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Dave Chappelle against affordable housing in his neighborhood

Dave situation aside.

This is a picture form my backyard. It was nothing but trees and open land. Now it’s all locked down and paved and nothing but homes going up. I feel it’s kinda lame. Now I only have a strip of tree behind my house (they look good when the weather warm up) and if they start building houses right behind me ima be pissed because I like not have nobody live right behind me and seeing all in my yard

So who’s going to buy the $650,000 homes they are going to build now??

why y’all acting like this isn’t happening..the cheaper options got eliminated..that’s it!

You bringing up affordable housing like the folks that live there have all this money. They would be the same exact tax bracket or even less than the people that would be moving in the affordable housing.

So how he keeping poor folks out when the town ain’t some lavish place

But I see you ignored my post about how is folks thats not making money keep out "poor" folks that would be able to afford 250K homes

If you can afford that much you aint poor
$250,000 is affordable housing to lots of people of all races. And it’s brand new? Could you imagine telling someone in San Diego you are going to sell them a new home in a new subdivision for $250,000? That’s a $1000 a month mortgage with taxes and insurance. That’s not affordable? FHA is 5%. That’s $12,000 down payment on a brand new home. Not including any other credits like first time homebuyers. City and states offer down payment assistance to.

What are we talking about?
In my area that isn't affordable
When I got my house there was some factories and woods behind us. Now they’ve made all of them leave. Cut the woods down. Started raising the railroad tracts for better traffic and started building townhomes. I can’t wait to sell. And yes you can 100% buy a $250,000 home with a $1000 mortgage. I got mine for $241,000 and my mortgage is $1028. My taxes went down because of the homestead exemption, bringing my mortgage down even more.

You could go on realtor and use there calculator if you don’t believe me.

I believe you.

Youre looking to sell. A lot of folks dont want to move fam.
Fuck that, I’m a home owner and I don’t want “affordable housing” around my neighborhood either.. This isn’t my forever home but I still want my property value to remain intact so when I decide to buy another house I can turn the one I already own into a rental property (passive income)…
Fuck that, I’m a home owner and I don’t want “affordable housing” around my neighborhood either.. This isn’t my forever home but I still want my property value to remain intact so when I decide to buy another house I can turn the one I already own into a rental property (passive income)…

Fuck that, I’m a home owner and I don’t want “affordable housing” around my neighborhood either.. This isn’t my forever home but I still want my property value to remain intact so when I decide to buy another house I can turn the one I already own into a rental property (passive income)…

I feel what you're saying, but your desire to make some extra money shouldn't outweigh other people's ability actually get a home.
I feel what you're saying, but your desire to make some extra money shouldn't outweigh other people's ability actually get a home.

But its sooooooo much land that houses can be built on. It goes both ways and understandable.

Even the neighborhood the family would be coming from.

People move to certain areas for certain reasons.
Ok i mostly read thru this thread.

So just to sum it up...the company is using the tag of "affordable housing"...just to get the land(s) and build more expensive houses...condos...etc. in that area.

What Dave is against...is them coming in their small town/village, and disrupting everything that makes the area what it is now. Kinda like what one of yall said...the start of gentrification in a sense. It starts wit the houses...then corporate companies droppin their businesses in the area and pushing out the smaller local ones. Erasing the culture of that area.

Am I right...wrong...in the ballpark wit that assessment so far?
Ok i mostly read thru this thread.

So just to sum it up...the company is using the tag of "affordable housing"...just to get the land(s) and build more expensive houses...condos...etc. in that area.

What Dave is against...is them coming in their small town/village, and disrupting everything that makes the area what it is now. Kinda like what one of yall said...the start of gentrification in a sense. It starts wit the houses...then corporate companies droppin their businesses in the area and pushing out the smaller local ones. Erasing the culture of that area.

Am I right...wrong...in the ballpark wit that assessment so far?

That’s how I see it.
Companies like this never go areas that’s nothing but land and do this.

They want to change the landscape of a established city that has necessities In place like plumbing etc and push out the folks.

It’s thousands of miles of open land they can do this on and start from the ground up but they don’t.