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FEATURED Casanova Sentenced To 15 Years

Hasnt been in for like a month or 2? I understand him mad no one checking up on him, but how he mad no one putting money on his books? Nigga is rich, why pressed over a few dollars? Unless it was all a front, and his net worth was all in his watch and chain.
Hasnt been in for like a month or 2? I understand him mad no one checking up on him, but how he mad no one putting money on his books? Nigga is rich, why pressed over a few dollars? Unless it was all a front, and his net worth was all in his watch and chain.

You get hit with a Rico that money gone or held up. That's proceeds of crime.

You get hit with a Rico your friends also gone. Not sure what he expects.
You get hit with a Rico that money gone or held up. That's proceeds of crime.

You get hit with a Rico your friends also gone. Not sure what he expects.
The freeze his wifes stuff too? Also when you in the lifestyle, odds are your friends are bout that life too. They prob dont wanna be investigated for calling him while his case is pending.
The freeze his wifes stuff too? Also when you in the lifestyle, odds are your friends are bout that life too. They prob dont wanna be investigated for calling him while his case is pending.

Clearly he ain't leave her with that much if they pressed after barely 2 months inside.

You don't exactly see the rico coming tho.
Nigga you got hit with the rico. I don't know you anymore.
LLS that nigga need to stop bitching. So many people get being surrounded with people cause they popular confused with being surrounded by real people cause they feel they real.

Nigga need to shut the fuck up and press his bunk.
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It’s pretty much a stated this nigga Casanova is stupid in purpose. Nigga made videos about being a blood but acting surprised he caught up. Definitely thought he was closer to 40 tho
Yea, its a wrap for him, he better hope to get a plea. Other than that its def guilty. Video should start 8 min in, but they got him in a Nick Cannon interview saying hes a gang member. Then they're saying how he tried to pull the "I'm a rapper this is lies and exaggeration" route. So they cite specific texts of him saying members gotta pay dues, have to atttend meetings or else and him telling the wife of the founder, gunna spread the're gang world wide. They talk about all the pics of him with guns and bring up a previously recorded convo during another prison visit, that he accidently fired his gun during poker game lol. This is wild.
