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Do You Believe In Dinosaurs?

God doesn't exist because we don't all agree it does. But it has the same actual evidence of existing as the mind, none. But we all agree we have mind, therefore it 'exists'.

No it doesnt.

You just had a thought. Proof of the mind.

Whats the proof of god?
No it doesnt.

You just had a thought. Proof of the mind.

Whats the proof of god?
That's not proof.

None, just the like the mind. Having a thought to prove mind is like the Bible being used to prove god.
That's not proof.

None, just the like the mind. Having a thought to prove mind is like the Bible being used to prove god.

Whats your definition of proof?

The bible is a story.

I can come up with a creation tale this very moment that is as valid as genesis.

The mind is different. We have real thoughts that we can mold and shape. Thoughts come from the mind. Real thoughts too. Not like i classify a thought my way and you classify a thought your way. We do that with god. We cant do thay with thoughts cause thoughts are real.

Thats what proves what the mind is. Sort of like Einsteins theories. He couldnt prove E=mc squared, but he had enough relative data to come up with it as a realistic theory. And like 5 years ago, E=mc squared got proved to be true by science and math.

As technology catches up, they will prove that the mind is what we've theorized it to be.

Nowhere is there even close to the same amount of evidence for god.

Its ok to believe in god. I would never say god doesnt exist cause how could I know.

All im doing here is going off the scientific proof for god, for which there is 0, where as the mind has a ton of proof. Your thoughts being proof.
Also, humans arent the only species to have sentience. Dolphins and whales are smart as shit too.

Apes can be taught to use tools and some sign language. The list goes on.
Well, if you don't accept radiometric dating that was used to estimate the age of the Earth and solar system, then we won't be able to find a common ground to discuss dinosaur's existence because you can't accept carbon dating.

That is your right, but just know you are rejecting an established, proven scientific method.

Well we wasn’t around to observe these processes during the very beginning, therefore who’s to say the rates/speed of these processes that we observe now remained consistently this same rate of speed all throughout, since the beginning of existence?

Nah it takes too much faith to be an atheist

What evidence is there of a creator?


you going to tell me that this just *poofed* into existence on its own?
Who did this??

This right here is evidence, only thing missing is we don’t get to witness/observe who did it, set it all in motion or how it happened.

which is where religion comes in.

Scientology included.

Different discussion though (Which religion is true?). I’m not trying to go into all that, honestly...just wanted to share a bit of my views
Well we wasn’t around to observe these processes during the very beginning, therefore who’s to say the rates/speed of these processes that we observe now remained consistently this same rate of speed all throughout since the beginning of existence?


you going to tell me that this just *poofed* into existence on its own?
Who did this??

This right here is evidence, only thing missing is we don’t get to witness/observe who did it or how it happened.

which is where religion comes in.

Scientology included.

Different discussion though. (Which religion is true?)

So by that logic you must also believe the creator had a creator

They couldn’t have just *poofed* into existence
You know the wild shit is that alot of religious scientists have had to acknowledge that the universe is 14.5B years old and that the Earth is 5B years old.

They had to acknowledge it because of all the proof out there. They cant consider themselves scientists and just throw out all this proof for their faith.

You can say fuck all the proof and that the creator communicated this to us, but your not a scientist. Youre allow to do that. They arent.

Especially cause there is 0 proof of a creator. And 0 proof of communication.

So these religious scientists have came up with the idea of intelligent design. They basically say that the earth really is 4.5B years old, and that evolution is real, but it all must have been guided by a creator to play out this way.

The funny shit with you, is you throw away shit like carbon dating because you dont wanna believe it. But data dont give a fuck who wants to believe in it. Data is just data. And scientists who are still religious cant throw out data either. So they come out with theological theories like intelligent design.

I dont agree with intelligent design, but its still way better than what you doing by saying all these facts arent facts cause of my belief in religion
Your premise ignores that most evidence we have in fact points to a younger earth and universe. Only people who insist on a 4.5 billion year time scales are evolutionists. makes sense if you reject the creation account given in the Bible and if you reject a created world and mankind in general.
So by that logic you must also believe the creator had a creator

They couldn’t have just *poofed* into existence
Only if your idea of an eternal creator is like that of a finite one. Otherwise I see no need to go beyond that neither would I want to. If a finite being could explain the workings of an Eternal being who literally created the universe and everything in it then that being wouldn’t be God.
So by that logic you must also believe the creator had a creator

They couldn’t have just *poofed* into existence
Okay well here is another 'crazy' thought for you..... As we understand it, 'happenings' don't require a preceeding event. They just 'happen'. If God is a happening rather than and event(being created) it wouldnt require being created, it just happened. Its gets weirder if you wonder then if conscious is 'god' and 'god' was a happening then consciousness and just happening could possibly jive.
Only if your idea of an eternal creator is like that of a finite one. Otherwise I see no need to go beyond that neither would I want to. If a finite being could explain the workings of an Eternal being who literally created the universe and everything in it then that being wouldn’t be God.

It would be less of a leap to view the universe itself as eternal.

What if humans made up the whole concept of an eternal being? How would you know any different?
It would be less of a leap to view the universe itself as eternal.

What if humans made up the whole concept of an eternal being? How would you know any different?
Jc, then why not say god is energy since there isn't a single thing that isn't a form of energy. And maybe hell is like some black hole shit ?

Omg, I think we just cracked the code yall!