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OPINION Conspiracy Theories U Believe....

Also sometimes I think the conspiracy can also be a conspiracy in itself, this is why we need to be very open minded and not too easy to be fooled, do I know for sure that dinosaurs never existed? no I do not I am simply following my gut and intuition. I have no fear of being wrong and would hold my hands up if I am ever proven wrong.
Also sometimes I think the conspiracy can also be a conspiracy in itself, this is why we need to be very open minded and not too easy to be fooled, do I know for sure that dinosaurs never existed? no I do not I am simply following my gut and intuition. I have no fear of being wrong and would hold my hands up if I am ever proven wrong.

Why don’t you talk to some experts.
It's the same story with space and other planets and galaxies.

"we are just a small spec of dust in the universe, we are nothing"

If you buy into their stories then that is all you will ever be just a spec of dust with no power, fuck all that we have a huge amount of power with our minds and energy but they don't wanna teach you that shit in the schools.
I think its a matter of perspective. I saw that and thought to myself theres a lot more going on and its not all about me. Makes your problems look a lot smaller n helps your perspective. At no point did i hear about how small we are in the grand scheme of things and think to myself "man im not shit n i dont matter"
Used to think people were ignorant who don't believe we ever landed on the moon, but now it makes sense to me why we probably didn't.

Simply because, we haven't had anyone........."back".........on the moon since Neil Armstrong allegedly landed there.

Think about it.

If he actually walked on the moon in 1969, then why didn't we have anyone on the moon in........let's say........1978?

OK, maybe that's too soon.

How about 1985?


With as much as our technology has advanced since then, we haven't had another man walk on the moon in almost 50 years???

KRS-ONE gif.gif

Not even a manned spacestation on the moon???

I don't know man gif.gif


Avon suspicious clip.gif

Something's not adding up.
Diseases are man made. Diseases come back year after year bigger and badder like they been training in a basement; and have built up immunity to antibiotics from the vaccines previously used on them. If curable that is. New diseases drop out of the sky every year. Old diseases come through every so often just to let you know that they still got the juice. Shits disgusting.
Used to think people were ignorant who don't believe we ever landed on the moon, but now it makes sense to me why we probably didn't.

Simply because, we haven't had anyone........."back".........on the moon since Neil Armstrong allegedly landed there.

Think about it.

If he actually walked on the moon in 1969, then why didn't we have anyone on the moon in........let's say........1978?

OK, maybe that's too soon.

How about 1985?


With as much as our technology has advanced since then, we haven't had another man walk on the moon in almost 50 years???

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Not even a manned spacestation on the moon???

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Something's not adding up.

The craziest thing to me is that people will argue about the moon landing like they have been on it themselves. All I can say is that I don't know what to believe and that seems to be just as bad as saying it never happened.
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The craziest thing to me is that people will argue about the moon landing like they have been on it themselves. All I can say is that I don't know what to believe and that seems to be just as bad as saying it never happened.

The same goes for heaven and hell
Bruh, trips to the moon ain’t cheap at all. That shit has to be of importance to scientists. They can’t just be taking trips all willy nilly, there’s a lot that goes into that shit. Look at Columbia and Challenger. So you can’t just send shit to the moon often without years of testing, either.
Bruh, trips to the moon ain’t cheap at all. That shit has to be of importance to scientists. They can’t just be taking trips all willy nilly, there’s a lot that goes into that shit. Look at Columbia and Challenger. So you can’t just send shit to the moon often without years of testing, either.

It can't cost that much more than all the other trips that have been taken into outer space.

I'm just thinking that in 1969, it would've been too risky to even try it.

We know that the moon has a weak gravitational pull.

So NASA probably didn't know whether or not the moon's gravitational pull would be strong enough to keep a spacecraft.......or human being......on it's surface and not float away into space.

Therefore, it's not really unreasonable to believe that the moon landing was staged to avoid the risk of something like that happening.
At the 3:00 mark in I, Pet Goat 2 this is what happens:


"MARKETS PLUNGE" go across the boys eyes and then "WAR COVERAGE" followed by B-2 aircraft bombing a Mosque.

If you haven't noticed President Trump has been bragging about the Stock Market A LOT:

But not so fast......Just last friday on the 2nd of February "the powers that be" reminded everyone who has the power and who controls the Markets when they did this:

The warning shot was given by the "powers that be" that it's almost time for the Phoenix to rise from the ashes of the coming war:


The rabbit hole goes deep once the veil is lifted from your eyes to see the absolute treachery that has been going on right under our noses. The "powers that be" hide everything in plain sight because they know the masses will not understand while the few who do are labeled "conspiracy theorists" by the clueless majority. But it had to be like this because the Bible will always be right. Hence why the LORD comes like a thief in the night! Which will happen when God allows "the powers that be" to pull the trigger". Meaning God will allow the "rulers of this world" to:

1. Push the button for nuclear war
2. which in turn will collapse this current world economy because of the conflict.

Hence why "the powers that be" signaled last friday that 666 is on the way, SOON!!!!!!!!

But the caveat in all this is the LORD! I've been teaching all about it in this thread:


You see because when this day comes, the day being when the great war happens and the world economies are destroyed, there will come the greatest lie ever told for those who survived the cloudy day.

This will be part of the lie that will be told as to why the whole world was shaken, where the hail stones came from, and why millions of people disappeared:




The "alien" conditioning has been going on for decades. Hollywood has spread the propaganda around the world. So now when the great day happens, the one who is coming to rule the world that will pick up the pieces from a world that has been absolutely devastated by the cloudy day, will already have the remaining people who survived the cloudy day hooked, lined, and sunk by the social programming of Television and Movies.


The lie that will be told to all those who are left behind will also be connected with the bottomless pit. You see everyone who survives the cloudy day will be bald headed. Men and women.


But the "Aliens" who "abducted" all the "christians" and took them to the black hole will appear out of the bottomless pit and they will have hair like women!

Therefore in order to defeat the creatures from the "bottomless pit" everyone must trust in the ruler of the world! That ruler is of course on the same team as the creatures from the bottomless pit.

And sadly many people will be deceived just like they are today. Sadly truth is stranger than fiction. But the lie of the devil has conditioned the human mind through fiction in order for the lie to be accepted when "fiction" appears to be reality.

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Bruh, trips to the moon ain’t cheap at all. That shit has to be of importance to scientists. They can’t just be taking trips all willy nilly, there’s a lot that goes into that shit. Look at Columbia and Challenger. So you can’t just send shit to the moon often without years of testing, either.

Could always take some cash outta your military budget.
Even if they had another "moon landing", with today's technology people would be even less likely to believe it.

Like I said, I'm not sure what to believe but they are making it really hard to trust them when shit like this happens.
