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Colin Kapernick Protest

You are a great innovator, hostess, and overall popular.

Believe it or not, people participate in a thread based on who creates it. At least that is how it worked on the IC, LOL.

Why not you? Please say "Si".
Depends on the time and day. My summer is over and school is back in. Which means less Kandy.
It's so hard to get mad at other black ppl who state that they are watching football in a time like this, I just stop trying to arguing with folks and move around. They have that right to continue to watch it.

I don't understand their pov (and I don't have to) on how they call those who don't want to support the league, foolish/crazy/dumb/silly etc.

Lol, it's funny because, you start to see how divided black ppl really are at times like this.


Fuck that league is how I feel.
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I'll say this

If you was to ask those who support this league, if they have ever been in a situation where a cac/group of cacs has stopped them from getting a (necessity) that they needed in life to further put them into a better position and they were qualified for that necessity, then I think their answer would be a bit different. If you haven't really for yourself dealt with anything but only heard about stories/read stuff, you really can't get that feel for why Kap is doing what he's doing and why ppl are supporting him.

Reading stuff about racism and having it done to you are totally different experiences and I aint talking about some "ole this cac waiter/waitress/store clerk saw us in line at the restaurant/store and refused to help us type racism.

Put it this way, if I read about women being raped by NFL players, if I just read about the stories, saw and watch the movies/news about the act, and a group of women wanted to protest/boycott the NFL because players are rapist, I'd prolly continue to watch and say that's not my fight. But if a daughter/sister/mother of mines was to be raped and I've witnessed the act, it showed up on my front door, I'll have a changed of mind being that it happened in my life and I'd be on the bang-wagon boycott.

Ppl don't sympathize that much until things show up to their front door.
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Out of all the things to boycott the NFL over, this the hill you choose to die on?
Out of all the things to boycott the NFL over, this the hill you choose to die on?

You have time today?

Cuz you know you like to say something with no substance and when I break tear yo wall down, then you say; "I don't have time today" or "you got it"
You have time today?

Cuz you know you like to say something with no substance and when I break tear yo wall down, then you say; "I don't have time today" or "you got it"

Is it messed up he getting blackballed? Imo, yes

But the NFL lied for years about the damage of concussions to the point where a recent study said that all but one brain they examined had CTE, but you still watched.

But Kaep not being on a roster? That's the nail in the coffin?
And lol at tearing down my walls. LMAO

Man if you don't stop
I'll say this

If you was to ask those who support this league, if they have ever been in a situation where a cac/group of cacs has stopped them from getting a (necessity) that they needed in life to further put them into a better position and they were qualified for that necessity, then I think their answer would be a bit different. If you haven't really for yourself dealt with anything but only heard about stories/read stuff, you really can't get that feel for why Kap is doing what he's doing and why ppl are supporting him.

Reading stuff about racism and having it done to you are totally different experiences and I aint talking about some "ole this cac waiter/waitress/store clerk saw us in line at the restaurant/store and refused to help us type racism.

Put it this way, if I read about women being raped by NFL players, if I just read about the stories, saw and watch the movies/news about the act, and a group of women wanted to protest/boycott the NFL because players are rapist, I'd prolly continue to watch and say that's not my fight. But if a daughter/sister/mother of mines was to be raped and I've witnessed the act, it showed up on my front door, I'll have a changed of mind being that it happened in my life and I'd be on the bang-wagon boycott.

Ppl don't sympathize that much until things show up to their front door.

I like this post. It is a very, very good one.
Is it messed up he getting blackballed? Imo, yes

But the NFL lied for years about the damage of concussions to the point where a recent study said that all but one brain they examined had CTE, but you still watched.

But Kaep not being on a roster? That's the nail in the coffin?

Breh, I couldn't care less about the NFL lied about concussions, that shit is irrelevant to wha they are doing to this man

Give a shit about a Cat scan and wha they have found.

Is it messed up he getting white-balled, you said yes, then you continue with an excuse so that you can continue to watch the shit or justify watching it. If you think it's wrong to rob a bank and you still continue to proceed to rob the bank, the what fuck your (yes/feelings even mean?) have to do with your actions. You saying Yes that its wrong but still watching is just like you saying No it aint wrong nigga what they doing

Breh it's bigger about not having Kap being on a roster Lol and if you can't see it breh, you really haven't went/experience any type of racism to see it as I was stating in my previous post. How can you understand how pain/reject feels when you haven't been rejected Lol.
I like this post. It is a very, very good one.

Ppl have a right to do what they want, ppl also have a right to do what's right.

This is just on a bigger scale and open to the world to see but you see how some black ppl look the other way and call it stupid on black folks boycotting, but just think how black ppl act on a smaller scale when ppl fuck over their own ppl. They look the other way, thus you have to ask yourself why these cacs institutions/compaines are still open and making money.
This why I don't go back and forth because your examples never make any sense

I'm indifferent about the NFL but for totally different reasons.

