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OPINION Conspiracy Theories U Believe....

So you think every country, every civilization predating modern that's written about finding these dino bones is lying?

Come on bruh. Lol smh let's think critically for a moment
"Dino's" were destroyed BC.. i understand the rising and lowering of waters , winds and erosions that occur over time. So, if these Dinos were destroyed by meteors or asteroids and such; how come 1) the other inhabitants aren't spoke of (cave people/ neandrathals) 2) any fragmentation of said space rock ever discovered with these said dinosaurs.

They could have quite possibly existed but shit they tell us so many lies, it's hard to disputes their "facts" ... plastic dinosaurs toys did sell a shit load of money! ...everything they do is a business.

With rocket boosters and shit..
Like how those harrier jets were doing those vertical take offs and landings
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"Dino's" were destroyed BC.. i understand the rising and lowering of waters , winds and erosions that occur over time. So, if these Dinos were destroyed by meteors or asteroids and such; how come 1) the other inhabitants aren't spoke of (cave people/ neandrathals) 2) any fragmentation of said space rock ever discovered with these said dinosaurs.

They could have quite possibly existed but shit they tell us so many lies, it's hard to disputes their "facts" ... plastic dinosaurs toys did sell a shit load of money! ...everything they do is a business.

Cave people neanderthals did not exist millions of years ago. Humans arent that old and it wouldve been to hot. A meteor can be made of the same materials that are on earth also.
"Dino's" were destroyed BC.. i understand the rising and lowering of waters , winds and erosions that occur over time. So, if these Dinos were destroyed by meteors or asteroids and such; how come 1) the other inhabitants aren't spoke of (cave people/ neandrathals) 2) any fragmentation of said space rock ever discovered with these said dinosaurs.

They could have quite possibly existed but shit they tell us so many lies, it's hard to disputes their "facts" ... plastic dinosaurs toys did sell a shit load of money! ...everything they do is a business.

Bruh. This post belongs in a "Dumbest Things Said in ABW Thread" lol
Wtf would they lie about dinosaurs is the question. When i think of conspiracies thats one if the first things i ask. I csn get tv programming peopke to buy shit and spending billions. Idk why they would lie about dinosaurs tho. Is it billions involved or some secret knowledge lol
With rocket boosters and shit..
Like how those harrier jets were doing those vertical take offs and landings

Thats how you get out to the earths "orbit" or whatever that line is but how do those rockets work in space? Then you gotta ask if theres no oxygen then what is outer space made of? Whats space?

Theres obviously a sun, moon and stars but i dont think theres any deep space, other planets or galaxys to go to. Theres a certain point you can go physically. Theyve known this for decades.
If you’re not trolling, how and why?

Right before his death MJ needed to pay off some debt in which he needed liquid cash to do. He had alot of investments but didn't have enough liquid to pay off the debt, which is why he was preparing to go on tour in which would've given him more than enough to pay off the debt. One of the most coveted things MJ had was the ATV catalog which had everybody from the beatles to lady gaga's publishing. With him dead, Sony could make a deal with the estate of MJ to purchase the ATV for dumb low so they could pay off his debt. Now Sony owns both the ATV and EMI catalog and make nearly a billion a year off the shit. Even paul mccartney turned on MJ when he made that business move in 1985, that was beyond major. "They" weren't gonna allow that shit.
How you gunna say the above, then follow up with the below?

You can personally walk along a beach and find fossils on the underside of rocks etc.

Dinosaurs are real, I just think their depiction is wrong. I think they’d have some sort of feathering.

The alien theory you don't know what I've seen. So I'm guessing you don't believe in ghosts either?!
The alien theory you don't know what I've seen. So I'm guessing you don't believe in ghosts either?!

Never said I didn’t believe in either, just find it odd you’d believe in aliens but not dinosaurs.

Space is too vast not to have some other life form inhabiting it.

I’ve never personally had encounters with ghosts but have had family/friends that have.
Thats how you get out to the earths "orbit" or whatever that line is but how do those rockets work in space? Then you gotta ask if theres no oxygen then what is outer space made of? Whats space?

Theres obviously a sun, moon and stars but i dont think theres any deep space, other planets or galaxys to go to. Theres a certain point you can go physically. Theyve known this for decades.
The answer to that is what elements is oxygen made of. Then what elements does it take to create those elements. And what entities, create those elements. It’s a domino effect that’s easily provable in ur own garage.

Space is devoid of the entities that use the elements that then create the elements of breathable air. Because those entities don’t have an abundance of the elements they need to exist in that arena.
When scientist are searching for life they are searching for life as we know it. That’s not to say there isn’t life that doesn’t require air to breath. So it’s nearly impossible to say life doesn’t exist out of earth.

In da grand sense of things, what we consider “life” can considered death to another being.
We’re carbon based life forms carbon is the 4th most abundant element in the universe.

Wether it’s a single cell being or something human like, odds are it’s more liable to exist than not.