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Colin Kapernick Protest

That's cool and all but why does he have to be in the NFL? He can do that without having to play on a team.

At this point, he is just probably using the NFL as a platform to spread his message, dear.

He probably has halfway given up on the idea of playing again.
Yall niggas talking buffoonery. It's the equivalent to Bob crime shit whites be reaching for

Talking about Kaps situation does not mean nothing else can be discussed.

Narrow-mindedness at its finest
And stop acting like this country gives any fuccs about our military vets.

I'm so sick of people using the military as their smokescreen on this issue. The man LITERALLY said why he was protesting. Where did the military come into place, I have no clue.

But if the government truly love our military, why is it they treat them like shyt after they serve? Why it is we're still dealing our vets getting the proper care they need with the VA? Why is that our government is so reluctant on making sure our vets transition to civilian life is a smooth process?

C'mon now.
You niggas talk about stop fighting for white acceptance, but don't they own everything? To get anywhere, we will have to go through them.

We have to get them to use the same rulebook for us that they use from themselves.

This makes 0 sense b lol

So in order for us to have our own supermarket (for example) we have to burn down the white one? lol cmon man

The shyt wit Kap is a problem b/c its just another way silencing black athletes.

He's being silenced cuz he can't get on the field and bend a knee? Really? The nigga still has a platform, the entire country still knows his name and will listen.

The nigga just aint that good, that's it. Niggas like Jim Brown, Kareem Abdul Jabar all did the same thing and KEPT playing, u know why? Cuz they were actually good.
This makes 0 sense b lol

So in order for us to have our own supermarket (for example) we have to burn down the white one? lol cmon man

He's being silenced cuz he can't get on the field and bend a knee? Really? The nigga still has a platform, the entire country still knows his name and will listen.

The nigga just aint that good, that's it. Niggas like Jim Brown, Kareem Abdul Jabar all did the same thing and KEPT playing, u know why? Cuz they were actually good.

Aaaannnddd Jay Cutler is?? What about Brock Osweiler?? C'mon man. I'm tired of hearing that talking point as well. Smh.

And you can't fault Kap for being on a garbage azzz 49ers team.
But why can't we focus on more than one thing? Why is it that we gotta prioritize our issues, and focus on one thing at a time? An issue is an issue. Regardless how big or small it is. Black folks in the communities watch football too.

The shyt wit Kap is a problem b/c its just another way silencing black athletes. Throwing a couple of millions of dollars at these players does not mean they should stay silent on issues that affect the communities.
We all know the shyt is straight bullshyt.

You tryin tell me folks are fine wit muthafuccas who get charged wit domestic violence, failing drug tests, or arrested for DUI on a regular basis...vs...a player who SILENTLY protests unarmed black men being killed by police?? Someone plz explain the logic in this.

Me, along wit a majority of the black students in my high school didn't say the pledge of allegiance. Mainly b/c of the history this country has wit blacks. Does that make me UnAmerican? Does that mean we don't love our country? A lot of people got this perception that our country has done no wrong. Or that we can't love our country and criticize it at the same time. We call out other countries for their faults, but our country is off limits? Is that what folks are really saying??

We gotta get outta that defeated, "Nothing is gonna change so why bother" attitude man. B/c that's the same attitude thats gotten us the current muthafucca in the WH.
Bruh, kap is free to protest whatever wants, and his employers are free to not employ him. Same with the idiot who got fired from google. There are far more pressing issues that I our community faces than whether or not a mediocre qb gets a job. Dude has made his money won a superbowl and it's obvious he's reached the end of the road as a starter. Is it morally wrong that criminals are getting picked up before him sure but again the owners of the teams are free to sign whomever they want to.

Be more outraged at things that actually matter, rather than things that are temporary.
Bruh, kap is free to protest whatever wants, and his employers are free to not employ him. Same with the idiot who got fired from google. There are far more pressing issues that I our community faces than whether or not a mediocre qb gets a job. Dude has made his money won a superbowl and it's obvious he's reached the end of the road as a starter. Is it morally wrong that criminals are getting picked up before him sure but again the owners of the teams are free to sign whomever they want to.

Be more outraged at things that actually matter, rather than things that are temporary.

This shit's the equivalent of kwame brown gettin cut and niggas mad cuz there's other wack players still playin lol cmon man
Yall niggas talking buffoonery. It's the equivalent to Bob crime shit whites be reaching for

Talking about Kaps situation does not mean nothing else can be discussed.

Narrow-mindedness at its finest
Nobody said that you can't focus on multiple issues at once, it's that this issue is nowhere as important as others. It's receiving way more attention than more pressing matters.
Not if we worked together

When have you known niggas to work together?

Look at the two beefs that exist among your own staff at the moment, LOL.

Shit, even in my own family, everyone has their own ulterior motive and wants to work alone, LOL.

Every nigga wants to be an individual and star, b.

As a community, that is one of our main problems.
When have you known niggas to work together?

Look at the two beefs that exist among your own staff at the moment, LOL.

Shit, even in my own family, everyone has their own ulterior motive and wants to work alone, LOL.

Every nigga wants to be an individual and star, b.

As a community, that is one of our main problems.

And this goes back to my first post

and this

I view it this way starting oour own thing is always a better idea. But if all the black nfl players left today and did it are that many willing to take that massive paycut for 3 to 5 years until the all black league blows up. And youre gonna need the Samoan players. I think it would work if folks were able to sacrifice but to make to that level they wouldve sacrificed alot