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OPINION Conspiracy Theories U Believe....

I can see if someone knew something more why they wouldn’t say anything. A lot of people’s personal morals are based on what they believe religiously.

And we already murder and destroy each other off a a doctrine that’s meant to preach peace and acceptance. A doctrine based on stories told from thousands of years ago.

Imagine if people found out with out deniability that all of that is nonexistent. It’ll be a purge out here on some next level shit.
Thats how you get out to the earths "orbit" or whatever that line is but how do those rockets work in space? Then you gotta ask if theres no oxygen then what is outer space made of? Whats space?

Theres obviously a sun, moon and stars but i dont think theres any deep space, other planets or galaxys to go to. Theres a certain point you can go physically. Theyve known this for decades.

Its the same principal just not as huge.
Theyre still using thrust. You aim the rockets or whatever the opposite way you're tryna go. That every action has an equal opposite shit..

There are all kinds of other elements. Just look at the periodic table
I believe vaccines play a major role in the health and behavior of our children. They aren't the same as the ones administered when I was growing up and they get twice as many shots now.

Why do you think that? Has to be more than the number of shots bc that’s just indicative of medical advancement over the years.
Why do you think that? Has to be more than the number of shots bc that’s just indicative of medical advancement over the years.
Nowhere in what I said did I say the number of shots were the reason why.
I just feel this is true especially since my daughter was one who got sick after getting vaccinated. I have friends with infants who have gotten sick from them as well, all who are black.
Nowhere in what I said did I say the number of shots were the reason why.
I just feel this is true especially since my daughter was one who got sick after getting vaccinated. I have friends with infants who have gotten sick from them as well, all who are black.

I know, which is why I asked you to explain. But thanks for explaining.

You also mentioned behavior. Did you notice a shift in behavior?
I know, which is why I asked you to explain. But thanks for explaining.

You also mentioned behavior. Did you notice a shift in behavior?

Some felt it did, I didn't notice a shift in behavior because she was so young but I did notice a shift in her health. Since I've stopped she has not gotten sick. We stayed in the hospital often her first year of life.
Nowhere in what I said did I say the number of shots were the reason why.
I just feel this is true especially since my daughter was one who got sick after getting vaccinated. I have friends with infants who have gotten sick from them as well, all who are black.

I dont completely doubt that but i mean a vaccine is the virus, and people have reactions and get sick.

At the same time mfs are allergic to everything now days. Also theres a prescription medication for almost everything. Like these pharmaceutical companies are pushing all these meds on people to make more money. Theyre not curing shit, just helping you deal with "symptoms." Basically having them be your dealer for life. running these ads talking about symptoms you have that may be this disorder/disease. Mfs are gonna be doped up pill popping zombies pretty soon..well even more so.
I dont completely doubt that but i mean a vaccine is the virus, and people have reactions and get sick.

At the same time mfs are allergic to everything now days. Also theres a prescription medication for almost everything. Like these pharmaceutical companies are pushing all these meds on people to make more money. Theyre not curing shit, just helping you deal with "symptoms." Basically having them be your dealer for life. running these ads talking about symptoms you have that may be this disorder/disease. Mfs are gonna be doped up pill popping zombies pretty soon..well even more so.

Yes I know! It's also why I'm so pro breastfeeding because other things contribute to the health of our children and it starts at birth. Vaccines is just one of the many things meant to keep us feeding big pharma.
Some felt it did, I didn't notice a shift in behavior because she was so young but I did notice a shift in her health. Since I've stopped she has not gotten sick. We stayed in the hospital often her first year of life.

Interesting...I’m not a parent so I was just curious
Never said I didn’t believe in either, just find it odd you’d believe in aliens but not dinosaurs.

Space is too vast not to have some other life form inhabiting it.

I’ve never personally had encounters with ghosts but have had family/friends that have.

