. Now you are just using that as an excuse for your ignorance.

Like I said, you are this:

Online trolls targeting people with a disability | Aruma