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BOA: Who would you side with in this conversation? The babydad or the babymother?

So we gonna act like some parents don’t allow favoritism?
Hate the kid cuz who the dad is or isn’t or whatever?

shit ain’t as simple as just share without a reason for the problem.
then they are trash Dos...

what's next
fam, i have a very close knit family. I grew up that way, my daughter will also grow up that way.

THESE ARE CHILDREN!!! Their innocence is getting removed earlier and earlier in life with exposing them to things that aren't child appropriate.

Now, all you can do is lay the foundation down. As they get older, you can slowly start peeling the layers back to show them when its ok to exercise caution when dealing with certain things

the issue with a lot of ya'll is that ya'll think in absolutes. A conversation i have with a toddler (age 3-4) is much different than one I have with a young child (age 5-8/10) which is...you guessed it, is much different from a convo with a teenager.

Now, as they get older, and they come home with "daddy, such and such at school didn't want to share their toys"...then you address that then b/c guess what...its situational dependent. But every daycare, early development center, etc...places huge emphasis on the importance of sharing with other kids that are there.

hell, im from a time where you had one fucking phone in the house to ~gasps~ share with everyone. You have a brother who ya'll close in age and are into girls and both of ya'll wanted to talk to ya'lls girls...Gee...i wonder what happened? Somebody talked for this period...someone talked for that period...is that sharing? hmmm, sure sounds like it.

You're 100% right here, but you're kinda missing the point. We're not really talking about sharing communal things. We're talking about forcing kids to share something that is specifically theirs. That's a little different. I'm not saying you shouldn't push sharing even in that case, but IMO you have to be careful about doing that for the reasons that @DOS_patos mentioned.
fam, i have a very close knit family. I grew up that way, my daughter will also grow up that way.

THESE ARE CHILDREN!!! Their innocence is getting removed earlier and earlier in life with exposing them to things that aren't child appropriate.

Now, all you can do is lay the foundation down. As they get older, you can slowly start peeling the layers back to show them when its ok to exercise caution when dealing with certain things

the issue with a lot of ya'll is that ya'll think in absolutes. A conversation i have with a toddler (age 3-4) is much different than one I have with a young child (age 5-8/10) which is...you guessed it, is much different from a convo with a teenager.

Now, as they get older, and they come home with "daddy, such and such at school didn't want to share their toys"...then you address that then b/c guess what...its situational dependent. But every daycare, early development center, etc...places huge emphasis on the importance of sharing with other kids that are there.

hell, im from a time where you had one fucking phone in the house to ~gasps~ share with everyone. You have a brother who ya'll close in age and are into girls and both of ya'll wanted to talk to ya'lls girls...Gee...i wonder what happened? Somebody talked for this period...someone talked for that period...is that sharing? hmmm, sure sounds like it.
Talking about absolutes and then speak in absolute?

one phone ....share it? Cool.

when someone hogs it up? Then what?

so all families share shit now?

all families are not dysfunctional in any way?

only thing I agree with is it’s situational.

not sharing is not an excuse without the how it started.

what don’t you get?

back to the one phone.
Your son hogs up the phone. Everyday all week. But you ain’t no snitch. Now you finally get your time and you go over your time just once. Your sub snitches and you state your case to mom but she caught YOU in the act of breaking the rules. Now you can’t call your dad cuz you on punishment for breaking the rules. Nigga you wasn’t sharing.

you ok with how this ends?
Aight man you got it they a toxic family and she punishing the kid because she hates the dad. Like if that all you wanted to say you coulda said that page one.
Nah don’t do that.
Why you always copping out?

nah youjust want to assume shit You think I want to say.
If you can’t debate ya angle, just bow out.
It’s no shame in it.
Them kids better share.... Fuck y'all talking about. I take shit from my kids all the damn time if they don't share... And I'm both their daddies.

