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Colin Kapernick Protest

Niggaz gotta accept adversity and stop acting so dumbfounded when confronted with it.....

If I took a political activist stance and used the platform of my job to spread it...

I'm planning for the oncoming resistance that I'm going to inevitably face....

Him not playing football should have been the very first thing he planned for.....the very first thing niggaz expected....the fact that he got stronger after that leads me to believe he might've already been on that mindset

Niggaz can't say they ready for war without a Fucking strategy.....

Y'all boycotting for him to be in an organization that would have him silenced.

What part of the plan is that.

We not watching till kolin is back in a uniform??

Niggaz backwards as shit Bruh
I'm not gon lie, while I'm more of the pro Kaepernick argument, team anti Kaepernick is making some decent arguments

I'm mobile so I ain't about to type a whole lot at once, but Goldie, there probably won't be a league where you have even ten percent of black owners because most of these teams will have been passed down through their families for as long as these respective leagues exist. MJ only becomes an owner in the NBA because it took another black man (billionaire) to sell it to him in the first place. That's just not a reality for every person. Hell Jay z only owned less than a percent of the nets, but they were using his face to drive interest in the team.

So where does that leave us? Idk, maybe get behind what cube is trying to do with the big 3. Get some more notable players, get it off tape delay, and really put some money behind it to make it a viable option for guys who can still play to participate. It's not going to rival the NBA, but maybe it doesn't have to. Tbh,I think they should rival the NCAA and g league. Get all that young talent and make it a place where they can show their skills and get paid some decent money instead of going to college and playing for free.

Back to Kaepernick. How quickly people forget at how much promise dude has prior to SF imploding. Now he's a mediocre player? Defensive coordinators don't game plan for average players. They don't install special packages or come up with signals to stop average players. Any time Johnny Manziel is still fielding offers, that's why so many people take an issue with Kaep still not on a team. You mean to tell me he couldn't start for Jacksonville RIGHT now?

I agree with everyone who has said that the issue here is that people seem to be off the belief that you have to just focus on one issue at a time. Like he can't be trying to find a job playing football while also speaking out against injustices.

And miss me with the Vick comparison. i ain't a dog person by any means but this dude participated in an illegal act and treated animals inhumanely. Drowned an shot dogs that lost. His ass lucky he didn't do more time and super lucky he took another snap in the NFL. Idgaf about him being black, what he did was infinitely worse than anything Kaep has done.
Completely missed the point about Vick, but ok.

Why are you talking about owning shit in a white corporation? lmaooo man i swear u niggas just skim through posts.
Completely missed the point about Vick, but ok.

Why are you talking about owning shit in a white corporation? lmaooo man i swear u niggas just skim through posts.

You said you were more upset about how they did Vick, elaborate further if I've missed your point

Speaking of lack of reading, you obviously missed my point about creating something from the ground up when I talked about cubes big 3 and creating something to rival the NCAA and g league. Neither one of those ideas stem from being in a white corporation
Why make a paragraph about how owning shit in the NBA won't work then? lol
It was to acknowledge that becoming owners in those leagues isn't the best use of resources because of the nepotism that exists and if they want to buck the system, then branching out into other areas like the ones I mentioned will start to establish more black owned/centric leagues.
So you say u disagree with me but repeat what I said lol Yes, trying to own something in a white corporation is counter productive.
I'm mobile so I ain't about to type a whole lot at once, but Goldie, there probably won't be a league where you have even ten percent of black owners because most of these teams will have been passed down through their families for as long as these respective leagues exist. MJ only becomes an owner in the NBA because it took another black man (billionaire) to sell it to him in the first place. That's just not a reality for every person. Hell Jay z only owned less than a percent of the nets, but they were using his face to drive interest in the team.

You're trying to break this shit down for me as if I didn't just say this lol u got it fam. Thank you for the breakdown.
My post may have gotten lost in translation because someone (might've mistaken it for being you) mentioned something about trying to have more black owners in those leagues
AP AP'n, can't say "Oh my fault, I was wrong" , nope. He's gonna pretend it didn't happen and look for a new argument lol
AP AP'n, can't say "Oh my fault, I was wrong" , nope. He's gonna pretend it didn't happen and look for a new argument lol

My mistake, I confused your post with someone else. I'm sorry

Fuck that nigga, as much shit as black people are going through one nigga being able to play a stupid ass game shouldn't be at the top of the list to be upset about.

The nigga still living comfortable so there's no sympathy from me. Didn't the nigga say he wouldn't kneel for the anthem anymore so his cause not important as playing a dumb game.