Bow Wow was a good rapper now????
Niggas love trollin'
Niggas love trollin'
Nigga you hate on NasBow Wow was a good rapper now????
Niggas love trollin'
Nigga you hate on Nas
You have ZERO opinion on this matter b
Ie I dont have answer
@InoriNas makes lacklustre music bro its not my fault
Nigga be seriousIf Bow Wow a legend, so is Razor & Tie (Concord Music)
Nigga be serious
Where ya receipts bKidz Bop do numbers.
Bow aint write 1 word of his music. He doing what Kidz Bop do
Lol next time im in ya area we can go track for track
Lol next time im in ya area we can go track for track
Movie for movie
Hosting gig for hosting gig
How High better than Lottery Ticket?How High>>>>>>>>>>>>every teenie boppin’ Bow Wow movie
Whut?! Thee Album, Dare iz a Darkside and Muddy Waters, Docs Da Name>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anything Bow Wow has EVER let pass over his lips....pause
Matter of fuckin’ fact...Redman’s appearance on MTV Cribs>>>>>>>>>>>>every Bow Wow hosting gig
How High better than Lottery Ticket?
What you not gonna do is shit on Orlando Brown in this thread also:df:
If you trollin’ I’m not even gonna dignify that wit’ an answer....
If you askin’ seriously then KYS immediately...
You Thats So Raven watching after school niggaz make me SICK...