I love letting my son watch WWE ppvs with me... But if he acting a donkey.. Shit not flying.
Nigga made a whole thread about if it’s ok to joke with someone.
but according to this mindframe, it don’t matter cuz you can’t say no
Them kids better share.... Fuck y'all talking about. I take shit from my kids all the damn time if they don't share... And I'm both their daddies.

I love letting my son watch WWE ppvs with me... But if he acting a donkey.. Shit not flying.
Because you the daddy in the house with the mommy, raising the together...your post doesn’t count.
Talking about absolutes and then speak in absolute?

one phone ....share it? Cool.

when someone hogs it up? Then what?

so all families share shit now?

all families are not dysfunctional in any way?

only thing I agree with is it’s situational.

not sharing is not an excuse without the how it started.

what don’t you get?

back to the one phone.
Your son hogs up the phone. Everyday all week. But you ain’t no snitch. Now you finally get your time and you go over your time just once. Your sub snitches and you state your case to mom but she caught YOU in the act of breaking the rules. Now you can’t call your dad cuz you on punishment for breaking the rules. Nigga you wasn’t sharing.

you ok with how this ends?

fam, who wouldnt let a child talk to the other parent cause they are on punishment? THAT is an extreme if i've ever read one. Now if one of their friends called, then the answer is no. You know how many girls I called only to be told "________ on punishment and cant talk".

Like what are we doing here. And again, IF that is happening, then THAT parent is trash.

Families do have dysfunction but that's not the discussion

using the phone situation, the easiest solution is to just assign designated blocks of time to use the phone. And then alternate them if it gets to a point where someone feels the other person has the "ideal" phone hours.
fam, who wouldnt let a child talk to the other parent cause they are on punishment? THAT is an extreme if i've ever read one. Now if one of their friends called, then the answer is no. You know how many girls I called only to be told "________ on punishment and cant talk".

Like what are we doing here. And again, IF that is happening, then THAT parent is trash.

Families do have dysfunction but that's not the discussion

using the phone situation, the easiest solution is to just assign designated blocks of time to use the phone. And then alternate them if it gets to a point where someone feels the other person has the "ideal" phone hours.
And if one is being bullied out of their time?
is it ok to joke with you today?
It’s fine.

im just saying some shit just ain’t so surface.
Them two need to have some convos.
It ain’t just on her if he ain’t digging deeper to solve the problem.
I'll be 100% honest and say that it's kinda scary that you HONESTLY don't seem to understand how warped your thought process consistently is on these sorts of issues, my nigga. And that's no hate or shade, cuz you one of my favorite posters and shit. But at a certain point fam, even YOU gotta take a step back and understand where how heavily biased you are, no? @DOS_patos
I'll be 100% honest and say that it's kinda scary that you HONESTLY don't seem to understand how warped your thought process consistently is on these sorts of issues, my nigga. And that's no hate or shade, cuz you one of my favorite posters and shit. But at a certain point fam, even YOU gotta take a step back and understand where how heavily biased you are, no? @DOS_patos
Are we trying to solve a problem or nah?

yall gotta stop making this about me. I hady own but this ain’t that. This ain’t about me hating the mom. I said it’s more about not communicating. Where’s the bias?

Im running scenarios about a kid who acted out of turn with no context.
How would y’all solve the issue?
Are we not foruming on a forum?

You telling me you would not inquire about your child being on punishment outside not sharing? You not going try to solve the issue?
Are we trying to solve a problem or nah?

yall gotta stop making this about me. I hady own but this ain’t that. This ain’t about me hating the mom. I said it’s more about not communicating. Where’s the bias?

Im running scenarios about a kid who acted out of turn with no context.
How would y’all solve the issue?
Are we not foruming on a forum?

You telling me you would not inquire about your child being on punishment outside not sharing? You not going try to solve the issue?

But that's my point, B. There is no context. And you are just running scenarios. But all your scenarios start, end, or contain some made up version of 'mom is wilding'. And it's consistent, bruh.

As far as me, I talked about it earlier in the thread.