In different ways I've encountered the supernatural (dead spirits aka ghosts)

I've seen stuff in the sky. Typically one had to be there with me but I have had witnesses with me, for both ghostly and ship appearances
The next 9/11

This video shows the powers of darkness plans for the end time. Hence the reason why the video is titled "I, Pet Goat II". George Bush was reading "The Pet Goat" in the Florida Elementary school when 9/11 happened.


On the morning of September 11, 2001, around 9:10, in front of a sign stating "Reading Makes a Country Great", George W. Bush was reading The Pet Goat while also listening to it being recited by a group of schoolchildren at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota County, Florida, just after White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card informed him that a second airplane had just hit the World Trade Center.


"I, Pet Goat II" is the sequel to 9/11. Only this sequel is the end of the age. The powers of darkness have plans as well. But they lose. The Bible gives the real ending. Amen.
Kali in the "I, Pet Goat II" video:


Kali on the Empire State Building in 2015


The dance that this guy does at 5:29-5:45 in the "I, Pet Goat II" video:


Is the same dance done in this video for CERN aka the LHC:

And of course the CERN Mascot is the goddess of destruction Shiva.

"Although most corporations shun any connection with religion and the spiritual world, CERN has chosen as its mascot a Hindu goddess. But not just any Hindu goddess. Just outside of its headquarters building sits an ancient statue to Shiva, ancient Apollyon, the goddess of destruction." - https://www.rt.com/op-edge/313922-cern-collider-hadron-higgs/

This is the site where the LHC is located at. The LHC is 300 feet underground and is 17 miles long. This site in Switzerland is located in Saint Genis Pouilly. In Roman times it was called "Apolliacum". The town and the temple that was located there were thus dedicated to Apollyon. Apollyon is the "destroyer". Hence why "Shiva" is the mascot of CERN today because Shiva is the goddess of destruction.


Even the Director at CERN admitted that he has no clue about what will come through the "dimension" opening that they are trying to achieve at CERN by colliding the particles and creating a black hole.


A top boffin at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) says that the titanic machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or "unknown unknowns" - for instance "an extra dimension".

"Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN, briefing reporters including the Reg at CERN HQ earlier this week.

That was in 2009 that he said that.

But hey if folks would read their bible they would know what comes out when the "door" to the bottomless pit is opened. Revelation 9 tells us and guess what? The name of the Angel over the bottomless pit is APOLLYON!!!!!!!!!!

You can't make this up even if you tried. Amen.

But woe unto those who are left behind and have to see the bottomless pit opened. For this is what God says about that day:

"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." Revelation 9:6

The folks at the upper echelon of this world, like the ones who control the money, have planned for the collapse of all the currencies of the world in order to make way for the arrival of their leader and the Mark of the beast.

Look at the Economist magazine cover from 1988:


The Economist magazine is owned by the Elites of this world. 50% of the magazine is owned by the Rothchilds themselves!


The publication belongs to the Economist Group. It is 50% owned by the English branch of the Rothschild family and by the Agnelli family through its holding company Exor. The remaining 50% is held by private investors including the editors and staff.[9][10] The Rothschilds and the Agnellis are represented on the board of directors.[11] A board of trustees formally appoints the editor, who cannot be removed without its permission.

The above Magazine cover, which was made in 1988, planned for what we see happening today with all the "crypto" currency craze! That is why 2018 was placed around the neck of the "Phoenix" on the cover. And lo and behold the same image was displayed live at the closing ceremonies of the London Olympics in 2012. Of course it would be displayed in the same city where the "Economist" Magazine is based at!


It doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together. Amen.
Life is full of stories that have brainwashed us since we was kids, dinosaurs are just another tool used to instill fear into our subconscious minds.

"if the big bad dinosaur can be killed by mother nature then we humans have no chance"

It's the same story with space and other planets and galaxies.

"we are just a small spec of dust in the universe, we are nothing"

If you buy into their stories then that is all you will ever be just a spec of dust with no power, fuck all that we have a huge amount of power with our minds and energy but they don't wanna teach you that shit in the schools.