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D Wade’s son Zion is a transgender now...DONT POST THE BOOSIE VIDEO NO MORE!!!!

LMAO I can't tell if Beta is serious or trolling man but I agree. I'll be honest if I had a son that was gay, the only thing that would blow would be I selfishly would be frustrated if I can't engage in culutural manly shit like sports etc. Learning more about the LGBT community there is a decent amount of gay men that still watch sports and shit so I was ignorant. If my son is flamboyant like Magic Son I would still love him/her the same but it would bum me a tad bit if they don't like shit I like. This is selfish but honest reasons. I think this is one of the reasons why Studs don't get the same blow back from some men vs gay men

see i like this transparency.

also i live in philly, the gay men that i do know really still be into sports and “manly” activities. we still watch the eagles and sixers lose year round

they work out, they dress masculine etc

they just so happen to like dick

and tbh I dont blame them

Btw @Race Jones my girl and I went to So Shameless (great podcast) show in Atlanta and there was trans woman explaining her experiences in front of a large black crowd. Problem was there was a decent amount of alcohol given and honestly I was shocked how hate and distain black women in Atlanta has for trans women. They were basically on that Wendy willams " you don't get periods you will never be us" type shit and made the Trans woman cry and kinda run her off stage. Shit was hella emotional and a bunch of fights almost broke out.

There is definitely real bad blood with some women and trans women. I was caught by surprise lol.
Btw @Race Jones my girl and I went to So Shameless (great podcast) show in Atlanta and there was trans woman explaining her experiences in front of a large black crowd. Problem was there was a decent amount of alcohol given and honestly I was shocked how hate and distain black women in Atlanta has for trans women. They were basically on that Wendy willams " you don't get periods you will never be us" type shit and made the Trans woman cry and kinda run her off stage. Shit was hella emotional and a bunch of fights almost broke out.

There is definitely real bad blood with some women and trans women. I was caught by surprise lol.

yes a lot of Black women are anti-trans asf. very weird if you ask me. trans women dont invalidate my experiences as a cis woman.
yes I guess you could look at that way. gender “stereotypes/roles” are just standards, by and large, adopted and accepted by society. these ideas or “biases” are often times over simplified and not completely accurate. seeing as tho, everyone is different.

Ok. Cool, I think we're on the same page with that. So my question is with these being over simplified generalities, at what point is someone transgender? I think we agree either sex can do pretty much whatever they want without being a different gender. So what's the tipping point from being a man that's enjoying something traditionally feminine, to being a woman?

Also, is gender really a self-identification thing? If it's based on your behavior within a society, then your behaviors should identify your gender, right? Kind of like if someone takes a personality test. If all your answers say you're not sympathetic, then you won't be called sympathetic. You saying that you are, won't matter if your actions don't support it.

An example with that is, what if a man transitions to a woman. If they act still act like a masculine man (as far as hire society views it), would we still refer to them as a woman? By definition, I'd think no, but that'd be denying them their pronouns.

I guess this is just a little more in-depth look at what does it mean to "feel like a man/woman?". And is that really what gender is?
As a person who has a kid that's really not a good argument back. You don't need to have a child to know what can help a child either thrive or suffer in life.

Its a great argument actually. Its called experience.

I cant sit up here and tell @Sion how to manage his stocks
I cant sit up here and tell @King Freeman Freeman how to manage a club
I cant sit up here and tell @konceptjones how to do his IT shit
I cant sit up here and tell @OhMars how to be Muslim
I cant sit up here and tell @DOS_patos how to do whatever it is he does.

Because I dont have experience

But I am a Father and a Son
Its a great argument actually. Its called experience.

I cant sit up here and tell @Sion how to manage his stocks
I cant sit up here and tell @King Freeman Freeman how to manage a club
I cant sit up here and tell @konceptjones how to do his IT shit
I cant sit up here and tell @OhMars how to be Muslim
I cant sit up here and tell @DOS_patos how to do whatever it is he does.

Because I dont have experience

But I am a Father and a Son
You can if you have more knowledge then I do. You son Christians about Christianity all the time.
Its a great argument actually. Its called experience.

I cant sit up here and tell @Sion how to manage his stocks
I cant sit up here and tell @King Freeman Freeman how to manage a club
I cant sit up here and tell @konceptjones how to do his IT shit
I cant sit up here and tell @OhMars how to be Muslim
I cant sit up here and tell @DOS_patos how to do whatever it is he does.

Because I dont have experience

But I am a Father and a Son
You have experience parenting a son that identifies as a female? Lol

don’t get sonned in front of all these ppl you just @‘d to back you up
Okay how about

Y’all shouldn’t care about the Sexuality of a 12 year old you don’t know to the point where you debate for weeks

Sexuality wasn't the issue, identity was. But again, it wasn't about the choice Zaya made. It was mostly about how the parents handled it. That's adults discussing adult behavior and parenting techniques...not adults telling Zaya he can't feel how he feels.

It hasn't been all these pages of people just discussing the kid's sexuality.
Its a great argument actually. Its called experience.

I cant sit up here and tell @Sion how to manage his stocks
I cant sit up here and tell @King Freeman Freeman how to manage a club
I cant sit up here and tell @konceptjones how to do his IT shit
I cant sit up here and tell @OhMars how to be Muslim
I cant sit up here and tell @DOS_patos how to do whatever it is he does.

Because I dont have experience

But I am a Father and a Son

this proved what exactly?
no you fucked up your entire point.

you cant go around shaming d wade for his personal choice in supporting his child thats trans because your child is not.

Im not going around shaming anybody.

We are talking about in 1 thread. I dont agree with it because the boy is so young. But if Wade wanna do it his way thats ok. But the black fathers I know dont agree with it.

Its called a discussion.