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DJ akademiks sleeps with underage women & Beta/males choose the wrong hill to die on

You didn’t fuck your sister.

the difference between 17/21 is pretty simple.

17 still has school and has to answer to her parents. She most likely has a curfew. She can’t smoke, drink, go to the bar, go the club, she can’t even borrow someone car. She can’t cross state lines without permission. She can’t do much besides fuck you.. That’s the difference
THIS, there’s SO many rules and restrictions being 17. They care about senior week, can’t get into the same clubs as 21 year olds. 17 year olds are more boisterous in public whether it’s twerking or just being loud in general. Some states you can’t even have your license at 17 and if they do it’s a curfew on the license. 17 year olds don’t have the same access to the jobs that 21 year olds have. I’m not sure you can have your own bank account that is separate from your parents at 17
"You a lame if you went to college and didn't fuck 17 year olds" is as wild a take as I've seen recently. Unless you were immature af, your mindset at 21 should be totally different than what it was at 17.
I don’t know about all of that. Some of y’all taking this shit out of context.

They’re all COLLEGE STUDENTS. They’re not checking for IDs, and if something go down, it’s very unlikely someone’s gonna be like “I was only 17.”
Lol bruh, they are thinking like grown ass adults with adult responsibilities not a college student living on campus and enjoying their life lol.

I'm remembering what it was like when I was in college and telling it like it was back then. I don't know how these new niggas operate, but back then nobody was trying to see a 17 year old when you were 21.
I don’t know about all of that. Some of y’all taking this shit out of context.

They’re all COLLEGE STUDENTS. They’re not checking for IDs, and if something go down, it’s very unlikely someone’s gonna be like “I was only 17.”
Crossing paths and that happening once is kinda understandable but y’all been condoning some bullshit throughout this thread
What questions are there to ask?

If you are 20, 21 and you are at a party or a club and there's drinking and smoking and shit. You not asking questions unless someone looks out of place. If I am somewhere with weed, cigarettes and alcohol, I think everyonne is an adult. We rolling dice and shit. Playing vulgar music. People are fucking in the bathroom.

You not thinking, "Fuck, there's a 14 year old here in somewhere, I just know it. I gotta be on alert."

You start asking questions when you hit 30 and start feeling a little weird, like you should be at home with a wife and kids and thinking all the 22 year olds just want you for your money and what kind of person are you to still being chasing the cat and whether or not you are corrupting someone's daughter. You'll think this only if you have a conscience.

Once you figure all that stuff out, if you still single and you are out here by 35, you just go places where you won't most likely find a someone under 25. Then you are in prime fucking ages ,you have the most money you will ever have while still being in your physical prime. You are like Dexter. You got rules in place, so no one gets hurts. Everyone is fully an adult, you can be brutally honest and if she ain't with it, she gotta go.

What's your name? How old are you? What part of campus do you stay? Basic mf questions. A young man should be thinking about a possible minor being in the crowd, especially at party because kids in high school can be in attendance as well. And you definitely shouldn't be trying to fuck on a girl who is already clearly inebriated.
Fam you're condoning an adult messing with a teen, that shouldn't be ok whether you're on a college campus or not.
Fam, that shit don’t work on me.

1) Everyone knows the rules when you get to college. Everyone knows what happens at school, with a whole bunch of young people are shacked up in dorms, ON THEIR OWN.

2) For all this condemnation, I didn’t hear not one peep of what happens when a 17-year-old freshmen young MAN gets hounded by a Lady Senior. And many of my bandsmen were smashing older chicks while they were freshmen in school, but I digress.
Damn so 18 and 16 ain’t the same age group now?


I can't front: We thought it was weird in high school. If you an 18 year old senior, lowest you were going was a 17 year old junior. I knew one cat that was a senior when I was a sophmore and he was dating a chick in my class and dude was straight up labeled a "Chester" by the other chicks in class.
I can't front: We thought it was weird in high school. If you an 18 year old senior, lowest you were going was a 17 year old junior. I knew one cat that was a senior when I was a sophmore and he was dating a chick in my class and dude was straight up labeled a "Chester" by the other chicks in class.
Two years was the limit with my people. Three years got you that “Chester the Molester” status.

If you were 16 hitting a 14 year old, that wasn’t bad. 17 to 15, 18 to 16, etc. Any wider gap while you were in HS was looked at funny as shit.
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This thread is something else lol

Exactly how most threads are on this site and the good old IC
Fam, that shit don’t work on me.

1) Everyone knows the rules when you get to college. Everyone knows what happens at school, with a whole bunch of young people are shacked up in dorms, ON THEIR OWN.

2) For all this condemnation, I didn’t hear not one peep of what happens when a 17-year-old freshmen young MAN gets hounded by a Lady Senior. And many of my bandsmen were smashing older chicks while they were freshmen in school, but I digress.

She would be a damn pedo too. I don't understand why ya'll got a million and one deflections for a man who on more then occasion has made his sexual attraction to teenage girls quite clear.
Two years was the limit with my peopleThree got you that “Chester the Molester” status.

If you were 16 hitting a 14 year old, that wasn’t bad. 17 to 15, 18 to 16, etc. Any wider gap while you were in HS was looked at funny as shit.
Yea. Dating was always the two year rule when in highs school

Of course they had scum bags though.