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so when are you going to drop your real review? Cause this ain’t it. Besides the cgi, you spoke absolutely nothing specific about the movie.
I'm not sure how many ways I can say the movie felt like a bunch of ideas that never come together b

I'll try though only cause it's you and I know you're a stickler for DC criticism.

Basically this movie felt like an origin story and a sequel in one.

While The JL Synder Cut gave Barry some much needed screen time, this movie assumes you already know what you need to in order to follow along.

I didn't mind the double Barry even though this felt like it was a direct response to the more light hearted Thor films. I get it, Barry typically engages in light hearted banter with his fellow JL mates but Ezra in a 2hr+ movie just wasn't it. He was fine in the small doses in JL.

The best parts of this movie to me were Kara, Zod to a lesser degree and Keaton. Oh, and as shitty as the speed force CGI was, it was also a highlight. I just think the CW show did it way better but that's expected because you can spend an entire season building up to the reveal of Savitor or however you spell that shit. The way they did it in this movie was janky af. It felt rushed. It felt like it went through a ton of reshoots.


Felt like a gumbo with too many ingredients in it
Thought I was going to come in here after finally watching it and see a lot of praise for it. This shit was really, really dope!

Yeah CGI wasn’t the best, but the acting and story were pretty damn good. They found a way to do an origin story without it being an origin story. That was creative.

The call backs were crazy! Loved seeing all of that. My only gripe was that they didn’t include Grant Gustin. Makes me wonder if they’re going to make him movie Flash going forward. He can’t be in other timelines if his timeline doesn’t exist yet.

I don’t mind an older Clooney Batman, as long as he ends up playing old Batman in a Batman Beyond flick.