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ya'll the ones who keep talking about a chick augmenting her body is a no no

i was asking, where does it stop? where do you draw the lines?

i thought the chick in the OP was getting a reduction due to medical issues. If thats not the case, then this thread shouldn't have made it past 2 pages
Is there a natural way to get bigger breast?

found this on the net just now

its kinda long, so i spoilered it

Just watched the vid.

1. She didn't do it because a doc recommended shit, she felt it will be better for her as an actress.

2. he didn't leave her there alone cuz of her getting smaller breasts, he left cuz he's been having to go to the doc and watch his mom get surgery due to breast cancer and it was hard for him to watch.

Foh with that bs yall talkin bout. Bitches getting reduction just cuz, just like they gettin implants just cuz. Again, there's niggas that let chicks walk all over em and do w.e df they want and other niggas aint havin it b.
i hate the connections ya'll try to make b/t certain stuff

how does a chick getting a breast reduction equate to her walking over you?

ya'll projecting
Is there a natural way to get bigger breast?
gain some weight also. if u already got big tits, ur body deposits fat there naturally. more body mass = bigger tits then.
Just watched the vid.

1. She didn't do it because a doc recommended shit, she felt it will be better for her as an actress.

2. he didn't leave her there alone cuz of her getting smaller breasts, he left cuz he's been having to go to the doc and watch his mom get surgery due to breast cancer and it was hard for him to watch.

Foh with that bs yall talkin bout. Bitches getting reduction just cuz, just like they gettin implants just cuz. Again, there's niggas that let chicks walk all over em and do w.e df they want and other niggas aint havin it b.
If thats really how it went down, I sympathize.

I don't think she's the average case tho. All the women I know who had breast reductions, did it for srs medical reasons not career. 1 did it cuz her breasts were suffocating her when she slept on her back @ night, another did it cuz she had chronic back pain...

if u look @ realself.com, the main surgery review site, most of the breast reduction ones were covered by insurance. the "just cuz" reductions r the exception.

saying a chick getting a breast reduction against ur preferences is walking all over u is a stretch tho.

Hypothetically, if I love your locs n u shorten them one day, are you walking all over me?
i hate the connections ya'll try to make b/t certain stuff

how does a chick getting a breast reduction equate to her walking over you?

ya'll projecting

gain some weight also. if u already got big tits, ur body deposits fat there naturally. more body mass = bigger tits then.

If thats really how it went down, I sympathize.

I don't think she's the average case tho. All the women I know who had breast reductions, did it for srs medical reasons not career. 1 did it cuz her breasts were suffocating her when she slept on her back @ night, another did it cuz she had chronic back pain...

if u look @ realself.com, the main surgery review site, most of the breast reduction ones were covered by insurance. the "just cuz" reductions r the exception.

saying a chick getting a breast reduction against ur preferences is walking all over u is a stretch tho.

Hypothetically, if I love your locs n u shorten them one day, are you walking all over me?

I really hate that "it's the exception not the rule" bullshit yall spew as if you've went out and surveyed everybody to know how true it is or not.

If i had or did something that a female loved about me and I decided to get rid of it and she told me she loved it and preferred I keep it and I still got rid of it simply because that's what I wanted , that's selfish. One nigga will tuck his tail and let that shit fly and another nigga won't. It's about compromise in a relationship, if she isn't even trying to work with u, then why df is she with u?
I really hate that "it's the exception not the rule" bullshit yall spew as if you've went out and surveyed everybody to know how true it is or not.

If i had or did something that a female loved about me and I decided to get rid of it and she told me she loved it and preferred I keep it and I still got rid of it simply because that's what I wanted , that's selfish. One nigga will tuck his tail and let that shit fly and another nigga won't. It's about compromise in a relationship, if she isn't even trying to work with u, then why df is she with u?
does compromise not go both ways? if she has a medical need for a reduction (n that is what it usually is), why can't he work with her too n compromise on how much tissue is removed or summin?

now ur saying an assertion like "it's the exception not the rule" can only be made if u've conducted a study on it? havent u said u dont believe in studies bein gospel? tf
i've had 3 female relatives who've had breast reductions due to medical reasons, but what the hell do i know
Well keep one titty big and reduce the other. I mean we got two for a reason.. Bam! Compromise