Why didn't you stop watching the NFL when I told you how much the state gives to Benson to keep the saints here? Which has more of a direct effect on you vs anything the NFL has decided to do with Kaep.

You not gon try and shame me for watching. I know what it is and not disillusioned by any stretch. If the NFL never aired another game, I wouldn't care because I would find something else to do with my time.
This why I don't go back and forth because your examples never make any sense

I'm indifferent about the NFL but for totally different reasons.

Why didn't you stop watching the NFL when I told you how much the state gives to Benson to keep the saints here? Which has more of a direct effect on you vs anything the NFL has decided to do with Kaep.

You not gon try and shame me for watching. I know what it is and not disillusioned by any stretch. If the NFL never aired another game, I wouldn't care because I would find something else to do with my time.


Go head and watch it.

I aint in no position to shame you or anybody from doing what they can do.

Go head and watch it.

I aint in no position to shame you or anybody from doing what they can do.

All you have been doing is low key shaming people. You ain't naming names or being specific like that but your condescending rebuttals are the definition of shaming.

While I think it's sad he's not in a roster, I'll put my outrage towards something else
All you have been doing is low key shaming people. You ain't naming names or being specific like that but your condescending rebuttals are the definition of shaming.

While I think it's sad he's not in a roster, I'll put my outrage towards something else

I think what you call shaming is me just giving out supporting points that go along with my reason for boy-cotting.

Whenever I state something, I build a foundation, and I like to add columns/walls to stand on that foundation. I don't give empty statements/vague statements with nothing behind them.

You stated my examples didn't make any sense, and didn't even explain how it didn't make any sense.

You stated something about Benson being funded by the state for the saints, which has nothing to do with how the NFL is white-balling Kap.

I mean you're all over the place breh, and like I stated in my 1st post, you can't get mad at ppl like that cuz they get all over the place with excuses and reasons to justify them doing wha they're doing, and until things show up to their front step, some won't see the bigger picture.

Watch breh, I aint in no position to shame you or anybody from doing what they can do.
I dont see why not watching now would be any different from not watching when the concussion info came out. Either way its a protest of fucked up the NFL is and the shady stuff they allow. If you wanna see the sport its fine with me. But i really dont see why folks boycotting it is seen as a joke?
I think what you call shaming is just giving out supporting points that go along with my reason for boy-cotting.

Whenever I state something, I build a foundation, and I like to add columns/walls to stand on that foundation. I don't give empty statements/vague statements with nothing behind them.

You stated my examples didn't make any sense, and didn't even explain how it didn't make any sense.

You stated something about Benson being funded by the state for the saints, which has nothing to do with how the NFL is white-balling Kap.

I mean you're all over the place breh, and like I stated in my 1st post, you can't get mad at ppl like that cuz they get all over the place with excuses and reasons to justify them doing wha they're doing, and until things show up to their front step, some won't see the bigger picture.

Watch breh, I aint in no position to shame you or anybody from doing what they can do.

Because you choose NOW to boycott when I stated two reasons that if you were going to boycott, you would've done so years ago.

You either trolling or being obtuse

Or simply put, if Kaep was on a roster, you still watching despite how they treat concussions and the hoops most, if not all states jump through to have NFL teams, and don't lie and say you wouldn't because every post you've made in this thread about boycotting is directly linked to Kaep not being on a roster
I dont see why not watching now would be any different from not watching when the concussion info came out. Either way its a protest of fucked up the NFL is and the shady stuff they allow. If you wanna see the sport its fine with me. But i really dont see why folks boycotting it is seen as a joke?

If they wanna protest, that's one thing. Exercise your right, but don't come for me because I'm not
I'll say this

If you was to ask those who support this league, if they have ever been in a situation where a cac/group of cacs has stopped them from getting a (necessity) that they needed in life to further put them into a better position and they were qualified for that necessity, then I think their answer would be a bit different. If you haven't really for yourself dealt with anything but only heard about stories/read stuff, you really can't get that feel for why Kap is doing what he's doing and why ppl are supporting him.

Reading stuff about racism and having it done to you are totally different experiences and I aint talking about some "ole this cac waiter/waitress/store clerk saw us in line at the restaurant/store and refused to help us type racism.

Put it this way, if I read about women being raped by NFL players, if I just read about the stories, saw and watch the movies/news about the act, and a group of women wanted to protest/boycott the NFL because players are rapist, I'd prolly continue to watch and say that's not my fight. But if a daughter/sister/mother of mines was to be raped and I've witnessed the act, it showed up on my front door, I'll have a changed of mind being that it happened in my life and I'd be on the bang-wagon boycott.

Ppl don't sympathize that much until things show up to their front door.

Go head and watch it.

I aint in no position to shame you or anybody from doing what they can do.
true, you did defend a man saying he was gon arrange for his child to get a blowjob.