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do videos of Black folks dying on camera help or harm?

no i expect you, me, us niggas to get off social media and start coming up with ways to protect not only ourselves but our community.

they show you these videos day in and day out and you go on social media to discuss it (no harm there) but thats it.

and they know thats all we are going to do.

can we start maybe looking at community policing? what can we do to keep police out of our hoods?

or am i the only one still living amongst poor Black ppl?
That would require telling niggas what to do... and sometimes that causes issues even when it's to their benefit
yes and if you need a video or picture to empathize with those killed extrajudicially by police, you are the reason why theyre dead in the first place
Then this means a change gotta come into the others... them that need vids to, more often it doesn't affect, empathize and demand change
so i guess we will keep re-traumatizing ourselves for another 100 years.

great plan

It's traumatizing because it's supposed to be.
The horror of it is the point you're trying to get across when bringing such cases to light.

Not everyone has the stomach to see how the sausage is made, but it still has to be made.
You don't have to expose yourself to whatever you deem too graphic if it's too much.
Just leave it to the ones that can handle it.

Examples like police officers, soldiers, doctors, and also journalists are professions where people see horrific things.
In some cases, it can break them, but the job still needs to get done.
So each particular time period needs a new way of bringing justice... one that doesn't desensitized or make you complacent to the situation... Emmitt Till, Rosa, Martin and the protest were one way... but that's the past, the next came video footage, protest, and consequently riots which evolved into viral cell phone vids... now there has to be another adaptation or mutation... some type evolution...
Cant debate with folks who use assumptions and historical context in place of facts. That's the same thing those racists do with us.

Racists don’t have historical fact behind it tho. Knowing why two rednecks shot a black man in the south. If it was in reverse I’d need to see something but in reality we can put two and two together.
White ppl run this country... so unless we get more blacks in positions of in influence like Internal Affairs, councilmembers, state senate, federal senate, state rep and federal house reps, police officers, etc well all other forms of protest and fighting are a wash
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White ppl run this country... so unless we get more blacks in positions of in influence like Internal Affairs, councilmembers, state senate, federal senate, state rep and federal house reps, police officers, etc well all other forms of protest and fighting are a wash
Most black people in any form of influential power gets undermined and people fall for the nonsense.
We need on code black people not just any ole black person.
This is true, very true but how do you even handle that, you take all these cities out here; where do we get the manpower to 1st personally vet each and every black individual that is interested in these positions of influence never mind just power, but influence...

We have to figure out can and then how we even mobilize on that level and present various individuals from within the ranks to go into these positions.
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We need on code black people not just any ole black person.
Problem is everyone wants to be the leader.
No one wants to listen.
And let me add again....Undermine. to destroy credibility or sway opinions.

We got agents y'all.
Most black people in any form of influential power gets undermined and people fall for the nonsense.
That's why I named so many positions because it it can't just be only one, like being the mayor ain't no change gonna come or like being president change won't fully come.

You need various level of influential positions to make a sincere difference, can't just be the DA or the prosecutor office, can't just be a police officer or an internal affairs officer, it's gotta be at a variety of levels. And we can't let the greedy in and sad to say but how do you handle the willfully ignorant...
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Problem is everyone wants to be the leader.
No one wants to listen.
And let me add again....Undermine. to destroy credibility or sway opinions.

We got agents y'all.
True there are agents from the outside, but from within as well... that crab barrel is real... hurt emotions or perceived slights are real and you see ppl pull all kinds of stunts behind them
This is true, bery true but how do you even handle that, you take of all these cities out here where do we get the manpower to 1st personally vet each and every black individual that is interested in these positions of influence never mind just power, but influence...

We have to figure out can we even mobilize on that level and present various individuals from within the ranks to go into these positions.
Ive seen black people mobilize it can happen.
I love this vetting process .....I been hearing this more and more.
We do this already but not so much in a building level.

It's more than enough people who want to be in those positions.....But do we want them there? Do they belong there?.
That's why I named so many positions because it it can't just be only one, like being the mayor ain't no change gonna come or like being president change won't fully come.

You need various level of influential positions to make a sincere difference, can't just be the DA or the prosecutor office, can't just be a police officer or an internal affairs officer, it's gotta be at a variety of levels. And we can't let the greedy and sad to say but how do you handle the willfully ignorant...
Great question . Great fucking question.

I'll fall back now. I need to see how this plays out.