Not surprised it underperformed. I dunno anyone who fucked with the first movie that much. Those trailers are annoying as fuck too.
Only ppl here liked the first one a lot


2 for 2

Less Lightning

PRAISE: I have been trying to remember if Captain Marvel/Shazam still had the mind of a pre teen/teenager in the animated shows and comics like he does in these recent films which I find kind of annoying. I'm glad some portions of this movie focused on the character growing up because that's exactly what I wanted him to do.
Ok I was amused by some of the jokes in the film and the dramatic moments were effective. I thought Rachel Zegler was a great and charming addition to the cast. I thought the villains Kalypso and Hespera portrayed by Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu,were ok it was their display of various powers that impressed me.Theres some great SFX work, some of which reminded me of the old Ray Harryhausen

PROBLEMS: The first movie had this great and unexpected balance of darkness and humor and I felt this movie was lacking that. It's as if the writers and Director said let's play up the silliness and childishness. I say why ignore most of what made the first film very good? Some of the movie is eye rolling silly making characters look foolish and then some. Zachary Levi turns in a copy and paste performance. There is a way to play this character ,a little over confident and arrogant. Talking down to a villain sarcastically. In this Billy Batson is more mature than Shazam. There is a scene that would have been far more effective with especially what it's linked to but unfortunately someone at the WB decided to spoil it in the TV ads. One of the biggest ad fails ever.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 5½
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Shit was doomed from the start. When Gunn announced the new universe, everything DCEU should’ve just went straight to HBO Max.

Flash should’ve been these niggas only concern until Superman Legacy.
Flash is gonna be the highest rated and highest grossing comic book movie this year. Book it.
Having black Adam and shazam and the characters have no connection at all was horrible decision making

This is true but also nobody really gives a fuck about seeing a Shazam or Black Adam movie especially when DC was already in shambles from the start. It’s just hilarious to see WB tryin to do damage control and put it all on one person as if they haven’t been shitting the bed from day 1